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Not widely distributed

Pests that are not widely distributed and that are subjected to official control comply with the definition of a quarantine pest and as such may be subjected to phytosanitary restrictions. The status "not widely distributed" of a pest is therefore one of the key criteria for such restrictions if a pest is present in an area. However, a lack of guidance on the interpretation of "not widely distributed" may lead to its interpretation and application in different ways by contracting parties. The expert working group is tasked with clarifying the potential distribution patterns of pests for which this phrase is applicable. A consistent approach for this will be developed, based on relevant experiences and the present application of this phrase in different countries, the relevant elements necessary for the determination of a pest status in an area and a thorough analysis of distribution patterns of a wide range of types of pests related to their means of spread as appropriate.

Steward: Ms Julie Aliaga, USA ([email protected]) Host: Mr Ebbe Nordbo, Denmark ([email protected]) Rapporteur: Mr Nico Van Opstal, EPPO ([email protected])

Members: Mr Olegario Barrera, Mexico ([email protected]) Mr Gilvio Cosenza, Brazil ([email protected]) Ms Lesley Cree, Canada ([email protected]) Ms Lottie Erikson, USA ([email protected]) Mr Martin Ward, UK ([email protected])

Type: Expert Working Group
