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Implementation Review and Support System IRSS) Analyst

Posted on Tue, 10 Apr 2018, 12:14

We are hiring!

CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (Job Description - Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) Analyst )

The short term consultancy is based at the IPPC, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) …

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Four new IPPC factsheets published!

Posted on Tue, 03 Apr 2018, 08:31

We are delighted to present four new factsheets produced by the IPPC Secretariat in view of CPM-13:

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IPPC IYPH Steering Committee agenda posted

Posted on Tue, 03 Apr 2018, 07:11

The provisional agenda for the fourth IPPC IYPH Steering Committee meeting is now available on the IPP at the following links:

All other meeting documents …

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The ePhyto Solution project timeline and the new Beginner's Guide on ePhyto are now posted!

Posted on Wed, 07 Mar 2018, 09:34

The timeline of the ePhyto Solution has also been posted on the main page of ePhyto: https://www.ippc.int/en/ephyto/

The ePhyto team of the IPPC Secretariat has developed a beginner s guide to the ePhyto Solution. Presented in a clear and simple …

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The Report of the 2017 September Expert Working Group Meeting on Revision of ISPM 8 Determination of Pest Status in an Area) is now posted!

Posted on Tue, 06 Mar 2018, 13:22

The report of the Expert Working Group Meeting on Revision of ISPM 8 (Determination of Pest Status in an Area), held in September 2017 in Hanoi, Viet Nam, has been posted today and is available at the following …

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Call for pest risk communication case studies for plant health

Posted on Tue, 06 Mar 2018, 12:00

The IPPC is producing a guide on pest risk communication for plant health and is looking for case studies and photographs as examples to help illustrate the guide. The case studies should be very straightforward and no longer than 500 …

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Call for papers - AGROSYM 2018

Posted on Fri, 02 Mar 2018, 15:37

A call for papers for the IX International Agriculture Symposium AGROSYM 2018 has been issued and is available in several languages at the following link: http://www.agrosym.rs.ba/index.php/en/call-for-papers

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The Agenda of the SC and SC-7 meetings are posted!

Posted on Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 11:14

The provisional Agenda of the Standards Committee (SC) meeting is available at the IPP Calendar at: https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/619/

The Agenda of the Standards Committee Working Group (SC-7) meeting is posted here: https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/620/

The meetings are taking place at FAO, Rome, Italy …

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New STDF results book launched

Posted on Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 11:13

A new book by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) features 25 stories showing how good practice in food safety, animal and plant health has helped small-scale farmers and processors in developing countries trade more easily and improve their …

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The Report of the 2017 December meeting of the Technical Panel for the Glossary is posted!

Posted on Wed, 14 Feb 2018, 10:49

The Report of the 2017 December meeting of the Technical Panel for the Glossary, held in Rome, Italy, has been posted today and is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85572/

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European Food Safety Authority EFSA) Survey on climate change and emerging risks for food safety including plant and animal health CLEFSA)

Posted on Tue, 13 Feb 2018, 10:32

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is launching until the 7th of March 2018 a survey on climate change and emerging risks for food safety, including plant and animal health. Your inputs are very precious as they will feed a …

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New IPPC Secretariat guide Preparing a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy now available!

Posted on Mon, 12 Feb 2018, 15:07

The IPPC Secretariat published a new guide Preparing a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy available in English, French and Spanish. This guide provides indications on the various steps and on tools to conduct a Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) …

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The Reports of the October and November virtual Meetings of the TPPT are posted!

Posted on Fri, 09 Feb 2018, 09:54

The reports of the two virtual meetings of the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) held in October and November 2017 are posted and available at this link

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e-learning course 'Introduction to the International Plant Protection Convention' is available

Posted on Thu, 01 Feb 2018, 14:34

The IPPC Secretariat would like to announce that an e-learning course Introduction to the International Plant Protection Convention was created and made available on the InforMEA e-learning platform. The course is the result of a collaboration with UN Environment, within …

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