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CPM-15 registration is open. Dry-run sessions and webcast information are available now!

Posted on Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 13:54

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please beware that CPM-15 registration is open through the FAO Members Gateway. Further details are available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/news/cpm-15-registration-is-open/

Please note that two dry-run sessions will take place for CPM participants on 11 March. More information: …

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Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Fall Armyworm are now posted on the Online Comment System for comments

Posted on Wed, 10 Feb 2021, 11:29

Countries at high risk of Fall Armyworm introduction can now review and comment on the IPPC Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for "Spodoptera frugiperda" that are posted on the Online Comment System (OCS).

In the framework of the FAO …

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CPM-15 Registration is open!

Posted on Wed, 10 Feb 2021, 10:35

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) extended an invitation to attend the 15th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-15). The Session will be held virtually on 16 and 18 March, and …

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Registration is open for the CFS 47 Side Event: Ensuring the human right to adequate food for sustainable food systems

Posted on Tue, 09 Feb 2021, 10:12

Interested users can now register to the 47th session of the Committee on World Food Security’s side event: Ensuring the human right to adequate food for sustainable food systems that will take place on Tuesday, 9 February 2021 from 1 …

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Brochure on the ISPMs' role is posted in 6 languages!

Posted on Tue, 26 Jan 2021, 16:42

The IPPC Secretariat presents a brochure on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). It describes these instruments' role in contributing to plant health and the UN SDGs, provides examples of ISPMs in action, and possible ways to contribute to …

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IPPC Secretariat’s initiative highlighted in Food Coalition portal

Posted on Mon, 25 Jan 2021, 14:10

The Food Coalition published the IPPC Secretariat’s proposal for the initiative “Phytosanitary approaches for sustainable and resilient food systems: facilitating safe trade by preventing the introduction and spread of plant pests”. The initiative aims at facilitating dialogue amongst …

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CPM-15 dry run sessions planned on 11 March 2021

Posted on Thu, 14 Jan 2021, 18:59

The IPPC Secretariat, with the support of FAO meeting services, will organize a virtual dry run of CPM-15 on Thursday 11 March. The dry run will be held via Zoom includes two sessions: the first one from 9:00 to 10:00 …

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ISPMs for adoption at CPM-15 (2021) posted

Posted on Tue, 12 Jan 2021, 17:34

The draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) that will be presented to CPM-15 (2021) for adoption have been posted. Please refer to CPM 2021/15 and attachments available at https://www.ippc.int/en/cpm-sessions/cpm-15/


Please be reminded that the deadline for submitting objections …

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Updated IPPC Procedure Manual for Standard Setting (2020-2021) is posted!

Posted on Mon, 11 Jan 2021, 13:36

The 2020-2021 version of the IPPC Procedure manual for standard setting was posted today and is available at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/ippc-standard-setting-procedure-manual/

This version also includes updates in accordance with decisions made by the Standards Committee and the technical panels.

The IPPC Secretariat …

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Call for nominations of experts to assist with the scoping of a methodological assessment of business and biodiversity

Posted on Mon, 11 Jan 2021, 13:29

The IPBES Plenary, in decision IPBES-7/1, adopted the rolling work programme of IPBES up to 2030 (set out in annex I to decision IPBES-7/1), which includes under its first objective a methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business …

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Minutes of the second meeting of the working group to develop a comprehensive guide to support the implementation of ISPM 15 (2017-043)

Posted on Thu, 07 Jan 2021, 12:44

Minutes of the second meeting of the working group to develop a comprehensive guide to support the implementation of ISPM 15 (2017-043) held on 15 December 2020 is now posted and available here: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/guides-and-training-materials/development-guides-and-training-materials/guide-to-support-implementation-of-ispm-15-2018-012/

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Posted report of December CPM Bureau meeting

Posted on Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 14:25

Rome, 24 December 2020 - The report of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau meeting held in December has been posted online, and is available at the following link:


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Thirteenth meeting of the International Year of Plant Health International Steering Committee (IYPH ISC) Report posted!

Posted on Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 15:40

The report of the thirteenth meeting of the International Year of Plant Health International Steering Committee (IYPH ISC) is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/ph/iyphisc/

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Approved specifications now available in English on the IPP

Posted on Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 15:35

The following approved Specifications are now available on the IPP in English.

Specification 70: Annex to ISPM 38: Annex 1 - Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds (2018-009)

Specification 71: Annex to ISPM 37: Criteria …

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