International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) are standards adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which is the governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). The first International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) was adopted in 1993.
As of April 2024, there are 46 adopted ISPMs (ISPM 30 being revoked), 33 Diagnostic Protocols and 46 Phytosanitary Treatments. These international standards:
Protect sustainable agriculture and enhance global food security
Protect the environment, forests and biodiversity
Facilitate economic and trade development
This page includes all adopted International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). ISSN (series title of ISPMs in the six FAO languages):
English: International standards for phytosanitary measures - ISSN 2521-7232 (Online)
French: Normes internationales pour les mesures phytosanitaires - ISSN 2521-7275 (Online)
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The IPPC Standards Committee (SC) in November 2019 agreed to include this message on the potential for false positive results:
The described PCR methods may produce positive test results with P. paracitricarpa and P. citriasiana. In the event of a positive PCR test result, culturing of the fungus and multi-locus sequencing as described in Guarnaccia et al. (2017) is needed in order to achieve reliable identification of P. citricarpa.
Note: the Secretariat has posted a revised version on 2014-04-28, to reflect the addition of PT-15, adopted at CPM-9.
The treatments presented in the annexes to the ISPM 28 are included in the IPPC Phytosanitary treatments search tool that allow sorting based on treatment type, target pests and commodities.
Additionally, the search tool returns results from phytosanitary treatments that are not adopted by the CPM but posted on the phytosanitary resource page as "contributed of resources".
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil. Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam
Note: the Secretariat has posted a revised English version on 2014-04-28, to reflect the addition of DP-4, whose adoption was noted at CPM-9. Updates of language versions will follow.
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil. Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam
This standard provides guidance for the establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae) of economic importance, and for the maintenance of their pest free status.
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil. Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam. Italian translated by the Regional Plant Protection Service, Regione Emilia Romagna, Direzione Generale Agricoltura
This standard provides guidelines for the determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae) and describes three categories of host status of fruit to fruit flies. Fruit as referred to in this standard covers fruit in the botanical sense, including such fruits that are sometimes called vegetables (e.g. tomato and melon). This standard includes methodologies for surveillance under natural conditions and field trials under semi-natural conditions that should be used to determine the host status of undamaged fruit to fruit flies for cases where host status is uncertain. This standard does not address requirements to protect plants against the introduction and spread of fruit flies.
2024-07-29: ISPM 37 as adopted by CPM-18 (2024), including the newly added Annex 1, were posted in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH.
2024-05-22: An updated version of ISPM 37 as adopted by CPM-18 (2024), including the newly added Annex 1, was posted in EN.
This standard describes the structure and operation of a phytosanitary import regulatory system and the rights, obligations and responsibilities which should be considered in establishing, operating and revising the system.
2024-05-22: ISPM 20 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-18 (2024) were posted.
2023-07-08: Updated versions of ISPM 20 as adopted by CPM-17 (2023), including the newly added Annex 2, were posted in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH. Previous versions will be revoked.
2023-04-15: An updated version of ISPM 20 as adopted by CPM-17 (2023), including the newly added Annex 2, was posted in EN. Previous version will be revoked.
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil (translated from 2004 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages). Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam (translated from 2004 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages). Korean translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Rep. of Korea (translated from 2017 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages).
This standard provides technical guidance on the application of ionizing radiation as a phytosanitary measure. This standard does not provide details on specific irradiation treatments, such as specific treatment schedules for specific regulated pests on specific commodities, or treatments used for the production of sterile organisms for pest control.
2024-05-22: ISPM 18 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-18 (2024) were posted.
2023-07-08: Revised versions of ISPM 18 as adopted by CPM-17 (2023) were posted in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH.
2023-04-14: A revised version of ISPM 18 as adopted by CPM-17 (2023) was posted in EN. Previous versions were revoked.
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil (translated from 2003 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages). Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam (translated from 2003 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages).
2025-03-13: A revised version (in English only) of DP 09 as adopted by the Standards Committee (SC) on behalf of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) in August 2024 was posted.
The content of this document is final and reflects the text adopted by the SC. Nevertheless, please note that the layout and design presented in this version is temporary. A final version, featuring the official layout and formatting, will be published in due course.
This standard describes principles and guidelines for the preparation and issue of phytosanitary certificates and phytosanitary certificates for re-export.
2023-04-03: ISPM 12 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-17 (2023) have been posted.
2023-02-06: ISPM 12 language versions as reviewed by the LRGs for AR, ES, RU and ZH have been posted.
2022-07-11: ISPM 12 as adopted by CPM-16 (2022), following a focused revision, have been posted in all other 5 FAO languages. All previous versions, including unofficial FAO languages’ translations, have been revoked.
