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CPM 04 - 2009

Each year, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures holds a "Special Topics" or "Scientific Session" to consider emerging issues, such as new technologies or new pest threats. Past scientific sessions have addressed issues such as the potential impact of climate change on pest spread, food aid as a pathway for the transboundary movement of pests, aquatic plants as pests, and flaws in the current system for preventing pest spread.

All presentations and papers can be found here: 2009 - Food Aid

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
CPM2009/33 15.2 Electronic Certification Update En
En En En En
16 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/INF/14 12.1 Information Document on IPPC Mentoring Programme [English only] En 20 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/INF/18 08.4 Report of the Seed Association of the Americas [English only] En 27 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/02 09.2 Comments on draft standards (CPM 2009/2 - Annex 2) - Draft Appendix to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms), Terminology of the Convention on Biological Diversity En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/05 01 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/08 09.4, 13.2 and 13.6.3 EC statements concerning Agenda Items 9.4, 13.2 and 13.6.3 of the Provisional Agenda En 30 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/11 08.4 Report on activities carried out by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) En 31 Mar 2009
CPM2009/2 09.2 Adoption of International Standards--Under the Regular Process (includes all annexes) En Es Fr Ar Zh
06 Ene 2009
CPM2009/5 13.04 Distribution of correspondence in electronic format En Es Fr Ar Zh
08 Ene 2009
CPM2009/INF/2 05 Report of the Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh
19 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/12 09.5 Issues Associated with Technical Standards (Diagnostic Protocols and Phytosanitary Treatments) En Es Fr Ar Zh
19 Ene 2009
CPM2009/14 09.7 Amendment to the IPPC Standard Setting Procedure and the Provisions for the Availability of Standard Setting Documents En Es Fr Ar Zh
11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/19 09.8 Consistency in the Use of Terminology in International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr Ar Zh
11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/21 13.06.5 Call for Financial Commitment to Trust Fund Projects En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/25 13.06.6 Resource Mobilization Strategy for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh
11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/22 09.3 Adoption of International Standards – Under the Special Process En Es Fr Ar Zh
16 Feb 2009
CPM2009/26 06 Report by the Secretariat En Es Fr Ar Zh
18 Feb 2009
CPM2009/16 16 Membership of CPM Subsidiary Bodies En Es Fr Ar Zh
28 Feb 2009
CPM 2009/INF/5 08.2 Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) update for CPM-4 [English/Spanish/French only] En Es Fr
06 Mar 2009
CPM2009/INF/6 08.1 Activities of the SPS Committee and other relevant WTO activities in 2008 [English/Spanish/French only] En Es Fr
06 Mar 2009
CPM2009/INF/7 13.06.6 Experience of Brazil: Hosting the IPPC Standard Committee meetings [English only] En
08 Mar 2009
CPM2009/29 13.06.1 Financial Report 2008: FAO Regular Programme and Trust Funds En Es Fr Ar Zh
10 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/20 13.06.3 CPM Operational Plan for 2009 En Es Fr Ar Zh 13 Mar 2009
CPM2009/32 10.1 Reporting through Regional Plant Protection Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/INF/10 09.3 Formal objection submitted by the Republic of Korea [in relation to annexes 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13 of CPM2009/22] [English only] En Fr 18 Mar 2009
CPM2009/6 14.1 Report on the Promotion of the IPPC and Cooperation with Relevant Regional and International Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/INF/11 08.4 Report from the Ozone Secretariat, United Nations Environment Programme [English only] En 18 Mar 2009
CPM2009/8 13.08 Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the CPM Bureau En Es Fr Ar Zh 13 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/INF/12 08.4 Report of the International Forestry Quarantine Research Group (IFQRG) [English only] En
19 Mar 2009
CPM2009/9 13.02 Adjusting IPPC/CPM activities to resources En Es Fr Ar Zh 13 Ene 2009
-- -- List of documents by agenda item [updated 28 March 2009] En 28 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/11 13.01 Report of the Tenth Meeting of the CPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 19 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/INF/13 12.1 Increasing the Effectiveness of Phytosanitary Capacity Development [English only] En 20 Mar 2009
CPM2009/2 09.2 Annex 2 of CPM 2009/2 - Terminology of the Convention on Biological Diversity in relation to the Glossary of phytosanitary terms (draft Appendix to ISPM No. 5, Glossary of phytosanitary terms) En Es Fr 22 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/INF/15 08.4 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Statement [English only] En 25 Mar 2009
CPM2009/2 09.2 Annex 3 of CPM 2009/2 - Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade (revision of ISPM No. 15) En Es Fr 22 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/INF/16 08.3 Report of the Convention on Biological Diversity [English only] En 26 Mar 2009
