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The Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency recognized as the 10th Regional Plant Protection Organization during CPM-13

Posted on Вт, 17 Апр 2018, 18:05

The Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) was recognized as a Regional Plant Protection Organization (RPPO) by CPM-13 being held this week at FAO HQs in Rome. The IPPC Community attending the CPM congratulated and wished the newly …

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A Keynote Address on Plant Health and Environmental Protection presented by the CBD Executive Secretary at the CPM-13 Opening

Posted on Вт, 17 Апр 2018, 09:35

The 13th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) officially launched on 16 April 2018 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Dr Cristiana Pasca Palmer, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological …

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The 13th Session of Commission for Phytosanitary Measures launched in Rome Italy

Posted on Вт, 17 Апр 2018, 08:43

The 13th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) officially launched on 16 April 2018 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The meeting was opened by FAO Deputy Director-General for Climate and …

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The CPM Financial Committee Meeting Held at FAO-HQs in Rome Italy

Posted on Пн, 16 Апр 2018, 07:51

The CPM Financial Committee (FC) meeting was held on 11 April 2018 at FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy, just before the 13th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) to be taken place from 16-20 April. The meeting was chaired by …

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Update on Thirteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures CPM-13)

Posted on Ср, 04 Апр 2018, 09:29

Dear IPPC contracting parties, RPPOs and IPPC partners,

As you know, the thirteenth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) will take place at FAO HQs in Rome from 16 to 20 April 2018.

In addition to plenary sessions, …

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Validation mission for the application of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Tool successfully held in Barbados

Posted on Вт, 03 Апр 2018, 14:11

PCE Validation workshop help in Barbados in March 2018 © Ian Griffith

The third and final PCE validation mission for Barbados was conducted March 12 - 16, 2018 This mission was carried out by Mr. Fitzroy White, PCE Facilitator trained …

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Tunisia launches a PCE with support of an IPPC PCE facilitator

Posted on Пн, 02 Апр 2018, 12:54

Group exercises during the 1st PCE workshop conducted in Tunisia © Mekki Chouibani

Tunisia launched the auto-diagnostic of its current phytosanitary system by using the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) tool, developed by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention …

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2017 IPPC Annual Report now released

Posted on Чт, 29 Мар 2018, 11:25

The IPPC Secretariat is delighted to announce the release of the 2017 IPPC Annual Report. The Report was developed by the IPPC Secretariat and is available on the IPPC website in the Media Kit page at this link.

The …

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IPPC Secretary's message on in-depth discussions over the IPPC Strategic Framework

Posted on Чт, 29 Мар 2018, 11:12

Dear IPPC colleagues,

As you are aware, the thirteenth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) is approaching, and will be held at FAO HQs in Rome from 16 to 20 April 2018.

One of the crucial topics in …

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IPPC contributes to the European Food and Safety Authority meeting on climate change and emerging risks for food safety

Posted on Пн, 26 Мар 2018, 08:35

Participants of the CLEFSA meeting held in EFSA Headquarter, Parma, Italy, 12-13 March 2018. © EFSA, 2018

The European and Food Safety Authority (EFSA) runs an innovative international initiative to discuss emerging issues for food and feed safety in the …

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Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Guidance on Pest Risk Management successfully held in Malta

Posted on Пн, 19 Мар 2018, 14:53

The meeting to develop a draft ISPM on Guidance on pest risk management took place in Qawra, Malta from 05 to 09 of March 2018, and was chaired by Mr Harry Arijs (European Commission). The meeting was organized by the …

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Strengthening cooperation on international plant health and food standards in the Andes

Posted on Пт, 16 Мар 2018, 15:57

Andean government representatives discussed on 7-8 March 2018 in Quito, Ecuador the challenges they face and the successes they celebrate in setting international standards used in trading plant products and food internationally. Contact points, representing members of the Codex Alimentarius …

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The CPM Bureau Teleconference Meeting held on 8th March 2018

Posted on Ср, 14 Мар 2018, 08:35

A CPM Bureau teleconference meeting was held on 8th March 2018 with participation of six Bureau members and all Core Team Members of the IPPC Secretariat. The meeting was chaired by the CPM Chairperson, Ms Lois Ransom (Australia), and opened …

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IPPC Standards and Guides relevant to pest free areas explained at the SPS Committee meeting

Posted on Ср, 14 Мар 2018, 08:31

The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee held a thematic session on pest-free areas (PFAs) on 27 February prior to the 71st regular meeting of the SPS Committee (1-2 March 2018). Session took place at the WTO in Geneva, Switzerland.

Mr …

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