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Pre-CPM 11 Training: Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk - ISPM 32

Posted on Wed, 20 Apr 2016, 15:06

The IPPC Secretariat held a pre-CPM 11 training session on the Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk - International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 32 - on 3 April 2016 in Rome, Italy. The training was attended by …

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One Step Closer to Enhancing Food Security and Facilitating Trade

Posted on Wed, 20 Apr 2016, 13:44

To limit the international spread of pests and diseases that harm plants -from fruits, vegetables, grains to trees- it is essential to know which plants a pest will use to reproduce. These plants are called hosts, as they host or …

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FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM International Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa ?&? the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome OQDS) Valenzano Italy

Posted on Mon, 18 Apr 2016, 16:31

The bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is a devastating pathogen that has more than 300 plant hosts belonging to crop, ornamental, forestry and natural vegetation species. Among them Citrus, grapes, almonds and olive are of main importance in the Near East and …

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Nine Standards Adopted and Noted by Consensus at CPM-11

Posted on Mon, 18 Apr 2016, 15:10

The Eleventh Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary Measures (CPM 11), with the theme Plant Health and Food Security, was successfully held from 4-8 April 2016, in FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy. Nine Standards were adopted and noted by consensus at CPM-11, …

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The 2016 winners of the IPPC photo contest 'The Shocking Impacts of Pests'

Posted on Mon, 18 Apr 2016, 14:48

The winner of the 2016 IPPC Photo Contest The Shocking Impacts of Pests is Tyler Fox, from the United States of America. The beautiful photo depicts slug-like sawfly larvae (Tenthredinidae: Caliroa pb. nyssae) feeding on black gum leaf (Nyssa …

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CPM Bureau Meets for pre- and post-CPM Discussions

Posted on Fri, 15 Apr 2016, 14:44

The Bureau of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) met from 29 through 31 March at FAO headquarters in Rome to prepare for the upcoming CPM-11 which took place from 4 - 8 April. During this meeting, the Bureau reviewed …

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Strategic Planning: the IPPC towards 2020

Posted on Thu, 14 Apr 2016, 07:41

The Eleventh Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary Measures (CPM 11) was successfully held from 4-8 April 2016, in FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy. The CPM 11 was the first meeting for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) towards the next five …

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The Eleventh Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures successfully held in Rome

Posted on Wed, 13 Apr 2016, 06:40

The Eleventh Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary Measures (CPM 11) was successfully held from 4-8 April 2016, in FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy. The CPM 11 was the first meeting for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) towards next five years …

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Plants vital to human diets but face growing risks from pests and diseases

Posted on Tue, 05 Apr 2016, 11:51

4 April 2016, FAO, Rome - Invasive ants that devour crops, or the insidious olive quick decline syndrome, which scorches leaves and withers branches, are just some of the multitude of plant-health threats that are spreading more easily in today''s …

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Achievements of the IPPC Secretariat's Task Force for Resource Mobilization

Posted on Thu, 24 Mar 2016, 12:48

The first task force established in 2015 for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat was the Task Force for Resource Mobilization (TFRM). Members of the task for are Leanne Stewart, Céline Germain, Orlando Sosa, Marko Benovic and Craig Fedchock. …

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Achievements of the IPPC Secretariat's Task Force for Communication and Advocacy in 2015

Posted on Mon, 14 Mar 2016, 07:47

The Task Force for Communication and Advocacy (TFCA) was established in September 2015 to strengthen the communication and advocacy of the IPPC Secretariat, both internally and externally, to achieve the cohesion, harmonization, integration and coordination in this area. TFCA s …

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Promoting the Cooperation between the IPPC and the WCO

Posted on Tue, 08 Mar 2016, 06:25

The Bilateral Meeting on Promoting the Cooperation between the IPPC and the World Customs Organization (WCO) was held 4 March 2016 at WCO-HQ in Brussels, Belgium. The IPPC delegate was composed of Mr Jingyuan Xia (the IPPC Secretary) and Mr …

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Strengthening the Cooperation between the IPPC and the EU

Posted on Tue, 08 Mar 2016, 06:22

The Bilateral Meeting on Strengthening the Cooperation between the IPPC and the European Union (EU) was held 1 March 2016 at EU-HQ in Brussels, Belgium. The IPPC delegation, led by Mr Jingyuan Xia (the IPPC Secretary), was composed of Mr …

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Finland officially requests FAO resolution for IYPH 2020

Posted on Mon, 07 Mar 2016, 16:42

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland Mr Kimmo Tiilikainen officially requested that the proposal to have the year 2020 declared as the International Year of Plant Health is placed on the agenda of relevant FAO bodies with a …

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