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IPPC eCertification Open-Ended Working Group

The First IPPC eCert Workshop to discuss and establish a IPPC eCert work programme with a view to ultimately getting agreement on an IPP eCert standard for including in ISPM 12. Electronic phytosanitary certification is the authenticated and secure electronic transmission of phytosanitary certification data, including the certifying statement, from the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of the exporting country to the NPPO of the importing country.

This electronic certification process is being developed by some IPPC contracting parties as a possible alternative to traditional IPPC paper phytosanitary certificate. This is being undertaken on a bilateral basis but the challenge is there is no international standard which countries can follow. It is not foreseen that eCertification will replace paper phytosanitary certificates for many years to come, other than were bilateral agreements exist to do so.

The meeting will be held in English only due to limited resources and although open-ended in nature, participation is being limited to nominated NPPO and RPPOs participants.

Type: Workshop / Seminars