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IPPC Workshops in Central Africa to discuss meeting national reporting obligations and participation in the standard setting process.

Posted on sam, 03 Nov 2012, 08:10

Two workshops were held in Libreville, Gabon, from 29 October - 03 November for 10 Central African countries as part of a phytosanitary capacity development project TCP/RAF/3312 funded by FAO. There were 19 participants from the region and the IPPC …

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Compiled concerns | Compilation des observations | Recompilación de las cuestiones

Posted on ven, 05 Oct 2012, 08:10

The compiled substantial concerns on draft ISPMs have been posted today, please consult them at https://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=1111116

La compilation des observations sur les questions importantes relatives aux projets de NIMP a été publiée aujourd''hui, merci de la consulter sur le site …

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Seminar on International Trade and Invasive Alien Species IAS) 12-13 July 2012 and meeting of the Inter Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species IALG on IAS) 13 July 2012

Posted on mar, 25 Sep 2012, 08:10

IPPC participated in a workshop organized by the Standard and Trade Development Facility ( STDF), the IPPC and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), 12 and 13 July 2012. Three IPPC Secretariat staff members intervened in the meeting, to …

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Beyond Compliance: Integrated systems approach for pest risks management in Southeast Asia STDF/PG/328) 16 - 19th July 2012

Posted on lun, 24 Sep 2012, 08:10

The Mid-Year Review Meeting of the STDF-funded project, Beyond Compliance: Integrated systems approach for pest risks management in Southeast Asia, was held in the Fortuna Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam, from the 16 to 19th July 2012. The project was officially launched …

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2012 September - Call for experts DP authors)

Posted on mer, 12 Sep 2012, 08:10

Nominations are being solicited by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for authors of two IPPC diagnostic protocols, for Ips spp. and Dendroctonus ponderosae.

Nominations are due 1 November 2012.

Further details are available on the IPP …

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Call for Phytosanitary Treatments - DUE DATE EXTENDED TO 1 SEPTEMBER 2012

Posted on sam, 01 Sep 2012, 08:10

Please note the due date for treatment submissions has been extended to 30 September 2012.

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting submissions of data for phytosanitary treatments. Submissions are due 30 September 2012. Further details are available …

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End of Member consultation period on draft specifications

Posted on ven, 03 Aoû 2012, 08:10

The Member consultation period (1 June - 31 July 2012) on draft specifications has ended. You can download the compiled comments that have been submitted to the Secretariat through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS) at: https://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=1110732 Thank you for …

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Call for nomination of members of the Capacity Development Committee CDC).

Posted on mer, 11 Jul 2012, 08:10

The International Plant Protection Convention(IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified candidates to be members of the IPPC Capacity Development Committee(CDC).

At its 7th Session (CPM-7) the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures agreed to create the IPPC Capacity Development Committee …

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Call for Experts to take part in the TPPT TPDP and TPG.

Posted on ven, 06 Jul 2012, 08:10

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in the Technical panel for phytosanitary treatments (TPPT) and the Technical panel for the glossary (TPG). Nominations are due 31 August 2012.

Further …

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2012 Member Consultation on draft ISPMs

Posted on ven, 29 Jui 2012, 08:10

The IPPC 2012 Member Consultation on draft ISPMs has started. The consultation period ends on 20 October 2012 and the IPPC Secretariat must have received all comments before that date. Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System …

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The IPPC and Rio+20

Posted on lun, 18 Jui 2012, 08:10


With the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development underway, final talks and negotiations are nearing completion regarding the draft agreement, entitled the Future we want , which is intended to improve energy, water and food security in poorer countries, phase …

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The IPPC and RIO+20

Posted on lun, 18 Jui 2012, 08:10

With the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development underway, final talks and negotiations are nearing completion regarding the draft agreement, entitled the Future we want , which is intended to improve energy, water and food security in poorer countries, phase out …

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Attention: Access to FAO on Sunday before CPM-7

Posted on ven, 16 Mar 2012, 08:10

For those CPM7 participants who will be attending coordination meetings on Sunday, the 18th March, please be informed that due to the Rome Marathon, the only way to access FAO will be from Viale Aventino-Metro entrance. An FAO security officer …

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Call For Experts

Posted on mer, 15 Fév 2012, 08:10

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in the Technical panel for phytosanitary treatments (TPPT), Technical panel on diagnostic protocols (TPDP) and Technical panel for the glossary (TPG). Nominations are …

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