
Posted below the current procedure manual and the relative annexes.
In 2012, the IPPC Secretariat decided to separate the IPPC Procedural Manual into standalone sections, especially since the standard setting section (Section 3) was changing more constantly than the other sections. The IPPC Procedural Manual for Standard Setting is presented on this web page.
The purpose of this manual is to provide a convenient consolidation of decisions, procedures, practices and forms used in the IPPC standard setting process. The decisions and procedures described herein are subject to amendment by future revisions. The manual will be revised annually to include any new decisions and procedures and to amend existing decisions and procedures as necessary.
For the purpose of clarity, all official text, is in black font. Some procedures and decision of the Commission Bureau and Standards Committee are also are in black font, with details of their source noted. Text that is in blue font is for explanatory purposes only and should not be considered to be official decisions.
Publication history (outlining changes from last edition)
2017-2018 version:
- Included change from “Regional workshops on draft ISPMs” to “IPPC regional workshops”
- Updated the procedure for the Language Review Groups
- Updated the roles and functions of regional plant protection organizations
- Added a note on regional procedures for the submission of nominations to the Standards Committee
- Added deadlines for posting papers for virtual meetings
- Added information on calls for phytosanitary treatments to be posted on the Phytosanitary Resources page, on the TPPT reviewing and categorizing the submitted treatments
- Modified the note on extending the scopes of irradiation treatments to other genera in the families
- Modified the submission for phytosanitary treatments and added a submission form for treatments to be posted on the Phytosanitary Resources page
2018-2019 version:
- Added information for CPs to use the new template for submitting
objections to the adoption of ISPMs and included a link to the template
on the IPP
- Added a new figure (Figure 2) and updated the text to reflect the new
process of the Call for Topics: Standards and Implementation. The
submission form for topics in Annex 3 has also been updated
- Updated information about the List of Topics to include the new
- Aligned the text for Criteria of Justification and Prioritization of
proposed topics to what was adopted by CPM-13 (Appendix 8)
- Updated the Terms of References and Rules of Procedures for the SC
to include an observer from the IC
- Updated the TPG section to include the new Guidelines for a
consistent ISPM terminology
2019-2020 version:
- Major revision of content, to include and update necessary content and reorder sections and annexes for ease of reading.
- Included section on expert consultations for DPs.
- Included section on development of CPM Recommendations.
- Updated section numbering and removed separate Tables of content for TPDP and TPPT.
- Deleted ANNEX with IPPC Strategic Framework 2012-2019, included hyperlink to IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030
2020-2021 version:
- Terms of reference and Rules of procedure for the SC were updated
following the amendments adopted by the CPM-13 (2018).
- Statement of commitment form was updated.
- Provisions on ink amendments were updated.
- Provisions for TPG were updated.
- Minor fixes.
2021-2022 version:
- Subsection 6.1 (Guidelines for the composition and organization of expert working groups) was updated to include participation of IC members as invited experts or IC representatives.
- Modifications to the Standard Setting Procedure to allow the SC to recommend phytosanitary treatments for adoption by the CPM if no significant or major technical comments are made during the first consultation were included.
2022-2023 version:
- Standard setting procedure was updated following the amendments approved by the SC and adopted by the CPM-17 (2023).
- Provisions on SC’s rules for agreement for the selection of experts for EWGs and Technical Panels were updated following the amendments approved by the SC.
- References to the disestablished TPFQ were removed.
- References to the Technical Panel on Commodity Standards (TPCS) were included.
- Statement of commitment form was updated.
- Minor fixes.
2022-2023 version (January 2024):
2023-2024 version:
- Standard setting procedure revised following amendments recommended
by the SC and adopted by CPM-18 (2024).
- Rule 7 of the rules of procedure for the SC updated as amended by
CPM-18 (2024).
- Guidelines for the composition, organization and operation of EWGs
revised by the SC and adopted as modified by CPM-18 (2024).
- Approval of subjects to be included in the work programme of technical
panels via e-decision of SC.
- Response options for lead stewards when addressing consultation
comments updated as agreed by SC May 2024.
- Working procedures of TPCS included as approved by SC May 2024.
Submission form for information materials for commodity standards
included as Annex 10.
- Provisions for TPG updated as agreed by SC May 2024.
- Efficacy calculation method for PTs updated as agreed by SC May
- Additional consultation period added for DPs only as agreed by SC
May 2024, and DP notification period moved following the decision of
the SC November 2024. Annex 9 updated.
- Guidelines for IPPC regional workshops revised as noted by CPM-18
- Minor fixes.
For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact Daniel Torella (
[email protected]).
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