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2013 June TPDP Meeting

Meeting of the Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP) to be held at EPPO HQ, Paris, France. This meeting will discuss draft diagnostic protocols in the working program at late stages of development. (The provisional agenda is posted bellow). The Technical panel on diagnostic protocols (TPDP) was established in 2004 composed by diagnostic experts with the objective to assist in the development of diagnostic protocols as annexes to ISPM 27 Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests. The diagnostic protocols provide minimum requirements for reliable diagnosis of regulated pests that are relevant for international trade. The TPDP proposes priorities for protocols to be developed on specific pest species or group of species, identifies specialists to develop each protocol, supervises the production of diagnostic protocols, and considers other topics related to diagnosis of regulated pests. Each protocol deals with one pest species or group of species, in the following categories or disciplines: bacteria; fungi and fungus-like organisms; insects and mites; nematodes; plants; viruses and phytoplasmas. The TPDP, composed of diagnostic experts, has a lead for each of the discipline mentioned above, plus a steward who is member of the Standards Committee (SC). The TPDP membership information can be found here

Type: Technical Panel
