País | Número de informe | Fecha de publicación | Última actualización | Plaga identificada | Huésped(es) o artículo(s) | Status of pest (under ISPM No.8 2021) | Título |
Australia | AUS-01/4 | 31 Oct 2006 | 23 Jun 2023 | Olivea tectonae - (OLIVTE) | Teak trees |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of teak leaf rust |
Australia | AUS-02/2 | 13 Nov 2006 | 30 Jun 2015 | Sporisorium scitamineum - (USTISC) | Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Sugarcane smut widespread and established in Queensland |
Australia | AUS-03/7 | 16 Nov 2006 | 23 Jun 2023 | Phakopsora euvitis - (PHLLAM) | Grapevine |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of grapevine leaf rust in Northern Territory 2006 - now eradicated |
Australia | AUS-04/2 | 16 Nov 2006 | 30 Jun 2015 | Alternaria sp. - (ALTESP) | Parsley |
Present: widely distributed |
Detection of Alternaria on parsley |
Australia | AUS-05/3 | 16 Nov 2006 | 23 Jun 2023 | Physalospora miyabeana - (PHYOMI) | Willow trees |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of willow black canker on willow |
Australia | AUS-06/2 | 17 May 2007 | 30 Jun 2015 | Plasmopara obducens - (PLASOB) | Impatiens |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Impatiens Downy Mildew established in Australia |
Australia | AUS-07/2 | 17 May 2007 | 30 Jun 2015 | Canna yellow mottle virus - (CAYMY0) | Canna |
Present: at low prevalence |
Canna yellow mottle badnavirus |
Australia | AUS-08/2 | 17 May 2007 | 30 Jun 2015 | Yucca bacilliform virus - (YBV000) | Yucca elephantipes |
Present: at low prevalence |
Yucca bacilliform badnavirus established in Australia |
Australia | AUS-09/2 | 22 Feb 2008 | 30 Jun 2015 | Fusarium mangiferae - (FUSAMG) | Man Mangifera indica L |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Update on mango malformation disorder in the Northern Territory, Australia |
Australia | AUS-10/3 | 11 Mar 2008 | 30 Jun 2015 | Phakopsora euvitis - (PHLLAM) | Vitis spp; and native Ampelocissus species under experimental conditions |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of grapevine leaf rust (GVLR) from Australia |
Australia | AUS-11/2 | 24 Jun 2008 | 30 Jun 2015 | Ditylenchus destructor - (DITYDE) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Ditylenchus destructor in Australia | |
Australia | AUS-12/7 | 03 Sep 2008 | 23 Jun 2023 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri - (XANTCI) | Citrus |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Update on citrus canker eradication program in Emerald, Queensland - now eradicated |
Australia | AUS-13/2 | 01 Oct 2008 | 30 Jun 2015 | Liriomyza sativae - (LIRISA) | Lycopersicon esculentum cerasiforme |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Detection of Vegetable Leafminer in Torres Strait |
Australia | AUS-14/3 | 10 Oct 2008 | 23 Jun 2023 | Tomato torrado virus - (TOTV00) | Tomato Solanum lycopersicum |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of tomato torrado virus in South Australia |
Australia | AUS-15/2 | 11 Nov 2008 | 30 Jun 2015 | Procontarinia pustulata - (PRONPU) | man |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Mango Leaf Gall Midge (MLGM) |
Australia | AUS-16/5 | 11 Nov 2008 | 06 Jul 2023 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) | Potato Solanum tuberosum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Extension of known Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) in Victoria, Australia |
Australia | AUS-17/4 | 11 Ene 2009 | 23 Jun 2023 | Narcissus late season yellows virus - (NLSYV0) | Daffodil: Narcissus sp |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of narcissus late season yellows virus in Australia |
Australia | AUS-18/2 | 23 Ene 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri - (XANTCI) | Citrus |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of citrus canker from Australia |