2022-05-04: ISPM 12 as adopted by CPM-16 (2022), following a focused revision, has been posted in English. Previous version has been revoked.
This standard describes the use of pest records and provides other information to determine pest status in an area. Pest status categories are defined and a description of the use of pest status for pest reporting is provided.
This standard also provides guidance on the possible sources of uncertainty associated with information
used to determine pest status.
2022-05-24: ISPM 8 as noted by CPM-16 (2022) following the Language Review Groups (LRGs) work in AR, ES, RU and ZH, respectively, has been published.
2021-05-16: ISPM 8 as adopted by CPM-15 (2021) following a full revision, has been posted in all FAO languages. All previous versions, including unofficial FAO languages’ translations, have been revoked.
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil. Korean translation provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam
This standard describes the requirements for initiating, establishing and maintaining pest free areas (PFAs) as a phytosanitary measure to support the phytosanitary certification of plants, plant products and other regulated articles exported from the PFA or, if technically justified, as a phytosanitary measure required by the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of an importing country for the protection of an endangered area in its territory. This standard does not cover pest free places of production or pest free production sites, the requirements for which can be found in ISPM 10.
2024-07-28: ISPM 4 as adopted by CPM-18 (2024) in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH were posted. Previous versions were revoked.
2024-05-22: A revised version of ISPM 4 as adopted by CPM-18 (2024) was posted in EN. Previous versions were revoked.
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil (translated from 1995 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages). Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam (translated from 1995 adopted version, now revoked in FAO official languages).
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil. Korean translation provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea and translated from 2012 version
This standard provides guidance on the production, maintenance and phytosanitary certification of pest free potato (Solanum tuberosum and related tuber-forming species) micropropagative material and minitubers intended for international trade.
This standard does not apply to field-grown propagative material of potato or to potatoes intended for consumption or processing.
Unofficial Translations
Korean translation provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea Vietnamese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dong Da, Viet Nam
This standard describes general guidelines for the design and operation of post-entry quarantine (PEQ) stations for holding imported consignments of plants, mainly plants for planting, in confinement in order to verify whether or not they are infested with quarantine pests.
Unofficial Translations
Korean translation of ISPM 34:2010 (provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea)
This treatment applies to the irradiation of fruits and vegetables at 92 Gy minimum absorbed dose to prevent the reproduction in adults of Conotrachelus nenuphar at the stated efficacy. This treatment should be applied in accordance with the requirements outlined in ISPM 18:2003.
This treatment applies to the irradiation of fruits and vegetables at 232 Gy minimum absorbed dose to prevent the emergence of adults of Grapholita molesta at the stated efficacy. This treatment should be applied in accordance with the requirements outlined in ISPM 18:2003.
This treatment applies to the irradiation of fruits and vegetables at 232 Gy minimum absorbed dose under hypoxic conditions to prevent oviposition of Grapholita molesta at the stated efficacy. This treatment should be applied in accordance with the requirements outlined in ISPM 18:2003.
Please note that the term search is done from the FAO home page available at (change interface language as needed by selecting the language desired at the top of the page). Go to the list of collections on the right, ‘Deselect all’ (the button next to the word ‘Collections’) and select the Phytosanitary glossary only. Now, type the term you are looking up in the search window and switch between the different search options if needed.
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This reference standard is a listing of terms and definitions with specific meaning for phytosanitary systems worldwide. It has been developed to provide a harmonized internationally agreed vocabulary associated with the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs).
2024-07-30: ISPM 5 containing CPM-18 (2024) adopted amendments and ink amendments as noted by CPM-18 (2024) was posted in ZH.
2024-07-29: ISPM 5 containing CPM-18 (2024) adopted amendments and ink amendments as noted by CPM-18 (2024) were posted in AR, EN, ES, FR and RU.
2024-05-22: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-18 (2024) adopted amendments was posted. Previous versions were revoked.
2023-07-19: IPPC Secretariat corrected minor typographical errors in the FR ISPM 5 version and published the amended version.
2023-07-12: IPPC Secretariat corrected a typographical error in the definition of the term “emergency measure” in the EN ISPM 5 version and fixed a typo in the AR ISPM 5 version, then published amended versions.
2023-07-08: ISPM 5 in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH containing CPM-17 (2023) adopted amendments were posted.
2023-04-15: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-17 (2023) adopted amendments has been posted. Previous versions were revoked.
2023-04-03: ISPM 5 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-17 (2023) have been posted.
2023-02-06: ISPM 5 in AR, ES, RU and ZH following LRG review have been posted.
2022-07-28: IPPC Secretariat fixed a typo in the "detection survey" term definition of ISPM 5 in English and published the amended version.
