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We are hiring- CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Deputy Manager IPPC ePhyto Solution Project

Posted on Wed, 13 Nov 2019, 14:30

Short term consultancy based at the IPPC, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HQs in Rome.

To apply please click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=1902747&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=

Deadline for applications: 27 November 2019

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The Report of the Working Group meeting on Pest Status Guide is now posted!

Posted on Wed, 30 Oct 2019, 15:45

The 2019 meeting report of the Working Group on the Pest Status Guide is now available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/87779/

For further information about the 2019 meeting of the Working Group on the Pest Status Guide, please read the …

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IPPC International symposium on limiting the spread of contaminant pests

Posted on Wed, 30 Oct 2019, 10:26

The Australian Department of Agriculture is calling for NPPOs to nominate representatives to attend an International symposium on limiting the spread of contaminant pests to be held at the Pullman Sydney Hyde Park in Sydney, Australia from 3-4 March 2020. …

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The IPPC community mourns the passing of Richard James Ivess

Posted on Mon, 21 Oct 2019, 16:01

Richard James Ivess, former Coordinator of the IPPC Secretariat, passed away after a long period of illness on Wednesday, 16 October 2019. Richard was a well-known and respected expert and negotiator working on international plant biosecurity. During his many …

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A brand new IPPC guide on Pest Free Areas is now online!

Posted on Wed, 16 Oct 2019, 12:40

The IPPC Guide for Establishing and Maintaining Pest Free Areas has just been released! The technical guidebook aims at facilitate an understanding of the principal requirements and procedures for Pest Free Areas (PFA), Pest Free Places of Production (PFPP), Pest …

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Universal Postal Union project of issuing a postage stamp to commemorate the International Year of Plant Health

Posted on Wed, 09 Oct 2019, 13:43

Rome, 9 October 2019 - On the World Post Day the IPPC Secretariat is delighted to announce that the Universal Postal Union (UPU) has requested its members to consider issuing a commemorative postage stamp to promote the International Year of …

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The compiled comments from the first and second round of consultations on draft ISPMs and CPM Recommendation are now posted!

Posted on Wed, 02 Oct 2019, 15:07

Compiled comments for the first and second consultations on draft ISPMs have now been posted on the IPP at this link:


Additionally the compiled comments for the draft CPM Recommendation on Safe provision of food and other aid to …

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We are hiring - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - IPPC - Standard Setting Unit Assistant

Posted on Fri, 27 Sep 2019, 14:20

Short term consultancy based at the IPPC, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HQs in Rome.

To apply please click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=1902412&tz=GMT%2B02%3A00&tzname=

Deadline for applications: 11 October 2019

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New IPPC Factsheet on Plant Health and Capacity Development published

Posted on Thu, 19 Sep 2019, 16:06

Plant Health and Capacity Development is the IPPC annual theme for 2019 . A new IPPC factsheet has been released to illustrate through case studies how the IPPC Community develops national phytosanitary capacity to protect plant resources and facilitate safe …

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OIRSA Free virtual course on plant protection coffee)

Posted on Fri, 06 Sep 2019, 10:34

The IPPC Regional Plant Protection Organization, Organismo Internacional Regional De Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) is offering a free online course on the phytosanitary aspects associated with the production of coffee cultivation. The course “Tecnología para la producción del cultivo de …

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IYPH Call for plant health stories deadline extended!

Posted on Tue, 03 Sep 2019, 15:32

03 September 2019, Rome - FAO and the IPPC Secretariat are calling for inspiring first-hand stories on plant health to promote the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020.

Deadlines of the Call for human-interest stories on plant health have …

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IPPC Call for DP Authors posted!

Posted on Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 12:46

The IPPC Secretariat is now soliciting nominations for authors of diagnostic protocols (DPs) to work in liaison with the members of Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) on the following DPs:

Mononychelus tanajoa (2018-006)

Citrus leprosis virus (2018-025) …

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Standards Committee SC) provisional agenda of the November 2019 meeting is now available!

Posted on Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 07:25

The provisional agenda for the upcoming Standards Committee (SC) meeting in November is now posted at https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/640/.

The SC will meet from 11 to 15 November at FAO headquarters. They will revise draft ISPMs, proposed recommendations to the CPM-15 …

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The Agenda of the IC November 2019 meeting is posted!

Posted on Tue, 20 Aug 2019, 11:50

The provisional agenda of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) November 2019 meeting is now available on the IPP Calendar at:


The meeting will be held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy from 18 to 22 November 2019.

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