Australia | AUS-19/3 | 05 Feb 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Xanthomonas sp. - (XANTSP) | Mahogany, Khaya senegalensis |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Mahogany angular leaf spot present in Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-20/2 | 23 Abr 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Colomerus novahabridensis - (COOMNO) | Coconut |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Hebrides Coconut mite (Colomerus novahebridensis) present in Darwin, Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-21/3 | 23 Abr 2009 | 23 Jun 2023 | Takecallis arundinariae - (TAKEAR) | Bambusa species |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Takecallis arundinariae in Australia |
Australia | AUS-22/3 | 23 Abr 2009 | 23 Jun 2023 | Lema bilineata - (LEMABI) | Prairie Ground Cherry (Physalis viscosa L.) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Tobacco slug beetle in New South Wales |
Australia | AUS-23/2 | 28 Abr 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Bemisia tabaci - (BEMITA) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of whitefly biotype Q in Queensland and New South Wales | |
Australia | AUS-24/4 | 30 Abr 2009 | 23 Jun 2023 | Angelonia flower break virus - (AFBV00) | Verbena |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Interception of Angelonia flower break virus (AnFBV) in New South Wales |
Australia | AUS-25/2 | 30 Abr 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Dracaena mottle virus - (DRMV00) | Happy plant Dracaena spp |
Present: at low prevalence |
Detection of Dracaena mottle badnavirus in Australia |
Australia | AUS-26/2 | 03 Dic 2009 | 30 Jun 2015 | Citripestis eutraphera - (CITPEU) | Man, cashews |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Mango fruit borer established in the Greater Darwin Area of the Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-27/3 | 11 Dic 2009 | 23 Jun 2023 | Sporisorium scitamineum - (USTISC) | Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Sugar cane smut is now established in all sugarcane growing areas of Australia |
Australia | AUS-28/6 | 14 Ene 2010 | 04 Ago 2021 | Fusarium mangiferae - (FUSAMG) | Man: Mangifera indica L |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of mango malformation disorder in Queensland, Australia |
Australia | AUS-29/6 | 24 Feb 2010 | 03 Ago 2021 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) | environmental pest |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) in Queensland, Australia |
Australia | AUS-30/5 | 11 Nov 2013 | 23 Jun 2023 | Eupatorium odoratum - (EUPOD) | Species will establish in a variety of habitats including riparian zones, beach foreshores, along waterways, dry hill slopes, open grasslands and pastures, melaleuca swamps, rainforest and dry eucalypt forest. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Siam weed in Queensland, Australia transitions to management |
Australia | AUS-31/4 | 25 Feb 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Orobanche ramosa - (ORARA) | Broad acre dicot crops including safflower, sunflower, canola, vetch; vegetables including brassicas, tomato, carrot; pastures including white clover, medic; Australian native daisies, some herbaceous ornamentals and weeds |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Update on branched broomrape in South Australia - move to offical control |
Australia | AUS-32/4 | 25 Feb 2010 | 06 Jul 2023 | Clidemia hirta - (CXAHI) | Koster's curse is a highly invasive tropical shrub |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Koster’s curse in Julatten, Queensland |
Australia | AUS-33/4 | 05 Mar 2010 | 06 Jul 2023 | Miconia calvescens - (MICCA) | Invasive trees and shrubs |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Invasive Miconia species in Australia |
Australia | AUS-34/4 | 05 Mar 2010 | 06 Jul 2023 | Mikania micrantha - (MIKMI) | Invasive perennial creeper |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Mikania vine in Far North Queensland |
Australia | AUS-35/2 | 05 Mar 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Limnocharis flava - (LMNFL) | Invasive aquatic weed |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Limnocharis flava in northern Queensland |
Australia | AUS-36/2 | 18 Mar 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Phenacoccus solenopsis - (PHENSO) | Highly polyphaus. Recorded overseas on plants from more than 50 families, including agricultural crops, amenity plants and weeds. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Solenopsis mealybug in parts of central and northern Queensland |
