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A third year of the IPPC NRO Programme marked with success

Posted on Ср, 21 Фев 2018, 13:54

The year 2017 was a third successful year for the National Reporting Obligations Programme (NRO). It was a third stable year in a row during which countries supplied above 240 new NRO reports through the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP). To …

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Great Progress on the Development of IPPC Diagnostic Protocols

Posted on Ср, 14 Фев 2018, 08:46

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) met from 05 to 09 February 2018 at the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) in Paris, France. The main objective of the meeting was to revise …

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Kenya's Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Stakeholders' Consultations successfully held

Posted on Ср, 07 Фев 2018, 10:36

Kenyan stakeholders discuss phytosanitary capacity development strategy on January 18, 2018 at KEPHIS headquarters, in Nairobi, Kenya © Pamela Kipyab, 2018

The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), the National Plant Protection Organisation of Kenya conducted a stakeholders consultative workshop …

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IPPC e-Learning Course a Fruit of a Successful collaboration between IPPC and UN Environment

Posted on Пт, 02 Фев 2018, 15:22

The IPPC Secretariat has been working together with UN Environment within the UN Environment Multilateral Environment Agreements Knowledge Management Initiative for the last several months on a variety of issues. This successful collaboration between both organizations resulted in developing an …

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The IPPC ePhyto Steering Group Meeting Held in Malaysia for advancing the implementation of the ePhyto Solution

Posted on Пт, 02 Фев 2018, 10:54

The IPPC ePhyto Steering Group (ESG) met on 21st and 27th just pre-and post-the 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto held from 22-26 January 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting was chaired by the ESG Chair, Mr. Peter Neimanis, …

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The 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto Held in Malaysia with the Theme 'ePhyto and Trade Facilitation

Posted on Пт, 02 Фев 2018, 10:46

The 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto was held from 22-26 January 2108 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the Theme ePhyto and Trade Facilitation. The Symposium was jointly organized by the IPPC Secretariat, the Malaysian Department of Agriculture, the Asia …

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Major Achievements of the IPPC Secretariat in Promotion of Trade Facilitation in 2017

Posted on Чт, 01 Фев 2018, 13:42

Great achievements were obtained by the IPPC Secretariat in promoting trade facilitation in 2017 through the efforts of the IPPC ePhyto Project Team and the support of all Units (Teams) as well as the assistance of all Task Forces. Among …

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Major Achievements in Implementation Facilitation for the IPPC Secretariat in 2017

Posted on Ср, 31 Янв 2018, 10:52

Facilitation of the PCE conducted in Guinea, by Mekki Chouibani, facilitator trained and selected within STDF project 401. © Ana Peralta, Guinea, 2017

Several achievements were obtained in the area of implementation facilitation of the IPPC Secretariat in 2017 through …

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Major Achievements in Resource Mobilization of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017

Posted on Вт, 30 Янв 2018, 15:50

Members of Task Force for Resource Mobilization (TFRM) of the IPPC Secretariat

Milestone achievements were obtained in resource mobilization of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017 through the efforts of the Task Force for Resource Mobilization (TFRM) and support of all …

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Major Achievements in Standard Setting of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017

Posted on Вт, 30 Янв 2018, 14:13

Remarkable achievements were obtained in standard setting within the IPPC Secretariat for 2017. This was enabled through the efforts of the Standard Setting Unit (SSU) with the support of the Integration and Support Team (IST) and the Implementation Facilitation Unit …

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Major Achievements in Communication Advocacy and Partnerships of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017

Posted on Вт, 30 Янв 2018, 13:31

Significant achievements were obtained in communication, advocacy, and partnership of the IPPC Secretariat for 2017 through the efforts of the Integration and Support Team (IST) and the support of the Standards Setting Unit (SSU) and the Implementation Facilitation Unit (IFU), …

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2018 Annual Meeting of the IPPC Secretariat Held in Rome Italy

Posted on Ср, 24 Янв 2018, 10:20

The 2018 annual meeting of the IPPC Secretariat was held on 18 January at the FAO HQs in Rome, Italy, with the annual theme set as Optimization of Financial Management. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the …

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The IPPC Secretary***s Message on the New Year Greetings for 2018

Posted on Чт, 21 Дек 2017, 15:04

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the entire IPPC Secretariat, I would like to share my sincere greetings to all of you for the Holiday Season, and also show my high appreciation for your strong support and positive contribution to the …

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The IPPC Secretariat supports Uzbekistan***s efforts to improve its phytosanitary legislation and capacity

Posted on Чт, 21 Дек 2017, 15:02

Copyright G.N. Alit Susanta Wirya 2014

The IPPC Secretariat, FAO and Uzbek stakeholders convened a plant protection workshop within the framework of the FAO project Support to the Improvement of the National Seed, Plant Variety Protection and Phytosanitary Legislation in …

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