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Glossary Working Group

ISPM No.5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) is a reference standard listing harmonized terms, definitions, and abbreviations in each of the five FAO languages. It also provides cross-references and includes supplements where necessary to explain the interpretations and applications of certain terms.

The Glossary Working Group should undertake a review of ISPM No.5 with the aim of updating of the Glossary based on needs identified by the ICPM or Secretariat, or arising from the establishment of ISPMs.

Working Group Members: Steward: Mr Ian Smith (EPPO), [email protected] Ms Reinouw Bast-Tjeerde (Canada), [email protected] Mr John Hedley (New Zealand), [email protected] Ms Xu Yan (China), [email protected] Mr Mohammad R. Katbeh Bader (Jordan), [email protected] Mr Felipe Canale (Uruguay), [email protected] or [email protected]

Type: Expert Working Group