Australia | AUS-37/4 | 05 May 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Uredo rangelii - (UREDRA) | Myrtle rust has been found on numerous Myrtaceae species including willow myrtle, turpentine, tea tree, lilly pilly, water gum, bottle brush and Austromyrtus. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Update on Myrtle Rust in Australia |
Australia | AUS-38/3 | 06 Jul 2010 | 23 Jun 2023 | Panicum mosaic virus - (PMV000) | Stenotaphrum secundatum cv palmetto (Buffalo grass) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Panicum mosaic virus in New South Wales |
Australia | AUS-39/2 | 13 Sep 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) | Potato material |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) from Western Australia |
Australia | AUS-40/2 | 21 Sep 2010 | 30 Jun 2015 | Cryphonectria parasitica - (ENDOPA) | Chestnut (Castanea sativa) is considered the primary host with oak (Quercus) a confirmed host. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Confirmation of chestnut blight in north-east Victoria |
Australia | AUS-41/3 | 25 Nov 2010 | 23 Jun 2023 | Hemileia wrightiae - (HEMIWR) | Wrightia pubescens |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Hemileia wrightiae in the Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-42/3 | 25 Nov 2010 | 23 Jun 2023 | Entyloma ageratinae - (ENTYAG) | Ageratina riparia, synonym Eupatorium riparia |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Entyloma ageratinae on mistflower in Queensland |
Australia | AUS-43/3 | 25 Nov 2010 | 23 Jun 2023 | Phytophthora elongata - (PHYTEL) | Eucalyptus marginata. Occasionally Corymbia calophylla, Banksia spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Phytophthora elongata sp. nov in Australia |
Australia | AUS-44/5 | 01 Feb 2011 | 23 Jun 2023 | Valsa malicola - (VALSMC) | Malus domestica cv Granny Smith |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Valsa malicola detected in Victoria, Australia |
Australia | AUS-45/5 | 12 Jul 2011 | 23 Jun 2023 | Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae - (PSDMAK) | Actinidia species: A. deliciosa, A. chinensis, A. arguta, and A. kolomikta |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of the Asian strain of bacterial canker of kiwifruit in Victoria, Australia |
Australia | AUS-46/2 | 22 Ago 2011 | 30 Jun 2015 | Magnaporthe oryzae - (PYRIOR) | Rice - Oryza sativa - cultivar Quest |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Rice blast (caused by Magnaporthe grisea) in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) of Western Australia |
Australia | AUS-47/4 | 21 Ene 2014 | 30 Jun 2015 | Conopomorpha cramerella - (AROCCR) | Cocoa plants (Theobroma cacao) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of cocoa pod borer from Australia |
Australia | AUS-48/3 | 28 Oct 2011 | 23 Jun 2023 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) | Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of a new pathotype of Elsinoe australis causing black scab of jojoba in New South Wales and Queensland |
Australia | AUS-49/3 | 12 Dic 2011 | 23 Jun 2023 | Phoma exigua - (PHOMEX) | Bituminaria bituminosa Pisum sativum |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
New hosts for Phoma herbarum in Western Australia |
Australia | AUS-50/2 | 11 Ene 2012 | 06 Jul 2023 | Wasmannia auropunctata - (WASMAU) | Environment, humans |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Invasive ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, in Far North Queensland |
Australia | AUS-51/3 | 17 Ene 2012 | 23 Jun 2023 | Allexivirus - (1ALLVG) | Allium sativum |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Garlic allexiviruses in Western Australia |
Australia | AUS-52/3 | 26 Jul 2012 | 23 Jun 2023 | Schizotetranychus baltazari - (SCZTBA) | Citrus, some ornamental shrubs including Murraya paniculata |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Schizotetranychus baltazari in northern Australia |
Australia | AUS-53/4 | 10 Oct 2012 | 23 Jun 2023 | Cryptosporiopsis citri - (CYPTCI) | Citrus |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Presence of Cryptosporiopsis citri in Northern Territory and Queensland |
