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2014 May Standards Committee Working Group (SC-7)

Standards Committee Working Group Meeting The Standards Committee Working Group (SC-7) Seven SC members (one from each region) are selected by the SC to form the SC Working Group (SC-7). The SC-7 supports the work of the SC in the detailed consideration of draft ISPMs and specifications. The SC-7 is responsible for: •examining all of the substantive member comments (including proposed amendments) from member consultation on draft ISPMs, identified by the steward •reviewing and revising draft ISPMs prepared by the stewards in response to member comments and proposing revisions to the SC •drafting SC responses to substantive member comments not incorporated into the draft ISPM, as identified by the steward •proposing which changes to draft ISPM should be considered further by the SC •explaining the proposed revisions to draft ISPMs to the SC as required •performing other functions regarding draft standards and specifications as directed by the SC

Category: Standard setting

Type: Standards Committee