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The First Meeting of the IPPC Implementation Capacity Development Committee Held in Rome Italy

Posted on Ср, 20 Дек 2017, 12:36

IPPC 2017. Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) members and representatives of the IPPC Secretariat convened in Rome, Italy for the first meeting of the IC.

The first meeting the IPPC Implementation Capacity and Development Committee (IC) was held from …

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The 2nd Advisory Committee Meeting on the IPPC ePhyto Project and the Experts Meeting of the IPPC ePhyto Business Model

Posted on Ср, 20 Дек 2017, 09:32

The 2nd Advisory Committee meeting on the IPPC ePhyto Project and the experts meeting of the IPPC ePhyto Business Model were held on the 5th and 6th of December 2017, respectively, at the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

At …

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The 2017 Meeting of the IPPC Technical Panel for the Glossary

Posted on Пн, 18 Дек 2017, 13:12

The IPPC Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG) meeting was hosted by the Italian National Plant Protection Organization on 4-7 December 2017 in Rome, Italy. Mr Federico Sòrgoni from the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali warmly welcomed the …

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The CPM Bureau Virtual Meeting held in 12th December 2017

Posted on Чт, 14 Дек 2017, 11:31

The CPM Bureau virtual meeting was held on 12th December 2017 with participation of five Bureau members as well as the representatives from the IPPC Secretariat and FAO legal office. The meeting was chaired by the CPM Chairperson, Ms Lois …

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Official Establishment of the Implementation Capacity Development Committee of the IPPC Commission on Phytosanitary Measures

Posted on Чт, 14 Дек 2017, 10:17

Full members of the IC of IPPC-CPM (December 2017)

On 11 December 2017, Rome, Italy. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) launched, at FAO-HQs, it s new implementation oversight body, the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC). The establishment of …

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The first meeting of the Expert Working Group for the development of the IPPC Pest Free Area Guide

Posted on Вт, 05 Дек 2017, 08:20

IPPC 2017 - Meeting participants convened in Rome Italy to initiate the development of the IPPC Pest Free Area Guide

The first meeting dedicated to the development of a Pest Free Area Guide was held in Rome Italy the 20 …

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IPPC Secretariat shared views on the use of Next Generation Sequence Technologies for plant pest diagnostics

Posted on Ср, 29 Ноя 2017, 09:47

Speakers from Session 1

The workshop on the use of next generation sequence (NGS) technologies for plant pest diagnostics (also known as high-throughput sequencing) took place in Bari, Italy from 22 - 23 November 2017. The workshop was organized by …

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The eighth IPPC Seminar on plant health standards and safe trade facilitation

Posted on Вт, 28 Ноя 2017, 10:52

While trade in plants and plant products stimulates economic growth and brings prosperity to rural communities and agricultural sectors, it is also a pathway for harmful plant pests with potentially devastating consequences for the agriculture, food security and the environment. …

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The IPPC Standards Committee progress important standards

Posted on Чт, 23 Ноя 2017, 15:55

The Standards Committee (SC), with 27 participants, representing all seven FAO regions, met between 13-17 November 2017 at FAO-HQ in Rome, Italy. The SC led by their Chairperson, Mr Ezequiel FERRO (Argentina), had fruitful discussions on topics of major concern …

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Establishment of a Research Group on Sea Containers Phytosanitary Standards in China

Posted on Чт, 23 Ноя 2017, 12:07

The photo from AQSIQ of China

A National Workshop on Sea Containers Phytosanitary Standards was organized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the Peoples Republic of China, from 8-9 November 2017, in Shanghai, China. …

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The IPPC supports the Republic of Guinea in its 3rd application of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation

Posted on Пн, 20 Ноя 2017, 11:02

Photo Copyright Mamadouba Camara 2017. PCE Workshop participants convened in Conakry, the Republic of Guinea to apply their third and final Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation.

A third mission for the application of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation was executed in Conakry, the …

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The First Meeting of the IPPC Sea Container Task Force Successfully Held in Shanghai China

Posted on Пн, 20 Ноя 2017, 10:04

The first meeting of the IPPC Sea Container Task Force (SCTF) was held from 6-10 November 2017, in Shanghai, China. The meeting was jointly organized by the IPPC Secretariat, and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine (AQSIQ) …

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Support to International Year of Plant Health proclamation discussed at third Steering Committee Meeting

Posted on Пт, 17 Ноя 2017, 13:23

Nineteen participants from the seven FAO regions and the FAO and IPPC Secretariats took part in the third meeting of the IPPC International Year of Plant Health Steering Committee (IPPC IYPH StC), held at FAO Headquarters in Rome from 8 …

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Establishment of the IPPC Sea Containers Task Force SCTF)

Posted on Ср, 15 Ноя 2017, 13:15

Photo Copyright IPPC 2016.

Sea Containers are a notorious pathway for the potential entry of pests, as they are the most common means of transfer of internationally traded goods and moving personal effects. The entry and spread of pests to …

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