Australia | AUS-54/3 | 30 Nov 2012 | 30 Jun 2015 | Xanthomonas fragariae - (XANTFR) | Fragaria (×) ananassa |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Angular leaf spot in a strawberry germplasm collection |
Niue | NIU-01/2 | 15 Abr 2011 | 14 Abr 2011 | Glomerella cingulata - (GLOMCI) | Yams (Discorea alata) |
Present: at low prevalence |
Yam Anthracnose |
Canada | CAN-01/3 | 15 Dic 2009 | 14 Dic 2009 | Tomicus piniperda - (BLASPI) | Pine Shoot Beetle - Update of the Regulated Areas - Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-02/2 | 23 Dic 2009 | 22 Dic 2009 | Phytophthora ramorum - (PHYTRA) | Update on the Phytophthora ramorum situation in Canada (2009) | ||
Canada | CAN-03/2 | 23 Dic 2009 | 22 Dic 2009 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) | Golden Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) - Update on the Canadian Situation (2009) | ||
Canada | CAN-04/2 | 30 Ene 2010 | 29 Ene 2010 | Rhagoletis mendax - (RHAGME) | blueberry Vaccinium | Blueberry Maggot (Rhagoletis mendax Curran) - Update of the Regulated Areas within Canada | |
Canada | CAN-05/2 | 30 Ene 2010 | 29 Ene 2010 | Tetropium fuscum - (TETOFU) | Update on the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle (BSLB), Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius), in Nova Scotia, Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-06/2 | 23 Feb 2010 | 22 Feb 2010 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | First report of Drosophila suzukii in Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-07/2 | 04 Abr 2011 | 03 Abr 2011 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) | Update on the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) in Canada - Changes to the Regulated Areas | ||
Canada | CAN-08/2 | 06 Abr 2011 | 05 Abr 2011 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) | Golden Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) - Update on the Canadian Situation (2010) | ||
Canada | CAN-09/3 | 06 Abr 2011 | 05 Abr 2011 | Tomicus piniperda - (BLASPI) | Pine Shoot Beetle - Update of the Regulated Areas - Canada / Grand hylésine des pins - Aperçu des zones réglementées - Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-10/2 | 01 Sep 2011 | 31 Ago 2011 | Ditylenchus destructor - (DITYDE) | Potato Rot Nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) confirmed in Ontario, Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-11/2 | 01 Sep 2011 | 31 Ago 2011 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Gatineau Outside the Current Regulated Area | |
Canada | CAN-13/2 | 01 Sep 2011 | 31 Ago 2011 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
North American Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar dispar)- Update of the Regulated Areas Within Canada | |
Canada | CAN-14/2 | 01 Sep 2011 | 31 Ago 2011 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confimed in the City of Montreal | |
Canada | CAN-12/2 | 01 Sep 2011 | 31 Ago 2011 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confimed in United Counties of Prescott and Russell | |
Canada | CAN-15/2 | 02 Sep 2011 | 01 Sep 2011 | Tetropium fuscum - (TETOFU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First Detection of Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle, Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius), in New Brunswick | |
Canada | CAN-16/2 | 20 Mar 2012 | 19 Mar 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Manitoulin Island, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-17/2 | 20 Mar 2012 | 19 Mar 2012 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) - Update on the Canadian Situation (2011) | |
Canada | CAN-18/2 | 27 Abr 2012 | 26 Abr 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
CFIA Expands Areas Regulated for the Emerald Ash Borer | |
Canada | CAN-19/2 | 13 Jul 2012 | 12 Jul 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Bruce County, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-20/2 | 14 Ago 2012 | 13 Ago 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) confirmed in Frontenac County, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-21/2 | 17 Ago 2012 | 16 Ago 2012 | Adelges tsugae - (ADLGTS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection and eradication of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand) in Etobicoke, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-22/2 | 11 Sep 2012 | 10 Sep 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) confirmed in Laval, Québec | |
