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Survey: Guidelines on lists of regulated pests (ISPM19:2003) and Pest reporting (ISPM17:2002)

New IRSS Survey! We want to alert you to an upcoming IRSS survey that will be open for 12 weeks from 24 June to 16 September 2013. Based on past survey results, IPPC subsidiary bodies and the CPM Bureau expressed interest in a deeper analysis of the extent to which Contacting Parties are establishing, updating and making available their lists of regulated pests as well as the extent to which contracting parties are reporting pests.As part of this analysis, the IRSS has prepared a combined survey on ISPM19: 2003 (Guidelines on lists of regulated pests) and ISPM17: 2002 (Pest Reporting) in cooperation with the Standards Committee, Capacity Development Committee, Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement, and the CPM Bureau. We, once again, ask for your active participation in this survey. We encourage you to invite relevant officials in your NPPO and other stakeholders to help complete the survey. Please expect an invitation to complete this ONLINE survey on 24 June, 2013. We will also provide a PDF version of the survey which we hope will serve as a reference for your internal consultations to prepare responses to the questions. The survey will be available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Other languages are not supported at this time due to lack of resources.

Type: Other