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International Plant Protection Convention Call for Experts

Posted on lun, 16 Sep 2013, 11:12

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) and the Technical Panel for the Glossary (TPG) and two Expert working groups (EWGs) to …

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Framework for Standards Task Force - Call for discussion papers submissions

Posted on ven, 09 Aoû 2013, 15:16

In 2013, a task force (TF) for the Framework for Standards was established and a meeting will be held on 18-20 September 2013 in Ottawa, Canada. The TF will use an existing framework for standards and consider the results from …

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Call for Authors on Diagnostic Protocols

Posted on mar, 06 Aoû 2013, 10:04

IPPC call for authors on Diagnostic Protocols is open. Nominations are being solicited by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for authors of four IPPC diagnostic protocols (DP) as outlined below: - Liberibacter spp. / Liberobacter spp. …

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Call for Expert Consultation on Cold Treatments

Posted on lun, 24 Jui 2013, 14:43

Please note: This call for experts is closed. The ECCT meeting held from 02-06 December 2013 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Use the following link: https://www.ippc.int/core-activities/standards-setting/expert-consultation-on-cold-treatments for more information. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for qualified …

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Call for topics 2013

Posted on lun, 24 Jui 2013, 14:15

The 2013 call for topics starts on 20 May and ends on 31 August. The IPPC Secretariat makes a call for topics every two years. Note that because the 2011 call for topics was cancelled, the last call occurred in …

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Call for Topics for the Strategic Planning Group (SPG, October 2013) and CPM9 (April 2014)

Posted on mar, 28 Mai 2013, 16:00

The International Plant Protection Secretariat requests contracting parties to propose topics (new topics or current topics requiring additional emphasis or review) for the upcoming Strategic Planning Group (SPG) by no later than Friday, June 7, 2013. A final decision …

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Call for participation in the Phytosanitary Capacity Development Roster of Consultants

Posted on lun, 29 Avr 2013, 16:19

Plant protection and phytosanitary measures experts are invited to apply to be listed in the Phytosanitary Capacity Development Roster of Consultants.

The Phytosanitary Resources page www.phytosanitary.info was developed to consolidate a range of resources related to phytosanitary issues. Current offerings …

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Call to organize side events at CPM-8.

Posted on mer, 13 Mar 2013, 17:00

Photo by Stephanie Dubon

Contracting parties, governments, United Nations agencies, inter-governmental, nongovernmental, regional and international organizations are invited to organize a side event during the 8th session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) to be held in Rome, Italy …

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Country information on implementation of ISPM No. 15

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

Details on the implementation of ISPM No. 15 and the use of the wood packaging mark in individual countries will be added under NPPO News (see the link on the left side of this page) when provided to the IPPC …

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2006 Pest Free Area Survey Deadline Extended

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

The IPPC Secretariat is collecting background information on the implementation of Pest Free Areas (PFAs) in countries as requested by CPM 1. This survey has been sent to national IPPC contact points and they have been requested to complete this …

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Update: Call for nominations of experts

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

The IPPC Secretariat is issuing a call for nominations of experts to take part in drafting international standards and diagnostic protocols.

Documents are now posted in English, French and Spanish. To access more information and documents for the call, click …

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Draft specifications for consultation available

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

Four draft specifications for ISPMs were approved by the Standards Committee in November 2007 for member consultation. Specifications outline the content and scope a future International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) and provide the expert drafting group with directions on …

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Call for topics for the standard setting work programme

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

A call for topics for the standard setting work programme is being made. Topics for new or revised ISPMs may be submitted, as well as topics for diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary treatment areas. Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2007. …

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Update: Draft ISPMs for member consultation available (regular process)

Posted on jeu, 22 Nov 2012, 20:01

Draft ISPMs for member consultation through the regular standard setting process are now available in English, French and Spanish.

To access the draft ISPMs, click on the link "Draft ISPMs 2007" below.

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