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Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments

The Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT) is involved in issues relating to phytosanitary treatments including collecting, reviewing and recommending them to be used internationally (with the exception of ISPM No. 15 treatments which will be dealt with by the Technical Panel on Forest Quarantine).

Technical Panel Members: Steward: David Porritt, Australia ([email protected]) Alice Baxter, South Africa ([email protected]) Ray Cannon, United Kingdom ([email protected]) Mohammad Katbeh-Bader, Jordan ([email protected]) Michael Ormsby, New Zealand ([email protected]) Eduardo Willink, Argentina ([email protected]) Scott Wood, USA ([email protected]) Ye-Hee Yi, Republic of Korea ([email protected]) Wang Yuejin, China ([email protected]) Larry Zettler, USA ([email protected])

Type: Technical Panel