Canada | CAN-23/2 | 11 Sep 2012 | 10 Sep 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) confirmed in Ange-Gardien and Chelsea, Québec | |
Canada | CAN-24/2 | 26 Sep 2012 | 25 Sep 2012 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Reports of Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in Prince Edward Island, Canada (2012) | |
Canada | CAN-25/2 | 17 Oct 2012 | 16 Oct 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in the City of Longueuil, Quebec | |
Canada | CAN-26/2 | 26 Nov 2012 | 25 Nov 2012 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Papineau, Québec | |
Vanuatu | VUT-01/2 | 01 Jun 2005 | 31 May 2005 | Wasmannia auropunctata - (WASMAU) | The wasmannia auropunctata is an agricultural and environmental pest. It also disturbs tourism industry in the affected areas. It has no specific host but it is a diseases vector to agricultural crops. It is also a threat to native ants species. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Little Fire Ant (Wasmannia auropunctata) incursion |
Tuvalu | TUV-01/2 | 25 May 2005 | 24 May 2005 | Aspidiotus destructor - (ASPDDE) | Hosts - coconuts, breadfruits, bananas, taro, frangipani, crinum lily etc |
Present: except in specified pest free areas |
Pest Outbreak on Vaitupu |
New Zealand | NZL-01/3 | 11 May 2012 | 10 May 2012 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in a surveillance trap |
Present: transient |
Detection of a single male Queensland fruit fly (in a New Zealand surveillance trap) |
New Zealand | NZL-02/3 | 25 May 2012 | 24 May 2012 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in surveillance trap | After 14 days of intensive trapping and fruit monitoring, no further Queensland fruit flies have been detected. The absence of Bactrocera tryoni in New Zealand is confirmed | |
Fiji | FJI-01/2 | 09 Jun 2010 | 08 Jun 2010 | Coptotermes gestroi - (COPTGE) | The Coptotermes gestroi is an agricultural and environmental pest. It feeds on timber, wood, plant roots and cellulose materials such as paper and cardboard. It prefers a damp habitat and will hollow out living or dead trees to build a colony below the ground and the workers will tunnel through the soil to nearby buildings in search of food i.e. wood and wooden products. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Asian Subterranean Termite (Coptotermes gestroi) Incursion |
Cook Islands | COK-01/3 | 11 May 2007 | 11 Ago 2017 | Homalodisca vitripennis - (HOMLTR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Occurence in the Cook Islands | |
United States of America | USA-01/2 | 16 Sep 2009 | 01 Dic 2009 | Bactrocera albistrigata - (BCTRAL) |
Present: transient |
White striped fruit fly, Bactrocera albistrigata, quarantine area established in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-02/3 | 21 Sep 2009 | 01 Dic 2009 | Liriomyza huidobrensis - (LIRIHU) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Regulatory action for pea leaf miner (Liriomyza huidobrensis) | |
United States of America | USA-03/2 | 13 Oct 2009 | 01 Dic 2009 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) |
Present: transient |
Detection of the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana, from California vineyard - new US record | |
United States of America | USA-04/2 | 02 Dic 2009 | 01 Dic 2009 | Agrilus sulcicollis - (AGRLSU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
European oak borer (EOB), Agrilus sulcicollis Lacordaire - First report from the United States | |
United States of America | USA-05/2 | 16 Feb 2010 | 15 Feb 2010 | Bactrocera albistrigata - (BCTRAL) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Update on white striped fruit fly, Bactrocera albistrigata: Eradicated from the United States | |
United States of America | USA-06/2 | 26 Feb 2010 | 25 Feb 2010 | Nipaecoccus viridis - (NIPAVI) | First detection of the lebbeck mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis, in the continental United States | ||
