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Launch of the new IRSS Helpdesk

Posted on Mon, 17 Oct 2016, 09:05

The IRSS Helpdesk, located in the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP), has been active since 2011 to support contracting parties implementation of the IPPC and its ISPMs. The Helpdesk is an online platform that includes three main features:

  • Question and Answer …

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Posting of compiled comments from consultation periods

Posted on Thu, 06 Oct 2016, 12:00

Compiled comments for the first, second and subsequent consultations on draft ISPMs have been posted on the IPP: https://www.ippc.int/core-activities/standards-setting/compiled-member-comments-draft-standards https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/second-subsequent-consultation-compiled-comments-draft-ispms/

Please check the above documents to make sure that comments correctly reflect those entered into the OCS by your contact …

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New OCS user manual available in English French and Spanish

Posted on Thu, 22 Sep 2016, 13:33

All users of the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS), including contact points of National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs), Regional Plant Protection Organisations (RPPOs), and relevant international organisations can now download the updated OCS user manual, available in English, French and …

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Launch of the 2016 IPPC General Survey

Posted on Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 12:47

The Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) has launched the second IPPC General Survey, which runs from 9 September to 11 November 2016.

The IPPC General Survey is designed to capture information on contracting parties overall implementation of the obligations …

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IRSS Biosecurity study posted!

Posted on Tue, 20 Sep 2016, 12:45

The Implementation and Support System (IRSS) of the IPPC has completed a desk study of the review and evaluation of biosecurity approaches internationally, by specific countries and applied by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The …

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SC November agenda posted!

Posted on Tue, 30 Aug 2016, 12:01

The next Standards Committee (SC) 2016 November meeting will be held on 14-18 November 2016 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

The public agenda can be viewed at https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/482/

The provisional agenda has also been posted in the SC restricted …

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June 2016 Bureau and FC report are posted

Posted on Fri, 29 Jul 2016, 12:19

The CPM Bureau and Financial Committee report from their June 2016 meetings have been posted on the IPP. The Bureau report can be found here. The FC report can be found here.

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NROs automatic reminders system becomes active

Posted on Wed, 27 Jul 2016, 22:00

The NROs automatic reminders system was set up and becomes active today (28 July 2016). You can find more detailed information here.

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New Guide to National Reporting Obligations is available

Posted on Thu, 21 Jul 2016, 12:51

The new Guide to National Reporting Obligations (Version 1.1, May 2016) was uploaded on the IPP: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/80405/

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CPM-11 Final Report 2016) available in 6 languages

Posted on Wed, 20 Jul 2016, 12:48

CPM - 11 Final Report (2016) is available now on the IPP in 6 official FAO languages: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/82487/

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Updated General presentation to IYPH is available

Posted on Thu, 14 Jul 2016, 09:40

The updated General presentation to IYPH was prepared by Finland and made available on the YIPH page in the Toolbox: https://www.ippc.int/en/iyph/

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Compiled comments from consultation on draft DPs now posted

Posted on Fri, 01 Jul 2016, 13:29

Dear Sir / Madam,

Compiled comments for the consultation on draft Diagnostic Protocols have been posted on the IPP: https://www.ippc.int/core-activities/standards-setting/compiled-member-comments-draft-standards

Please check the above documents to make sure that comments correctly reflect those entered into the OCS by your contact …

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