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The IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee sets its house in order

Posted on mar, 29 Mai 2018, 12:58

The 2nd meeting of the IPPC Implementation Capacity and Development Committee (IC) was held between 21 and 25 May 2018 at FAO-HQ in Rome, Italy with Ms Olga LAVRENTJEVA (Estonia) presiding as the IC Chairperson.

The IC discussed thoroughly the …

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Fumigation requirements and amendments to ISPM 5 draft ISPMs for another round of IPPC***s member comments!

Posted on ven, 25 Mai 2018, 10:08

The Standards Committee working group (SC-7), met on 21-23 May 2018 in Rome and had intense and fruitful discussions on two draft ISPMs. The 2018 SC-7 was led by Mr Nico Horn (The Netherlands) as the chairperson for this …

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The IPPC Standards Committee approves four draft standards for first consultation!

Posted on lun, 21 Mai 2018, 14:14

The IPPC Standards Committee (SC), with 27 participants representing all seven FAO regions and led by their Chairperson, Mr Ezequiel FERRO (Argentina) met on 14-18 May 2018 in Rome for yet another intense and productive week.

The SC reviewed four …

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Fourth meeting of IYPH Steering Committee held at FAO HQs

Posted on lun, 30 Avr 2018, 12:50

From 23 to 25 April 2018 the International Year of Plant Health Steering Committee of the IPPC (IYPH StC) held its fourth meeting at FAO headquarters in Rome.

Led by Chairperson Ralf LOPIAN (Finland), and supported by the IPPC Secretariat, …

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The Successful Completion of the Thirteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures CPM-13)

Posted on ven, 27 Avr 2018, 07:50

The Thirteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13) was successfully completed on 20th April 2018 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. After adoption of the Report on CPM-13, Mr Jingyuan Xia, IPPC Secretary Xia, made conclusion remarks by highlighting ten …

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CPM-13 Special Topics Session on Plant Health and Environment Protection

Posted on ven, 27 Avr 2018, 07:44

A Special Topics Session on Plant Health and Environment Protection was held on 19 April 2018 during the 13th Session of the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures. The Session aimed at promoting the IPPC 2018 annual theme Plant Health and Environment …

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The CPM Bureau meeting held at the margin of the CPM-13 in April 2018

Posted on jeu, 26 Avr 2018, 13:25

The CPM Bureau meeting was held on 11th-13th April before CPM-13 and on 20 April 2018 after CPM-13 with participation of seven Bureau members as well as the representatives from the IPPC Secretariat and FAO Legal Office. The meeting was …

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CPM-13 side session on gene sequencing and molecular technologies

Posted on jeu, 26 Avr 2018, 06:50

Successfully organized by the IPPC and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) Secretariats on 17 April 2018 at FAO HQ, the session informed IPPC contracting parties and stakeholders about gene sequencing and molecular technologies for plant pests diagnosis. …

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Highlights from CPM-13 for Implementation Facilitation

Posted on mar, 24 Avr 2018, 14:01

The Chair of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC), Ms Olga Lavrentjeva, presenting the first report of this IPPC governing body. © IPPC Secretariat

CPM-13 (2018) has been rich in achievements for Implementation facilitation activities.

This year, the first …

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CPM-13 delegates deepen their knowledge on resource mobilization for plant health

Posted on ven, 20 Avr 2018, 15:43

The IPPC Secretariat organized a CPM side session on Resource mobilization for Plant Health on Wednesday 18 April.

Ms Sarah Brunel, Implementation Facilitation Officer chaired the session and recalled that having the appropriate financial resources for NPPOs to implement the …

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CPM-13 Side Session on the 2020 International Year of Plant Health held at FAO HQ

Posted on ven, 20 Avr 2018, 15:42

A side session on the 2020 International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) was held in the Plenary Hall at the FAO Headquarters in Rome on Thursday 19th April at the margins of the Thirteenth Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary …

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CPM-13 Side session on Collaboration with Research Organizations held at FAO HQs

Posted on ven, 20 Avr 2018, 15:27

Shoki Al-Dobai, Integration and Support Team Leader in the IPPC Secretariat, welcomed participants to the CPM-13 side session on Collaboration with research organizations and recalled the TC-RPPO in 2016 in Morocco, which proposed to hold this important side session. In …

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Protecting the world's plant resources from pests: Safe trade, food security and environmental protection with IPPC new adopted standards!

Posted on ven, 20 Avr 2018, 15:17

The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), in their thirteenth session, successfully adopted five International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) as follows:

1) Revision of ISPM 6 (Surveillance)

2) 2015 and 2016 amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of …

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CPM-13 Side Session on Plant Health and Environmental Protection held at FAO HQs

Posted on mar, 17 Avr 2018, 18:31

A successful side session on the 2018 IPPC annual theme Plant Health and Environmental Protection was held at FAO Headquarters in Rome on Monday 16 April at the margins of the thirteenth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-13). …

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