2022-07-14: ISPM 5 in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH, containing CPM-16 adopted amendments and noted ink amendments have been posted. All previous versions have been revoked.
2022-06-02: A fixed version of ISPM 5 in English has been posted.
2022-05-04: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-16 (2022) adopted amendments and noted ink amendments has been posted.
2021-05-16: ISPM 5 in AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH, containing CPM-15 (2021) adopted amendments have been posted. All previous versions have been revoked.
2021-04-16: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-15 (2021) adopted amendments has been posted.
2019-04-30: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-14 adopted amendments has been posted. All other FAO language versions have been posted subsequently.
2018-06-22: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-13 (2018) adopted amendments has been posted. All other FAO language versions have been posted subsequently.
2017-05-29: ISPM 5 in English containing CPM-12 (2017) noted ink amendments has been posted.
2016-07-06: The Secretariat posted the AR, ES, FR, RU and ZH versions of ISPM 5 as adopted by CPM-11 (2016).
2016-05-20: The Secretariat posted the English version of ISPM 5 as adopted by CPM-11 (2016).
2015-05-21: The Secretariat noticed a few errors in the posted ISPM 5 in English, corrected them and reposted the document.
2015-05-21: ISPM 5 has been posted (and reposted) in all languages. French and Spanish versions have both been updated with ink amendments approved by CPM in 2013, and all other language versions have been updated with ink amendments approved by CPM in 2015.
The asterisks (*) in the "PHYTOSANITARY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS" section indicate that the term, at the time of publishing, is on the work programme of the Technical Panel for the Glossary, which means the terms or definitions may be revised or deleted in the future.
Unofficial Translations
Portuguese translation provided by MAPA, Brazil (translated from 2009 version, now revoked in FAO official languages). Korean translation provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea (translated from 2012 version, now revoked in FAO official languages) German translation provided by the Julius Kühn-Institut, Germany (translated from 2015 version, now revoked in FAO official languages) Italian translated by the Servizio Fitosanitario Regionale, Regione Lombardia (translated from 2015 version, now revoked in FAO official languages) Japanese Japanese translation provided by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan (translated from 2019 version, now revoked in FAO official languages)
Korean Korean translation of ISPM 36 (provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea)
The Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish versions of this ISPM were re-posted on 2014-04-29 in order to reflect the changes by the respective Language Review Groups noted at CPM-9 (2014). The English version of ISPM 11 was re-posted on 2014-05-12 in order to delete reference to previous ISPM version in the adoption section.
Unofficial Translations
Korean translation provided by the National Plant Quarantine Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Korea
2025-03-13: A revised version of DP 25 as adopted by the Standards Committee (SC) on behalf of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) in August 2024 was posted.
The content of this document is final and reflects the text adopted by the SC. Nevertheless, please note that the layout and design presented in this version is temporary. A final version, featuring the official layout and formatting, will be published in due course.
2025-03-13: A revised version of DP 27 as adopted by the Standards Committee (SC) on behalf of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) in August 2024 was posted.
The content of this document is final and reflects the text adopted by the SC. Nevertheless, please note that the layout and design presented in this version is temporary. A final version, featuring the official layout and formatting, will be published in due course.
This standard provides guidance on the purpose, use, content, publication and review of commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures. Such standards, presented as annexes to this overarching concept standard, apply to commodities being moved in international trade and identify pests associated with these commodities and options for relevant phytosanitary measures to be considered by contracting parties. The lists of pests and options for phytosanitary measures identified are not intended to be exhaustive and are subject to review and
revision. The scope of this standard and its annexes does not include contamination or diversion from intended
use of commodities.
2023-04-03: ISPM 46 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-17 (2023) have been posted.
2023-02-06: ISPM 46 language versions as reviewed by the LRGs for AR, ES, RU and ZH have been posted.
2022-07-11: ISPM 46 as adopted by CPM-16 (2022) have been posted in all FAO languages.
This standard covers audits in the phytosanitary context conducted by a national plant protection
organization (NPPO) in its own territory, or with and in the territory of another NPPO. It also covers
audits conducted by entities that have been authorized by the NPPO to conduct audits on its behalf. This
standard focuses only on the phytosanitary aspects of audits. For general aspects of audits, other sources
of information are available.
2023-04-03: ISPM 47 reviewed by AR, ES, RU and ZH LRGs, then noted by CPM-17 (2023) have been posted.
2023-02-06: ISPM 47 language versions as reviewed by the LRGs for AR, ES, RU and ZH have been posted.
2022-07-11: ISPM 47 as adopted by CPM-16 (2022) have been posted in all FAO languages.