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Guidelines on sampling of consignments

Sampling is an important component of inspection. A standard is needed to provide guidelines in order to adequately and consistently sample consignments being inspected. The draft standard on Guidelines for inspection of consignments only contains basic information on sampling. However, more information and guidance is required on the principles and statistical aspects of sampling.

The Expert Working Group should develop a draft ISPM to provide guidelines on sampling for import, export and transit of consignments, considering the draft standard on Guidelines for inspection of consignments. The standard will be considered to include statistical information/worksheets to determine the sample based on lot size, sample size, sampling intensity and sampling design, and to provide guidance as appropriate on sampling for audit, information gathering purposes, release or certification of a shipment.

Expert Working Group Members: Ms. Maria Soledad Castro Dorochessi,Chile ([email protected]) Mr. Gutemberg Barone de Araujo Nojosa,Brazil ([email protected]) Mr. Chen Zhinan,China ([email protected]) Ms. Françoise Petter,France ([email protected]) Mr. Hajime Katsumata,Japan ([email protected]) Ms. Carolyn White, New Zealand ([email protected]) Mr. Robert Ramasodi, South Africa ([email protected]) Mr. Tom Kalaris, USA ([email protected])

Steward: Mr David Porritt, Australia ([email protected])

Host: Mr. François Mercure, Canada ([email protected])

Type: Expert Working Group