United States of America | USA-07/2 | 26 Feb 2010 | 25 Feb 2010 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, a fruit pest in the United States | ||
United States of America | USA-08/3 | 09 Abr 2010 | 08 Abr 2010 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Confirmation of citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) in Florida, United States | |
United States of America | USA-09/2 | 29 Jul 2010 | 28 Jul 2010 | Duponchelia fovealis - (DUPOFO) | Duponchelia fovealis found in California, United States | ||
United States of America | USA-10/2 | 20 Sep 2010 | 30 Sep 2010 | Autographa gamma - (PYTOGA) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Retraction of identification of Silver Y Moth, Autographa gamma, in Pennsylvania, United States | |
United States of America | USA-11/2 | 20 Sep 2010 | 19 Sep 2010 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: transient |
Detection of Sweet Orange Scab (Elsinoë australis) in Texas and Louisiana, United States | |
United States of America | USA-12/2 | 27 Oct 2010 | 26 Oct 2010 | Hypothenemus hampei - (STEHHA) |
Present: transient |
Detection of Hypothenemus hampei (Coffee Berry Borer) in Kona, Hawaii | |
United States of America | USA-13/2 | 15 Nov 2010 | 14 Nov 2010 | Rhynchophorus ferrugineus - (RHYCFE) |
Present: transient |
First U.S. detection of the Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, in California | |
United States of America | USA-14/2 | 07 Dic 2011 | 06 Dic 2011 | Cylindrocladium buxicola - (CYLDBU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Boxwood Blight, Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum, in Connecticut, North Carolina, and Virginia, United States | |
United States of America | USA-15/2 | 10 Jul 2012 | 09 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) eradicated from California | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-01/3 | 16 Nov 2005 | 07 Nov 2006 | Scirtothrips inermis - (SCITIN) | hot peppers | Trinidad and Tobago - chilli thrips, yellow tea thrips, Asian thrips | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-02/2 | 10 Ago 2006 | 06 Nov 2006 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Ornamental palm ( Veitchia merrillii Becc.) | Trinidad & Tobago - Red palm mite, scarlet mite | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-03/2 | 13 Ene 2009 | 12 Ene 2009 | Achatina fulica - (ACHAFU) | About 500 species of plants are affected including coffee, papaya, orange, oil palm, ochro, sweet potato, lettuce, cassava, bananas, pear and avocado. Primary hosts Preference for cassava, breadfruit, cocoa, legumes and cucurbitis | Giant African Snail, Achatina fulica Bowdich | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-04/2 | 15 Abr 2011 | 28 Ago 2011 | Pseudacysta perseae - (PSEYPE) | Avocado (Persea americana) | Presence of New Pest of Avocado (Persea americana) in Trinidad and Tobago | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-05/2 | 27 Sep 2012 | 26 Sep 2012 | Mycosphaerella fijiensis - (MYCOFI) | Banana and Plantain | Report of Black Sigatoka disease in bananas in Tobago | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-06/2 | 27 Sep 2012 | 26 Sep 2012 | Mycosphaerella fijiensis - (MYCOFI) | Banana and Plantain |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First Report of Black Sigatoka Disease (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) from Trinidad |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-07/2 | 10 Dic 2012 | 09 Dic 2012 | Acidovorax sp. - (ACVRSP) | Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) | First Report of Bacterial Fruit Blotch of Watermelon | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT-01/2 | 13 Jun 2007 | 12 Jun 2007 | Ralstonia solanacearum - (RALSSO) | Ralstonia solanacearum, is a bacterial disease which causes progressive wilt in the musa spp. | moko disease declaration | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT-02/2 | 01 Dic 2009 | 14 Feb 2010 | Mycosphaerella fijiensis - (MYCOFI) | Plantains and Bananas |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Update on "Black Sigatoka" |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT-03/2 | 01 Dic 2009 | 30 Nov 2009 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) | Red Palm Mite | |
