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NRO Guide is available now in Spanish and Russian

Posted on mar, 09 Mai 2017, 10:41

The NRO Guide previously available in English and French has been translated also into Spanish and Russian and is now available on the IPP.

You can download it from here: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/80405/

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Announcement for IPPC Training Course on Developing Phytosanitary Capacities within CIHEAM Bari from 29th of May to 9th of June now open to NPPOs

Posted on jeu, 04 Mai 2017, 10:12

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat will deliver an intensive two-week training course on Developing Phytosanitary Capacities from Monday 29th of May until Friday 9th of June at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAM Bari) for the second …

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Financial Committee Report posted

Posted on mer, 03 Mai 2017, 18:06

The Report for the CPM Bureau Financial Committee meeting in April 2017 has been posted on the IPP: https://www.ippc.int/static/media/files/publication/en/2017/05/FC_Report_in_April-2017-05-03.pdf

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CPM recommendations posted

Posted on mar, 02 Mai 2017, 08:00

CPM recommendations (1 to 7) are now available in English here. The files in other languages will be posted soon.

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Report of CPM Bureau April 2017 posted

Posted on jeu, 27 Avr 2017, 12:46

The Report for the CPM Bureau meeting held on 3, 4 and 11 April in Incheon, Republic of Korea, has been posted today and is available at the following link:


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Standard setting pages on the IPP streamlined for easier access

Posted on lun, 24 Avr 2017, 09:07

Dear IPP users,

We have been discussing the organization of our IPP web pages related to standard setting, as some users were finding it difficult to find some items and the layers were getting too deep.

The Secretariat considered input …

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New factsheet on Xylella fastidiosa

Posted on ven, 21 Avr 2017, 07:32

The IPPC Secretariat has just published a new factsheet on the IPP Media Kit: Facing the threat of Xylella fastidiosa together.

Direct link: here.

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CPM-12 videos and photos

Posted on mar, 11 Avr 2017, 05:52

Please note that CPM-12 videos are available at the following links:

CPM-12 photos can be downloaded at the following links:

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New IPPC Style guide

Posted on lun, 10 Avr 2017, 14:21

A completely revised version of the IPPC Style guide has been posted: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/132/.

This includes changes in consistency with the FAO Style changes to ensure alignment with them or explaining IPPC peculiarities.

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CPM-12 e-Commerce Paper and Twitter Storm

Posted on sam, 08 Avr 2017, 03:31

A Conference Room Paper on the CPM-12 Special Topic Session: Internet Trade (e-commerce) of plants is now available on the IPP at https://www.ippc.int/static/media/files/publication/en/2017/04/CRP_07_Special_topic_session_e-commerce-2017-04-04.pdf

Please also note that a Twitter storm is planned on Monday 10 April through the IPPC Twitter …

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New technical resources available on IPPC Resources page

Posted on jeu, 06 Avr 2017, 01:00

Three new technical resource contributions have been reviewed by the Capacity Development Committee and posted in the Contributed Resources section of the Phytosanitary Resources page. Thanks to the generous contribution of USDA/APHIS, the IPPC community can now access the …

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New IDCT database

Posted on lun, 27 Mar 2017, 08:34

A new IAEA database related to phytosanitation had been developed. See below the press release for new International Database on Commodity Tolerance:


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IPPC seminar: «Stop the Red Palm Weevil. Contribution of the IPPC to prevent the spread of this pest»

Posted on mar, 21 Mar 2017, 13:24

The IPPC Seminar «Stop the Red Palm Weevil. Contribution of the IPPC to prevent the spread of this pest» will be held at the Sheikh Zayed Center on Wednesday 29th of March 2017 from 12.30 to 13.30.

The event is …

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2016 IPPC Annual Report

Posted on jeu, 16 Mar 2017, 11:00

The IPPC Annual Report of 2016 was published on the IPP.

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