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Great Achievements in Organizing IPPC Regional Workshops for 2016

Posted on Mon, 09 Jan 2017, 08:00

Pulsatilla vulgaris var. costeana, endemic plant of the Grands Causses (France). The IPPC vision is to protect plants. IPPC Regional Workshop contribute to this vision. All contributors to the 2016 IPPC Regional Workshops are warmly thanked. © Cédric Rajadel …

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The IPPC Secretary's Message on the New Year Greetings for 2017

Posted on Thu, 22 Dec 2016, 13:59

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the IPPC Secretariat, I would like to express my sincere greetings to all of you for the Holiday Season, and also show my high appreciation for your strong support and positive contribution to the IPPC …

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Getting forward - 155th FAO Council supports the International Year of Plant Health IYPH) in 2020

Posted on Wed, 21 Dec 2016, 13:59

At its 155th session held in Rome from 5 to 9 December 2016, the FAO Council endorsed a draft Resolution on the observance of 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH).

The resolution, which was presented by Finland …

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Final IPPC Training Workshop for PCE Facilitators held in Costa Rica

Posted on Wed, 21 Dec 2016, 10:22

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat organized and held the final training for the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitators from 31 October - 11 November 2016 in Punta Leone, Costa Rica under the Standards Trade and Development Facility (STDF) …

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The Annual Meeting of the IPPC Technical Panel for the Glossary TPG) Held in Rome

Posted on Mon, 19 Dec 2016, 15:55

The annual meeting of the IPPC Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG) was held 12-15 December 2016 in Rome, Italy. All eight TPG members were present, representing all six official FAO languages. The meeting was chaired by Mr John Hedley …

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The 9th Meeting of the IPPC Capacity Development Committee CDC) held in Rome

Posted on Mon, 19 Dec 2016, 12:01

The 9th meeting of the IPPC Capacity Development Committee (CDC) took place from 5-9th of December 2016 in Rome, Italy. The Meeting was chaired by Ms Sally Jennings, the CDC Chair, and opened by Mr Jingyuan Xia, the IPPC Secretary. …

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CPM Bureau End of Year Teleconference for 2016 held in Rome

Posted on Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 10:00

The CPM Bureau held its annual end of year teleconference on 6 December 2016. The meeting was chaired by Ms Lois Ransom, the CPM Chair from Australia, and opened by Mr Jingyuan Xia, the IPPC Secretary. There were two key …

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The IPPC Training Workshop on Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation PCE) Successfully Held in Georgia

Posted on Thu, 08 Dec 2016, 13:44

The second phase of the Nationwide Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) was initiated on 31 October - 4 November 2016, in Tbilisi, Georgia, under the framework of the UN-FAO Technical Cooperation Programme Facility TCP/GEO/3601/C1. Ms Ketevan Lomsadze, Capacity Development Officer (Implementation …

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A Key Step Moving towards Preparation for CPM-12 in Republic of Korea

Posted on Thu, 08 Dec 2016, 10:48

It was decided that the CPM 12 will be held from 5-11 April 2017 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. This would be a big milestone event for the IPPC as it is the first time for the CPM to be …

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Important Role of the IPPC in Dealing with Invasive Alien Species in Cooperation with the CBD

Posted on Thu, 08 Dec 2016, 08:03

Country representatives and observers are meeting at the UN Biodiversity Conference which is currently being held in Cancun, Mexico, from 4 to 17 December 2016. The International Plant Protection Convention community has been noted as one of the international organizations …

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Capacity and Team Building of the IPPC Secretariat though Monitoring and Evaluation Training

Posted on Wed, 07 Dec 2016, 07:00

A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training workshop of the IPPC Secretariat took place from 28-30 November 2016 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The workshop was facilitated by Ms Cecile Kusters from the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University …

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Great Success for the IPPC Seminar on Plant Health and 'One Belt & One Road' Initiative in China

Posted on Tue, 06 Dec 2016, 14:09

The IPPC Seminar on Plant Health and One Belt & One Road Initiative in China took place on 23 November 2016 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy. The Seminar was held in the context of the Formulation Workshop of the IPPC …

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National Plant Protection Organizations contributions to addressing Antimicrobial Resistance

Posted on Tue, 06 Dec 2016, 08:33

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a global issue that society as a whole needs to address, noted Codex members and observers at the Physical Working Group on Codex Alimentarius Work on Antimicrobial Resistance, held in London 29 November to 2 …

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Strong Support of the IPPC from China under the Framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation programme

Posted on Thu, 01 Dec 2016, 14:48

The formulation workshop on the IPPC project for strengthening the capacity of developing contracting parties to implement the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), under the Framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme took place in FAO Headquarters in …

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