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Importation of Plant Breeding Material

The import of potential high risk plant breeding material such as seed and planting material for scientific research and development purposes constitutes potential pathway for introduction and/or spread of plant pests and therefore their import is regulated by appropriate phytosanitary regulations by various countries. Different countries may have different phytosanitary measures for the same plant breeding material. Since there is a need to work with this type of high risk material, there has been a proposal to develop an international standard for providing appropriate harmonized guidance for safe import of such material. Scope and purpose: This standard provides specific guidance for import of plant breeding material such as seed and planting material for both scientific research and development purposes. This standard will also cover the import of germplasm collected from wild and/or from centers of origin. This standard does not cover any import of transgenic plant material and/or commercial import of seed and planting material.

Type: Expert Working Group