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IPPC and Bangladesh join forces to advance plant health cooperation

Posted on Mar, 30 Abr 2019, 15:06

Rome, 30 April 2019. The IPPC Secretariat met at FAO headquarters with ten delegates from the Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh to discuss plant health priorities and areas of cooperation.

The Bangladeshi delegation, headed by the Ministry of Agriculture …

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Plant Health and Capacity Development: A special topic session at CPM-14

Posted on Vie, 19 Abr 2019, 14:48

The CPM-14 special topic session on plant health and capacity development. © FAO

4 April 2019, Rome - The IPPC Community works together to ensure all countries have the capacity to implement phytosanitary measures. As 2019 is the IPPC Year …

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General Administration of Customs P.R. of China carries out a publicity campaign about bio-safety

Posted on Vie, 19 Abr 2019, 08:36

Special exhibitions were held in botanical gardens. © Guangzhou Customs, China

15 April 2019, Beijing - The General Administration of Customs , P.R. of China (GACC) carried out a publicity campaign Protecting national biological safety, building a beautiful ecological homeland …

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CPM-14 closes with notable achievements and an acknowledgement of outstanding service

Posted on Jue, 18 Abr 2019, 13:26

A record 491 participants from 133 countries and 30 observer organizations attended the 14th Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) held from 1-5 April 2019 at FAO Headquarters in Rome. © FAO

5 April 2019, Rome - The recently concluded fourteenth …

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IPPC Commodity and pathways standards - side session at CPM-14

Posted on Mié, 17 Abr 2019, 13:37

During the side session, Ms Lois Ransom from Australia explained that with IPPC commodity and pathways standards, the regulation of pests will remain firmly based on pest risk analysis and obligations will not be imposed on importing countries. © FAO …

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Sea change for sea containers: CPM-14 Side Session

Posted on Mié, 17 Abr 2019, 07:06

The Sea change for sea containers side session highlighted pest risks associated with sea containers and their cargoes - and what can be done to reduce these risks. © FAO

4 April 2019, Rome - It was standing room only …

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Commission on Phytosanitary Measures CPM) Bureau meeting at FAO Headquarters

Posted on Mar, 16 Abr 2019, 08:59

Participants at the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau meeting. © FAO

5 April 2019, Rome - The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau met before and after the CPM-14 meeting held in Rome from 1-5 April 2019.

The main …

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CPM-14 Pre-Session - A demonstration of the IPPC ePhyto Solution and how it is being used by countries

Posted on Lun, 15 Abr 2019, 14:15

Participants at the CPM-14 IPPC ePhyto Solution side session. © FAO

1 April 2019, Rome - Prior to the official opening of the fourteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-14), a highly anticipated side session on the IPPC …

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The International Year of Plant Health IYPH) partners meet to share ideas and build an IYPH network

Posted on Lun, 15 Abr 2019, 12:48

The first International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 partners meeting took place at FAO headquarters on 6 April 2019. © FAO

6 April 2019, Rome - The International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 is a once in a …

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Advanced Technologies to combat emerging plant pests highlighted at a CPM-14 side session

Posted on Lun, 15 Abr 2019, 11:19

Participants at the CPM-14 side session Advanced technologies and information sharing: Key tools for prevention and management of emerging transboundary plant pests. © FAO

3 April 2019, Rome - With increased global trade, travels, agricultural intensification and climate change, the …

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WTO-SPS Committee considers next steps for Fall Armyworm and the involvement of International Standard Setting Bodies

Posted on Vie, 12 Abr 2019, 11:08

Fall Armyworm @FAO/Anne-Sophie Poisot

22 March 2019, Geneva - The World Trade Organization s Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee (WTO-SPS) met to review specific trade concerns and reports, the outcomes of their thematic session on Fall Armyworm (FAW) and the fifth …

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The STDF acknowledges recent successes: a new suite of phytosanitary guides and a Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation PCE) that led to funding

Posted on Jue, 11 Abr 2019, 07:11

Fresh mangos ready for export from Guinea. After a Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE), Guinea developed a National Phytosanitary Development Strategy which led to additional funding. ©Mamadouba Camara

15 March 2019, Geneva - The Standard Trade and Development Facility (STDF) working …

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New standards to curb the global spread of plant pests and diseases

Posted on Jue, 04 Abr 2019, 08:11

A technician checks olives for pests'' infestations in Italy where Xylella fastidiosa has led to the decline of 180,000 hectares of olive groves. © FAO/ A. Pierdomenico

3 April 2019, Rome - The body charged with keeping plant pests and …

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Sharing experiences in developing plant health capacity at CPM-14

Posted on Jue, 04 Abr 2019, 04:00

1 April 2019, Rome - During the 14th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-14), a side session on Plant Health and Capacity Development was successfully organized. Ms Olga Lavrentjeva, chairperson of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) …

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