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Draft Ministerial declaration for CPM-15 open for comments

Posted on mer, 03 Jul 2019, 06:46

The draft Ministerial declaration for CPM-15 (2020) is now open for comments

Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS): https://ocs-new.ippc.int/. If you need assistance to use the OCS, please visit the OCS resource page on …

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The first consultation period on the CPM Recommendation for Safe provision of food and other aid is now open!

Posted on lun, 01 Jul 2019, 15:22

The following CPM Recommendation is now open for commenting

  1. Safe provision of food and other aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation (2018-026)

Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS): https://ocs-new.ippc.int/ …

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The 2019 consultation period on draft ISPMs has opened today 01 July 2019!

Posted on lun, 01 Jul 2019, 15:06

The following draft ISPMs are for open commenting:


Draft annexes to ISPM 27

  1. Draft Diagnostic protocol for Striga spp. (2008-009) - English only

Draft annexes to ISPM 28

  1. Draft PT: Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis (2017-015)
  2. Draft PT: …

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The report of the 2019 meeting of the Standards Committee Working group SC-7) is now posted!

Posted on ven, 28 Jui 2019, 13:19

The 2019 meeting of the Standards Committee Working group (SC-7) was held from 13 to 17 May 2019 in Rome, Italy.

The report of this meeting is now available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/87337/

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The report of the IC May 2019 meeting is posted

Posted on lun, 24 Jui 2019, 08:04

The report of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) May 2019 meeting is now available on the IPP at:


The meeting was held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy from 13 to 17 May 2019.

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The Report of the first meeting of the IYPH ISC is now online

Posted on ven, 21 Jui 2019, 09:46

The Report of the first meeting of the International Year of Plant Health International Steering Committee (IYPH ISC) is now available at the following link:


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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTJob Description - Public Information Specialist)

Posted on mar, 18 Jui 2019, 08:03

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (Job Description - Public Information Specialist)

The short term consultancy is based at the IPPC, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HQs in Rome.

To apply click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=1901416&tz=GMT%2B02%3A00&tzname=

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2019

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Workbook developed by NAPPO and partners estimates sample sizes based on Risk-Based Sampling

Posted on ven, 14 Jui 2019, 16:34

During CPM-14 (2019) the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) delivered a presentation on the importance of using Risk-Based Sampling (RBS) in order for phytosanitary inspections and the measures that are put in place based on inspection results are technically …

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IPPC ePhyto South West Pacific Regional Workshop

Posted on mer, 12 Jui 2019, 14:46

The IPPC is excited to announce the upcoming IPPC ePhyto South West Pacific regional workshop that will take place in Nadi, Fiji on 29-30 August 2019 at the Novotel Hotel. This workshop will directly follow the IPPC regional workshop which …

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FCC early warning bulletin page

Posted on jeu, 06 Jui 2019, 12:23

The FAO Food Chain Crisis (FCC) early warning bulletin page is available at the following link: http://www.fao.org/food-chain-crisis/early-warning-bulletin/en/

This bulletin provides forecast on plant and forest pests and diseases in countries and regions. It is the result of a collaboration between …

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SC May meeting report is now posted to the IPP!

Posted on jeu, 30 Mai 2019, 16:22

The report of the SC May meeting held from the 06-10 May 2019 at FAO HQ in Rome has now been posted at the following link:


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Call for discussion papers for the 2nd meeting of the focus group on commodity and pathway standards.

Posted on jeu, 30 Mai 2019, 15:27

The IPPC Secretariat is calling for discussion papers for the 2nd meeting of the focus group on commodity and pathway standards.

The meeting will be from 17 to 21 June 2019 at FAO headquarters, and the main objectives are to …

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Registration for the IPPC International Symposium for Pest Free Areas and Surveillance and a Call for Abstracts are now open

Posted on ven, 24 Mai 2019, 14:47

The IPPC International Symposium for Pest Free Areas (PFAs) and Surveillance is to be held in Shizuoka, Japan between 28 October and 1 November 2019.

The Symposium aims to bring together representatives from IPPC contracting parties (CPs), Regional Plant Protection …

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New IPPC Guide on Pest Risk Communication published!

Posted on mer, 22 Mai 2019, 08:43

The new IPPC Guide on Pest Risk Communication is now available at http://www.fao.org/3/ca3997en/ca3997en.pdf. This guide is unique to support NPPOs in identifying and engaging with stakeholders, and in developing pest risk communication strategies to enhance phytosanitary decision making and …

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