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Informal Briefing to Contracting Parties on Moving Forward the IPPC Work Programme during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted on Mon, 08 Jun 2020, 12:43

Throughout the global COVID-19 pandemic, the CPM Bureau and the IPPC Secretariat have been making efforts to advance the IPPC work plan, thus minimizing the impact of plant pests and facilitating the safe trade of plant commodities.

While the fifteenth …

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Breaking news – IYPH closing event to take place on 1st July 2021

Posted on Thu, 04 Jun 2020, 08:11

The closing ceremony of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 will take place on 1 July 2021 at the Paasitorni Conference Centre in Helsinki, Finland. Watch the IYPH and IPPC websites for further updates: http://www.fao.org/plant-health-2020/ and https://www.ippc.int/

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Breaking news – new dates for International Plant Health Conference

Posted on Wed, 03 Jun 2020, 12:26

The government of Finland confirmed the arrangements for the International Plant Health Conference (IPHC). The IPHC will take place at the Paasitorni Conference Centre in Helsinki, Finland, from 28 June to 1 July 2021. Further updates will be posted on …

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The report of the seventh meeting of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) International Steering Committee (ISC) has been posted

Posted on Mon, 25 May 2020, 08:04

The report of the seventh meeting of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) International Steering Committee (ISC) has been posted and is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/ph/iyphisc/

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Webinar: "Future-proofing safe trade during COVID-19"

Posted on Tue, 19 May 2020, 18:42

Join the virtual discussion on 26 May 2020 at 15:00-16:30 CET to learn how the IPPC and other STDF partners are responding to COVID-19. Find out how to be part of collaborative action to assist developing countries to protect health …

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IYPH webinar: Protecting Plant Health for a Secure Future: A Call for Global Action

Posted on Tue, 12 May 2020, 14:57

FAO North America and Corteva Agriscience organize a webinar on May 20, 2020 at 10:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) in the context of the International Year of Plant Health to understand what the global community is doing …

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European Commission TRACES Welcomed to the IPPC ePhyto Solution

Posted on Tue, 12 May 2020, 11:55

On May 12, the European Commission announced that the TRACES system is receiving and processing ePhytos through the connection to the IPPC ePhyto Hub. The EC encourages countries to make use of the IPPC ePhyto Solution to transmit phytosanitary certificate …

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First detection of Fall armyworm in the United Arab Emirates

Posted on Fri, 08 May 2020, 11:33

On 7 May, 2020 the United Arab Emirates announced the first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall armyworm, FAW) in the areas of Al Ain, Al Dafra and Abu Dhabi.

The declaration was an outcome of a national survey conducted in …

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Sea container supply chains and cleanliness: a new IPPC best practice guide available in languages

Posted on Thu, 07 May 2020, 14:52

A new best practice guide on sea container supply chains and cleanliness has been developed under the auspices of the IPPC Secretariat with the technical support of the Sea Container Task Force (SCTF). “Sea container supply chains and cleanliness: an …

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Opening of the consultation period on draft Outline for e-Commerce Guide (2017-039)

Posted on Tue, 05 May 2020, 12:29

The consultation on a draft Outline for an e-Commerce Guide for plants, plant products and other regulated articles (2017-039) has opened today, 05 May, and will close on 05 July 2020.

This consultation is being carried out in accordance with …

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Reducing the spread of invasive pests by sea containers: a new IPPC factsheet available in all UN languages

Posted on Tue, 05 May 2020, 09:33

Keeping containers and cargos clean can seriously reduce the spread of invasive plant pests and diseases worldwide. To raise awareness on the phytosanitary risks associated with the cleanliness of sea containers, the IPPC Secretariat has developed a new factsheet, Reducing …

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Important decisions on rescheduling of IPPC governing and subsidiary body meetings

Posted on Mon, 04 May 2020, 12:36

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the CPM Bureau, in coordination with the IPPC Secretariat and FAO, to make necessary adjustments to the schedule of IPPC governing and subsidiary bodies.

The Bureau agreed to reschedule the frequency, capacity and modality …

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April Report of the CPM Bureau virtual meeting posted

Posted on Fri, 24 Apr 2020, 15:40

The Report of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau April virtual meeting is now available at the following link:


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“Plant Health TV”: a video contest by Euphresco and CIHEAM

Posted on Thu, 23 Apr 2020, 07:59

On the occasion of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020, the Euphresco network for phytosanitary research coordination and funding and the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) launched a call for a video …

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