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New IRSS report available

Posted on lun, 29 Jan 2018, 15:41

In the framework of the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) and the pilot project on surveillance, the IPPC Secretariat gathered and analyzed findings of pest surveillance from the Capacity Development Committee (COC) and the Technical Consultation of Regional Plant …

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The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee!

Posted on mer, 17 Jan 2018, 15:34

The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee is posted and available at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/implementation-and-capacity-development-committee-ic/

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The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Sea Containers Task Force Meeting!

Posted on mar, 16 Jan 2018, 16:54

The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Sea Containers Task Force Meeting is posted and is available at


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Upcoming cutoff date of the Call for phytosanitary treatments

Posted on mar, 16 Jan 2018, 14:20

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting submissions for:

  1. Phytosanitary treatments to be adopted as international standards, annexes to ISPM 28 (Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests).
  2. Phytosanitary treatments used in international trade, to be shared on …

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IPPC Vacancy Announcement: Call for expressions of interest

Posted on mer, 10 Jan 2018, 11:24

Please be informed that the following vacancy announcement has been posted:

CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (Job Description - Phytosanitary Technical Specialist )

To apply click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=180020&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00

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The Report of the 2017 November Standards Committee meeting is posted!

Posted on ven, 01 Déc 2017, 10:45

The Report for the 2017 November Standards Committee meeting held on the 13 -17 of November in Rome, Italy has been posted today and is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85285/

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29th Technical Consultation among RPPOs Report available now on the IPP

Posted on ven, 01 Déc 2017, 08:45

The 29th Technical Consultation among RPPOs (TC-RPPO) was held from the 30th October - 3 November 2017 at the Office of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) in Paris, France.

The main objectives and activities of the meeting …

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IPPC videos on FAO YouTube channel

Posted on mer, 29 Nov 2017, 13:19

This is to inform that IPPC videos have been transferred to the FAO YouTube channel and are now available in the relevant IPPC playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzp5NgJ2-dK4T7GE2fsGujftlxSX1rCTC

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Third IPPC IYPH Steering Committee Meeting Report

Posted on mar, 28 Nov 2017, 13:35

The report of the third IPPC IYPH Steering Committee meeting has been posted at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/iyph/

The direct link is available here.

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Update: 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto

Posted on jeu, 16 Nov 2017, 15:21

Dear Registered guests,

Please note that the hotel booking form has been uploaded on the Symposium site: https://www.ippc.int/en/ephyto/ephyto-symposia/3rd-global-symposium-on-ephyto-kuala-lampur-malaysia-22-26-january-2018/

It is essential you complete this form following the given instructions. This is your final step for registration. Please complete no later …

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The report of the July 2017 meeting of the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments is posted!

Posted on jeu, 02 Nov 2017, 08:03

The report of the July 2017 meeting of the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments is posted!

The report of the meeting is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85139/

The Technical Panel for Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) met in Vienna, Austria (17 …

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IPPC IYPH Steering Committee agenda and papers posted

Posted on lun, 30 Oct 2017, 09:07

The provisional agenda and working papers for the third IPPC IYPH Steering Committee meeting are now available on the IPP work area under https://www.ippc.int/en/work-area/international-year-of-plant-health-iyph/third-meeting-of-the-iyph-stc/. The provisional agenda is also available publicly at https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/603/

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Phytosanitary Measures Research Group PMRG) 2017 meeting report available

Posted on ven, 27 Oct 2017, 13:46

The Phytosanitary Measures Research Group (PMRG) met from 10 to 13 July in Wageningen, The Netherlands, and had 25 participants from 14 countries.

The main objectives and activities of the meeting covered: 1) information sharing; 2) IPPC liaison and call …

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NRO leaflets are available now in Arabic

Posted on mar, 24 Oct 2017, 09:37

The NRO leaflets (factsheets) previously available in other FAO languages have been translated into Arabic and are now available on the IPP.

To download Arabic language versions click on Files entitled Ar: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/information-exchange/nro/

One leaflet (factsheet) was developed for each …

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