CPM2009/10 09.9 Translation of terms used in International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures into Spanish En Es Fr Ar Zh 04 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/01 09.2 Comments on draft standards (CPM 2009/2 - Annex 1) - Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/1/Rev.2 02 CPM-4 Provisional Agenda Rev.2 (detailed) En Es Fr Ar Zh 10 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/03 09.2 Comments on draft standards (CPM 2009/2 - Annex 3) - Regulation of Wood Packaging Material in International Trade (Revision of ISPM No. 15) En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/INF/3 09.1 Report by the Standards Committee Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/04 09.2 Comments on draft standards (CPM 2009/2 - Annex 4) - Categorization of Commodities according to their Pest Risk En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/23 09.4 IPPC Standard Setting Work Programme (with proposed adjustments) En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/06 09.4 IPPC Standard Setting Work Programme (with proposed adjustments): Factors to consider when determining the equivalent of five draft ISPMs for Member Consultation En
30 Mar 2009
CPM2009/18 15.4 Update on the Implementation Review and Support System En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/07 rev. 1 09.2 Steward’s Revision in track changes: Annex 3 of CPM2009/2 - Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade (revision of ISPM No. 15) En 30 Mar 2009
CPM2009/15 13.05 Update to the Business Plan 2007 – 2011 En Es Fr Ar Zh 27 Feb 2009
CPM2009/CRP/10 09.2 Additional comments on draft ISPMs in CPM 2009/2 En
31 Mar 2009
CPM 2009/INF/4 08.4 Report on World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) activities [English/Spanish/French only] En Es Fr 05 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/09 09.2 Steward’s Revision in track changes: Annex 4 of CPM2009/2 – Categorization of Commodities according to their pest risk En
31 Mar 2009
CPM2009/27 07 Report of the 20th Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh 10 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/13 13.8 Proposal from Chile about Agenda Item 13.8 En
13 Mar 2009
CPM2009/30 13.06.4 Budget 2009 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 10 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/14 12.1 Outcome of the Open-Ended Working Group on Building National Phytosanitary Capacity: Proposed operational plan for implementing the strategy (as revised in session) En 31 Mar 2009
CPM2009/31 13.10 Public officers within the meaning of Article V.2 (a) of the International Plant Protection Convention En Es Fr Ar Zh 10 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/16 16 Membership and potential replacements for the Standards Committee and Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement En 02 Abr 2009
CPM 2009/INF/8 09.4, 09.5, 09.7, 12.1, 13.2, 13.9, and 15.3 Comments from Japan on various agenda items (9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 12.1, 13.2, 13.9, and 15.3) [English only] En 17 Mar 2009
-- -- List of meeting participants En Fr 02 Abr 2009
CPM 2009/INF/9 09.3 Formal objection submitted by Japan [in relation to annexes 11 and 12 of CPM2009/22] NOTE: two files are included (Word and Excel) [English only] En
18 Mar 2009
CPM/2009/CRP/17 9.4 IPPC Standard Setting Work Programme (as adopted by CPM-4) En
03 Abr 2009
-- -- Information Note for CPM-4 Delegates [updated 23 March] En 23 Mar 2009
-- -- Provisional Schedule of CPM-4 Events En 19 Mar 2009
-- -- List of documents by agenda item [updated 28 March 2009] En 28 Mar 2009
CPM2009/INF/17 09.5 Comments from the EC and its 27 Member States on Agenda Item 9.5 [English only] En 26 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/12 11.1 Proposed modifications to the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the Subsidiary Body on dispute settlement (as adopted at CPM-1 with changes to the Rules of procedures as adopted at CPM-2) En 31 Mar 2009
CPM2009/CRP/15 Strategie Africaine de renforcement des capacites phytosanitaires En 01 Abr 2009
CPM2009/1/Rev.1 02 CPM-4 Provisional Agenda Rev.1 En Es Fr Ar 21 Ene 2009
CPM2009/4 13.07 Revision of the Financial Guidelines for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Ene 2009
CPM2009/3 04 Election of a Credential Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh 09 Ene 2009
CPM2009/7 15.3 International Recognition of Pest Free Areas En Es Fr Ar Zh 12 Ene 2009
CPM2009/INF/1 13.03 State of membership to the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 13 Ene 2009
CPM 2009/13 (English version is Rev.1) 12.1 Outcome of the Open-Ended Working Group on Building Phytosanitary Capacity [NOTE: Annexes are now included - English version is Rev.1] En Es Fr Ar
28 Feb 2009
CPM2009/2 09.2 Annex 1 of CPM 2009/2 - Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) En Es Fr 22 Ene 2009
CPM2009/2 09.2 Annex 4 of CPM 2009/2 - Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk En Fr 22 Ene 2009
CPM2009/24 13.06.2 Trust Fund for the IPPC: Financial Report 2008 En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/17 13.09 Proposal for the Presentation of Adopted CPM Recommendations En Es Fr Ar Zh 11 Feb 2009
CPM2009/28 09.6 ISPM No. 15 Symbol – Status of Registration En Es Fr Ar Zh 10 Mar 2009

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