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CPM 09 - 2014

Each year, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures holds a "Special Topics" or "Scientific Session" to consider emerging issues, such as new technologies or new pest threats. Past scientific sessions have addressed issues such as the potential impact of climate change on pest spread, food aid as a pathway for the transboundary movement of pests, aquatic plants as pests, and flaws in the current system for preventing pest spread.

All presentations and papers can be found here: 2014 - Phytosanitary Certification System

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
CPM 2014/03 09.2 Adoption of International Standards En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 18 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_01 09.2 Draft Appendix 1 to ISPM 12:2011 - Electronic phytosanitary certificates, information on standard XML schemas, and exchange mechanisms (2006-003) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_02 09.2 Draft ISPM - Determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae) (2006-031) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_03 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 26:2006 - Control measures for an outbreak within a fruit fly-pest free area (2009-007) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_04 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus sinensis (2007-206A) Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_05 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus reticulata × C. sinensis (2007-206B) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_06Rev1 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus limon (2007-206C) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_07 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus sinensis (2007-206E) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_08 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis (2007-206F) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_09 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Bactocera tryoni on Citrus limon (2007-206G) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_10 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus paradisi (2007-210) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/03_11 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28:2007 - Vapour heat treatment for Bactocera cucurbitae on Cucumis melo var. reticulatus (2006-110) En Es Ru Ar Zh
15 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/02/Rev.01 02 Provisional Detailed Agenda
En_Rev_01 Ar_Rev_01 Zh_Rev_01 Ru_Rev_01 Es_Rev_01 Fr_Rev_01
03 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/04 09.4.1 Adjustments to the List of topics for IPPC standards En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/05 09.5 Update on the development of a Framework for standards Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
16 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/06 09.4.2 Update on the topic: International movement of grain (2008-007) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/07 08.2 Process for Adopting Recommendations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/08 06 CPM Chairperson's report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/09 10.2.2 Resources Mobilization Efforts and Results En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/10 19.1 and 19.2 Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/11 09.4.3 Update on the Topic: Minimizing Pest Movement by Sea Containers (2008 001): Proposed Survey En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/12 18 Election of the CPM Bureau and Bureau Replacements En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/13 10.4.1 Status of ISPM 15 Mark Registration En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/14 15 CPM Recommendations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 27 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/17 11.2 Next Steps for the Capacity Development Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/16 11.1 Regional IPPC Workshops 2013 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 29 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/18 09.1 Report of the Activities of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 30 Ene 2014
CPM 2014/15 10.3 IPPC 2014-2015 Biennium Operational Budget Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
03 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/19 09.3 Adjustments in translations of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures at CPM-8 (2013) Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
10 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/20 10.2.1 Strengthening Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
19 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/21 08.1 IPPC Secretariat's Relationship with Other Organizations Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
05 Mar 2014
Information sheet on CPM-9 training and side-sessions
En_Rev_01 Ar_Rev_01 Zh_Rev_01 Fr_rev_01 Ru_rev_01 Es_rev_01
26 Feb 2014
CPM-9 Invitation Letter En Es Fr Ar 26 Feb 2014
Example of Credentials En Es Fr Ar 26 Feb 2014
Link to the Local Information document
26 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/22 16.2 Recommendations by the SBDS on the Review of the IPPC Dispute Settlement En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Feb 2014
CPM 2014/23 09.4.3 Update on the Topic: Minimizing Pest Movement by Sea Containers (2008-001): processing of the draft standard through the IPPC standard setting process En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/24 10.5 IPPC Implementation Review and Support System En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 05 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/25 10.3 IPPC 2013 Financial report Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
17 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/02 14.3 IAEA Statement En 07 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/03 14.2.1 WTO SPS Report En 10 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/04 14.2.2 STDF Report En 07 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/01 14.1 Summary Report of the Twenty-five Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations En 10 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/27 12 National Reporting Obligations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 24 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/26 07 IPPC Secretariat Report 2013
En_rev_01 Zh_simplified Ru_simplified Es_simplified Fr_simplified Ar_simplified
21 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/05 09.02 Formal Objections to Draft ISPMs presented to adoption to CPM-9 (2014) En 18 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/06 14.2.3 CBD Report En 19 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/28 13.1 IPPC Communications Needs Assessment Results - (in English only) En 21 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/07 14.3 IICA Report En Es 24 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/09_Rev.01 20 Proposal for IPPC Secretariat Enhancement Study prepared by Canada and the United States
Fr_Rev_01 Es_Rev_01 En_Rev_01
25 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/08 14.3 Coordinator’s Report on activities of the Interamerican Coordinating Group in Plant Protection, April 2012-April 2014 En Es 26 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/10_Rev_01 08.2; 09.4.2; 09.4.3; 10.2.1; 15 Statements from the European Union and its 28 Member States regarding various CPM agenda items
26 Mar 2014
10.1 Link to the Strategic Planning Group Meeting Report - June 2013
27 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/11 20 Flashdrive Table of Contents En 27 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/12 09.4.1 Adjustments to the List of topics for IPPC standards - Prepared by the United States En 27 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/29 20 Implications of WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation - (in English only) En 27 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/13 10.4.2 Summary of the findings of the ePhyto Hub Feasibility Study En 27 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/30 10.4.2 ePhyto and ePhyto Hub Feasibility Study: Report of the Activities of the ePhyto Steering Group - (in English only) En 28 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/14 10.2.2 Resource Mobilization Efforts and Results En 28 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/INF/15 02 Proposed Modification of Provisional Detailed Agenda En Es 28 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/31 02 List of Documents (English only) En 28 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/01 03 Declaration of Competences and Voting Rights submitted by the European En 31 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/02 10.6 Success Stories, African Countries En Fr 31 Mar 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/03 09.4.1 Proposal from COSAVE countries on Agenda item 9.4.1 En 01 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/04 09.4.2 Proposal from COSAVE countries on Agenda item 9.4.2 En 01 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/06 08.2 Proposal from COSAVE countries on Agenda item 8.2 En 01 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/05 09.5; 09.4.1 Modification of Provisional Detailed Agenda - Prepared by Guatemala and OIRSA En Es 01 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/07 09.4.1 Adjustments to the List of topics for IPPC standards - III Recommendations (CPM 2014/04) – proposed changes En 01 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/08 20 IPPC Secretariat Enhancement Evaluation En 02 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/09 10.2.1 Revised Recommendations (Revision of the CPM 2014/20) En 02 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/10 08.2 Process for Adopting Recommendations - Revision of the document CPM 2014/07 En 02 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/11 18 Memberships and Replacements of the CPM Bureau - Revision of Annex of CPM 2014/12 En 03 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/12 09.1; 09.2 Standards Committee and Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement - Memberships and Potential Replacements - Revision of Annexes to CPM 2014/10 En 03 Abr 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/13 20 Declaración del GRULAC sobre problemas de traducción - (Spanish only) Es 03 Abr 2014
Presentations from CPM-9
11 Abr 2014

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