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Now available in French: Pest status guide: Understanding the principal requirements for pest status determination.

Posted on Thu, 15 Feb 2024, 09:01

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to announce the publication of the Pest status guide: Understanding the principal requirements for pest status determination in French.

This guide describes the steps to follow when determining the status of a pest in an area, starting with identifying the pest and the area under consideration. It provides guidance on gathering and evaluating information, assessing sources of uncertainty, and how to use pest records and other relevant information to determine pest status. The guide also includes several case studies from around the world that highlight various aspects of the pest status determination process.

The IPPC Secretariat thanks the Comité de Liaison Entrepreneuriat-Agriculture-Développement (COLEAD) for providing in-kind support for the translation of this guide.

You can access and download the guide in French here, and in English here.

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