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RENEWED International Phytosanitary Portal soon online

Posted on Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 12:56

IPPC Secretariat has always been striving to provide the IPPC community with the most up-to-date information on new developments with regards to its mandate, other developments in the field of plant health and implementation of the convention. Provision of updates …

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The CPM Bureau holds its December virtual meeting

Posted on Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 10:50

Rome, 12 December 2019 – The CPM Bureau gathered virtually for its last meeting of 2019 on 12 December 2019 to review the activities for the ending year while looking forward to the beginning of the International Year of Plant …

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Improving clarity in ISPM 12 in relation to re-export: the meeting of the IPPC Expert Working Group

Posted on Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 10:24

12 December 2019, Rome – The Expert Working Group (EWG) on Focused revision of ISPM12 (Phytosanitary Certificates) in relation to re-export met at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy from 9 to 12 December 2019 to revise the text of the …

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IPPC Secretariat participates in the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Invasive Alien Species in Montreal, Canada

Posted on Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 09:46

4 December 2019, Montreal – The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) convened a meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Invasive Alien Species in Montreal, Canada from 2 to 4 December 2019. The AHTEG was established as …

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The International Year of Plant Health at the UN Climate Summit

Posted on Tue, 17 Dec 2019, 15:14

Madrid, 10 December 2019 – The Tongan government in collaboration with the IPPC Secretariat organized a side event at the twenty-fifth session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP25) in Madrid, Spain. One of the key objectives …

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Reception marks the Launch event of the International Year of Plant Health

Posted on Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 13:12

Rome, 2 December 2019 - The IPPC Secretariat hosted a reception at FAO headquarters to mark the Launch event of International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020.

The reception was attended over 200 participants, including Mr Andrew Doyle, Minister of …

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The IPPC Secretariat makes a difference at the World Trade Organization Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures advanced course

Posted on Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 11:22

12 November 2019, Geneva – Every year, the World Trade Organization (WTO) runs a two-week Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) advanced course tailored to government officials from developing countries. The course helps participants better understand and implement the WTO-SPS Agreement, …

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Plant health exhibits hosted by Ireland and Italy at the International Year of Plant Health launch event

Posted on Thu, 05 Dec 2019, 10:08

Rome, 2 December 2019 – Two thematic exhibits from Ireland and Italy were hosted at FAO headquarters for the official launch event of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) on Monday, 2 December. Entirely dedicated to plant health, the …

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The official launch event of the International Year of Plant Health

Posted on Tue, 03 Dec 2019, 15:41

Rome, 2 December 2019 - The official launch event of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 took place on Monday, 2 December 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy with the active participation of FAO staff members, governments, …

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Launch event of International Year of Plant Health 2020

Posted on Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 15:17

The International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) launch event will take place at FAO headquarters as a special session of the 163rd session of the FAO Council on Monday, 2 December.

The FAO Director-General will open the plant health exhibition …

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Forging next steps for IPPC ePhyto: Meeting at the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Posted on Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 11:00

12 November 2019, Maryland, USA – The IPPC ePhyto Steering Group (ESG) and the Project Technical Committee (PTC) met at the offices of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) from 12 to 15 …

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Advancing with international standards on plant health: The November 2019 IPPC Standards Committee (SC) meeting

Posted on Sat, 30 Nov 2019, 23:00

15 November 2019, Rome – The 34th meeting of the IPPC Standards Committee (SC) took place from 11 to 15 November 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome. The meeting was chaired by Mr Ezequiel Ferro from Argentina. The IPPC Secretary, …

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The first IPPC ePhyto and Emerging Pests workshop for African countries

Posted on Thu, 28 Nov 2019, 10:22

18 November 2019, Maryland, USA – The first IPPC ePhyto and Emerging Pests workshop for African countries took place from 18 to 22 November 2019 at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Inspection Services (APHIS) offices …

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Maximizing the impact of implementation and capacity development work in the IPPC community

Posted on Thu, 28 Nov 2019, 08:47

22 November 2019, Rome – The fifth meeting of the IPPC Implementation and capacity development committee (IC) was held between 18 and 22 November 2019 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Participants discussed strategic issues and work plans; and reviewed …

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