Panama | PAN-01/8 | 14 Nov 2007 | 13 Mar 2024 | Hypothenemus hampei - (STEHHA) | ******Hospedantes principales de la zona donde está presente la broca del cafeto, son los cítricos y el cafeto Los productos básicos afectados son el café en cereza. ******Main hosts of the area where the coffee borer is present are citrus and coffee. The basic products are cherry coffee. | Presencia de la Broca del Cafeto en Panamá /Presence of the Coffee Borer in Panamá | |
Nicaragua | NIC-01/2 | 23 Feb 2007 | 22 Feb 2007 | Pectinophora gossypiella - (PECTGO) | DECLARAR LIBRE DE GUSANO ROSADO DEL ALGODONERO EL MUNICIPIO DE CORN ISLAND | ||
Nicaragua | NIC-02/2 | 24 Feb 2007 | 23 Feb 2007 | Citrus leprosis virus - (CILV00) | DECLARAR LIBRES DE LEPROSIS DE LOS CITRICOS LOS DEPARTAMENTOS DE RIO SAN JUAN Y RIVAS | ||
Mexico | MEX-01/2 | 16 Dic 2005 | 15 Dic 2005 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Erradicación de Ceratitis capitata en Cd. del Carmen, Campeche | |
Mexico | MEX-02/2 | 16 Dic 2005 | 15 Dic 2005 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Colecta de 4 especimenes machos de moscamed en Cd. del Carmen, Camp. | |
Mexico | MEX-03/3 | 20 Ene 2006 | 19 Ene 2006 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Publicación oficial de la erradiccación de C. capitata en Campeche | |
Mexico | MEX-04/2 | 02 Mar 2006 | 01 Mar 2006 | Phakopsora pachyrhizi - (PHAKPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Roya de la soya en México | |
Mexico | MEX-05/2 | 14 Nov 2007 | 15 Nov 2007 | Anastrepha sp. - (ANSTSP) |
Present: except in specified pest free areas |
ACUERDO por el que se declaran como zonas libres de moscas de la fruta de importancia cuarentenaria del género Anastrepha a los municipios de Cuauhtémoc, Genaro Codina, Jerez, Loreto, Luis Moya, Valparaíso y Villa García en el | |
Mexico | MEX-07/2 | 20 Nov 2009 | 02 Dic 2009 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la detección de Huanglongbing (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) en Ãrboles de traspatio en los Estados de Yucatán y Quintana Roo, Mexico | |
Jamaica | JAM-01/2 | 04 May 2006 | 03 May 2006 | Ralstonia solanacearum - (RALSSO) | Banana and Plantain (musa spp) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of the Moko Disease in Jamaica |
Jamaica | JAM-02/2 | 04 May 2006 | 03 May 2006 | Leifsonia xyli - (CLABXY) | Sugarcane |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ratoon stunting of sugarcane, in Jamaica. |
Jamaica | JAM-03/2 | 12 Dic 2006 | 11 Dic 2006 | Papilio demoleus sthenelus - (PAPIDS) | citrus species. | Discovery of Lime Swallow Tail Butterfly - Papilio demoleus | |
Jamaica | JAM-04/2 | 01 May 2007 | 05 Nov 2007 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Banana plants,Coconut palm, Heliconia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Red Palm Mite |
Jamaica | JAM-05/2 | 12 Jul 2007 | 02 Mar 2008 | Maconellicoccus hirsutus - (PHENHI) | Hibiscus Gliricidia, guan peas, sweet sop, sour sop |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Repoting the Occurence of Maconellicoccus hirsutus |
Jamaica | JAM-06/2 | 23 Oct 2009 | 11 Feb 2010 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) | Citrus spp | Reporting the occurence of Huanglongbing | |
Jamaica | JAM-07/2 | 03 Dic 2010 | 02 Dic 2010 | Paracoccus marginatus - (PACOMA) | Papaya,and other crops such as avocado, egg plant, tomato, cassava, aglaonema, palmae, adenium, hibiscus,teak | Reporting the occurence of Papaya Mealybug | |
Grenada | GRD-01/2 | 11 Ene 2007 | 14 Nov 2007 | Mycosphaerella fijiensis - (MYCOFI) | Banana,plantain,bluge, (most musa spp.) | Black sigatoka in Grenada | |
Grenada | GRD-02/2 | 15 Nov 2007 | 14 Nov 2007 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Mainly Coconut palms and musa spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Red palm mite in Grenada |
Dominican Republic | DOM-01/2 | 13 Ene 2009 | 12 Ene 2009 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) | Citrus limonium, Citrus sinensis |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Deteccion de la enfermedad huanglongbing de los citricos Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus, en areas de Imbert y Luperon, Provincia de Puerto Plata, República Dominicana |
