Contributed Resources
What are Contributed resources?
Contributed resources are phytosanitary technical resources that were developed by National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs), Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) and other organizations for their own use and kindly provided the IPPC Secretariat as they are considered useful for other organizations too.
The IPPC Guides and training materials developed under the auspices of the IPPC Secretariat are available here.
How Contributed resources are made available on the IPP?
How do I submit phytosanitary technical resources?
There are two options:
Option 1: by email
You can submit your phytosanitary technical resources anytime to the IPPC Secretariat ( by attaching the
form. Please write "Contributed resources" in the subject line of your email.
If the resources are provided by files (pdf, power point presentations...etc) instead of web links, please also fill out the
FAO permission request form and send it back to us as FAO requests a non-exclusive license to publish the resources in the FAO Document Repository at: on behalf of the IPPC Secretariat to be then made available on the IPP.
Option 2: online
How submit resources online
If you don't have an IPP account:
- Register to create an account
- When your account will be confirmed you will receive login details by email
- Once logged in you can submit resources from the enabled button "+ Add new Contributed resource" below on this page.
If you have already an IPP account:
Log in and click on the enabled button "Request access" below on this page.
- You will receive confirmation of access granted by email.
- Once logged in you can submit resources from the enabled button "+ Add new Contributed resource" below on this page.
Update (2024-10-30) The following resources are added:
Resources on this page are not intended to be interpretations of ISPMs and terminology used may not be consistent with ISPM 5. Unless otherwise indicated resources, or pest distributions contained within them are not endorsed/adopted/agreed by the CPM nor developed under the auspices of the IPPC Secretariat, and are the exclusive responsibility of the author of the contributed phytosanitary resource.