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Call for case studies for the IPPC Guides and training materials - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Posted on mar, 05 Mar 2019, 14:58
Deadline on mer, 31 Jul 2019, 21:56

The Intentional Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat has worked together with various experts to develop IPPC Guides and training materials which are freely available on the IPP. We would like to demonstrate the use of these materials and are calling …

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Call for the expression of interest by national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) to share their challenges, experiences and best practices in managing pest risks of sea containers during the CPM-14 side session “SEA CHANGE FOR SEA CONTAINERS”

Posted on mer, 27 Fév 2019, 14:44
Deadline on jeu, 14 Mar 2019, 22:55

The Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is calling for the expression of interest by national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) wishing to share their experiences related to managing pest risks of sea containers in a side session to …

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Draft diagnostic protocol (DP ) under DP notification period: Bactrocera dorsalis (2006-026)

Posted on lun, 07 Jan 2019, 10:44
Deadline on mer, 20 Fév 2019, 22:59

The Standard Committee (SC) approved the following draft diagnostic protocol (DP) for the DP notification period:

  • Bactrocera dorsalis (2006-026)

Contracting parties have 45 days to review the approved DPs and submit an objection, if any, along with a technical justification …

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Call for Facilitators to be trained for implementing "Rolling out Systems Approach Globally: sharing tools for enhanced application of Systems Approach and market negotiation on plant pest risk" (MTF/INT/336/STF STDF/PG/503)

Posted on mer, 14 Nov 2018, 11:39
Deadline on jeu, 06 Déc 2018, 23:00

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is calling for individuals wishing to be trained as facilitators to support the design and evaluation of pest risk management to improve negotiations over market access. Successful facilitators will be actively involved in …

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Call for case studies for the IPPC Guide on Pest Free Areas

Posted on ven, 19 Oct 2018, 12:19
Deadline on jeu, 08 Nov 2018, 23:00

The Intentional Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat has recently launched a call for case studies - with relevant pictures - to be included in a Guide on Pest Free Areas and a related database. The Guide aims to provide general …

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Posted on ven, 28 Sep 2018, 12:25
Deadline on lun, 12 Nov 2018, 22:59

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting submissions for experts to take part in:

  • the Expert working group (EWG) to develop an international standard on Audits in the phytosanitary context (2015-014) (see Specification 66)
  • the Technical Panel …

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Call for Trade Cases to receive support from the project - "Rolling out Systems Approach Globally: sharing tools for enhanced application of Systems Approach and market negotiation on plant pest risk" (MTF/INT/336/STF STDF/PG/503)

Posted on mar, 25 Sep 2018, 09:38
Deadline on jeu, 06 Déc 2018, 23:00

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is calling for Trade Cases on pest risk management to improve negotiations over market access. Selected Trade Cases will receive support in implementing pest risk management decision support tools for export commodities, as …

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Draft diagnostic protocols (DPs) under DP notification period

Posted on ven, 29 Jui 2018, 12:35
Deadline on mer, 15 Aoû 2018, 21:59

The Standard Committee (SC) approved the following draft diagnostic protocols (DPs) for the DP notification period:

  • Xylella fastidiosa (2004-024)
  • Austropuccinia psidii (2006-018)
  • Ips spp. (2006-020)
  • Bactrocera dorsalis complex (2006-026)
  • Conotrachelus nenuphar (2013-002)
  • Revision of DP2: Plum pox virus (2016-007)

Contracting …

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Posted on mar, 26 Jui 2018, 12:05
Deadline on ven, 31 Aoû 2018, 12:05

The IPPC Secretariat is soliciting reference materials and discussion papers in preparation for the meeting of the Focus Group on Commodity and Pathway Standards, which will take place 3-5 October in Rome, Italy.

As laid out in their Terms of …

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2018 June Call for Experts

Posted on lun, 18 Jui 2018, 12:43
Deadline on mar, 31 Jul 2018, 21:59

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting submissions for experts to take part in:

• The Focus Group on Commodity and Pathway Standards

• The Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG) – Expert for English language

Nominations are …

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2018 Call for Topics: Standards and Implementation

Posted on mer, 02 Mai 2018, 07:05
Deadline on ven, 31 Aoû 2018, 21:59

Ceratitis capitata (Mediterreanean fruit fly) – one of the world’s most destructive agricultural pests. Photo by Derric Nimmo, 2011.

The 2018 call for topics: Standards and Implementation starts on 1 May 2018 and ends on 31 August 2018. The …

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Call for presentations on the successes and challenges of implementation of the IPPC at the CPM-13 Session (April 2018)

Posted on mer, 17 Jan 2018, 13:03
Deadline on jeu, 08 Mar 2018, 22:59

@ Tung Beng, 2014. The colours of Ladybug, Vietnam.

The International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat requests IPPC contracting parties and RPPOs to propose cases of successful experiences or to highlight challenges faced while implementing the IPPC, its ISPMs and Commission …

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Appel à candidatures d'experts : groupe d'experts chargé aux Indications sur la gestion du risque phytosanitaire (2014-001)

Posted on lun, 07 Aoû 2017, 07:32
Deadline on mer, 20 Sep 2017, 07:32

Le Secrétariat de la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (CIPV) lance un appel à candidatures d'experts dûment qualifiés qui seront appelés à siéger au sein du groupe d'experts chargé d’élaborer un projet de norme internationale pour les mesures …

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Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) - Call for alternate member nominations from the Asia and Europe regions

Posted on mer, 05 Jul 2017, 11:41
Deadline on lun, 31 Jul 2017, 21:57

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations from national IPPC Official Contact Points and/or Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) for appropriately qualified individuals to be alternate members of the new IPPC subsidiary body – the Implementation and …

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