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Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance (SPTA)

The objective of the SPTA is to formulate recommendations to the CPM or its subsidiary bodies in the areas covered by its scope and to advise the CPM on issues referred to it.

Pre-SPTA CPM Bureau meeting

Hotel Capo dAfrica Via Capo dAfrica, 54, Celio, 00184 Roma
Link to the Map: http://maps.google.it/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Viale+delle+Terme+di+Caracalla,+00153+Roma+(FAO)&daddr=Hotel+Capo+dAfrica&geocode=FacSfwIdgo6-ACEhTR7lO5s-aA%3BFaAqfwId07K-ACGombYl-FO2VCl_pIdEuGEvEzHdB9DDpO613A&hl=it&mra=pd&mrcr=0&sll=41.88771,12.485704&sspn=0.030159,0.055017&ie=UTF8&ll=41.886656,12.492528&spn=0.00754,0.021887&z=16

Type: SPG + SPTA