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Guidelines for the recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence

During ICPM-7 it was agreed that general guidance for the recognition of pest free areas (PFAs) and areas of low pest prevalence (ALPPs) (referred to as regionalization) should be developed.

The standard will outline the main criteria for the recognition of PFAs and ALPPs. Furthermore it will provide guidance on the process that may need to be followed by both the importing and exporting countries for recognition of such areas. This is to ensure that importing and exporting countries have appropriate guidance on the activities required under the IPPC and its standards, that exporting countries can achieve recognition of regionalization without undue delay while importing countries can continue to maintain their appropriate level of protection.

This standard will not include specified timelines for the steps outlined within the general guidance.

Expert Working Group members: Mr. Alexandre Moreira Palma (BRAZIL) [email protected] Mr. Gregory Wolf (CANADA) [email protected] Mr. Richards Ian Davis (FIJI ISLANDS) [email protected] Mr. Kadoi Masashi (JAPAN) [email protected] Ms. Esther Kimani- Macharia (KENYA) [email protected] Ms. Jane Chard (UNITED KINGDOM) [email protected] Mr. Patrick J. Gomes (USA) [email protected]

Steward: Mr. Diego Quiroga (ARGENTINA) [email protected]

Unable to attend: Mr. Christopher W. Hood (AUSTRLIA ) [email protected]

Type: Expert Working Group
