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Technical Panel on pest free area and systems approaches for fruit flies

ICPM-6 identified the need for the formation of a Technical Panel on pest free areas and systems approaches for fruit flies. In order to establish the technical requirements for the recognition of fruit flies pest free areas and systems approaches, the Technical Panel of fruit fly experts will review scientific and technical data. The Technical Panel will work on, in particular, - identifying the most important fruit fly pest species for priority work and case studies that could act as good examples for establishment of pest free areas and systems approaches; - developing standardized procedures by fruit fly species to establish fruit flies pest free areas and systems approaches; - developing a process, criteria, a protocol and an evaluation method for the submission of research information; - establishing the technical requirements for the recognition of fruit flies pest free areas and systems approaches, taking into account biological and climatic parameters, applicability and recognition requirements; - identifying measures to be integrated in systems approaches for different species of fruit flies; - analysing the feasibility of the measures recommended and evaluating the cost/benefit of the measures, their technical justification and their relationship with the identified risk; - determining measures to be integrated in systems approaches for different species of fruit flies considering the feasibility of the measures recommended and selecting the least trade restrictive; etc.

Type: Technical Panel
