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2014 May Standards Committee

Meeting of the Standards Committee in May 2014. At their 2014 May meeting, the Standards Committee (SC) will review several draft ISPMs, which are presented for approval for member consultation: - International movement of seed (2009-003) - Minimizing pest movement by sea containers (2008-001) - International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment (2006-004) - Phytosanitary pre-import clearance (2005-003) - Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) (1994-001). The 2014 May SC will also review two draft specifications (International movement of grain (2008-007), International movement of grain (2008-007)), which were sent to member consultation in December 2013, and decide whether to approve them. Several draft specifications will also be presented for approval for member consultation.

Category: Standard setting

Type: Standards Committee