Dominica | DMA-01/2 | 16 Nov 2005 | 15 Nov 2005 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | is an important pest of coconut (cocos nucifera) and areca palm (Areca carechu L)banana and plantain (Musa sp) | Report of Raoiella indica Hirst *Red Palm Mite* DOMINICA | |
Costa Rica | CRI-01/8 | 13 Feb 2008 | 29 Jul 2015 | Aulacaspis yasumatsui - (AULSYA) | Cycas (Cycas revoluta)(Cycadaceae) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Escama Asiática de las Cycas (Cycas revoluta) |
Costa Rica | CRI-02/6 | 13 Feb 2008 | 29 Jul 2015 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) | El nematodo se ha reportado en el grupo de las solanaceas principalmente en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum). El ran de hospederos del nematodo blanco esta confinado a las solanaceas especialmente la papa (Solanum tuberosum), el tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) y sus hibridos y la berenjena (Solanum melongena). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Nematodo Blanco del Quiste de la Papa (NBQP) |
Costa Rica | CRI-03/8 | 18 Sep 2008 | 29 Jul 2015 | Thrips palmi - (THRIPL) | La plaga ha sido detectada en cultivos de ayote (Cucurbita mixta) , pepino (Cucumis sativus), frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) y vainica (Phaseolus vulgaris), en poblaciones muy bajas. | Presencia del Thrips palmi Kerny en el Cantón de Coto Brus, Zona Sur, limítrofe con Panama | |
Costa Rica | CRI-04/7 | 03 Mar 2011 | 29 Jul 2015 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) | Cítricos | Huanglongbing (HLB) se detecta en Costa Rica | |
Costa Rica | CRI-05/4 | 11 May 2012 | 10 May 2012 | Uromyces transversalis - (UROMTV) | El agente causal de la roya de la gladiola es un parasito obligado que solo crece y se reproduce en los miembros de la familia Iridaceae, incluyendo gladiolas, tritonia, crocosmia y watsonia. | Roya de la Gladiola: Uromyces transversalis | |
Chile | CHL-01/2 | 11 Oct 2006 | 23 Jun 2010 | Phyllactinia guttata - (PHYLGU) | Avellano Europeo (Corylus avellana) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Phyllactinia guttata |
Chile | CHL-02/2 | 11 Oct 2006 | 23 Jun 2010 | Botryotinia porri - (BOTTPO) | Ajo (Allium sativum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Botrytis porri |
Chile | CHL-03/2 | 11 Oct 2006 | 23 Jun 2010 | Chondrostereum purpureum - (STERPU) | Plantas de Arándano alto (Vaccinium corymbosum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Chondrostereum purpureum |
Chile | CHL-05/2 | 07 Nov 2007 | 25 Ago 2010 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Erradicacion Brotes de Mosca del Mediterráneo | |
Chile | CHL-06/2 | 21 Sep 2010 | 21 Sep 2010 | Abutilon theophrasti - (ABUTH) | Semilleros y cultivos de maíz y maravilla. |
Present: widely distributed |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Abutilon Theophrasti |
Chile | CHL-07/3 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Ceratocephala sp. - (CCFSS) | Pinus spp., Abies spp., Picea spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Sirex noctilio |
Chile | CHL-08/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) | Vitis vinÃfera |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Lobesia botrana |
Chile | CHL-09/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Aceria hibisci - (ACEIHI) | Hibiscus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Aceria hibisci |
Chile | CHL-10/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Aleurodicus sp. - (ALEDSP) | PolÃfaga, ornamentales y frutales. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Aleurodicus sp. |
Chile | CHL-11/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Aspidiotus destructor - (ASPDDE) | Annona cherimola, Musa paradisiaca, Phoenix spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Aspidiotus destructor |
Chile | CHL-12/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 11 May 2015 | Brevipalpus phoenicis - (BRVPPH) | Citrus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Brevipalpus phoenicis |
Chile | CHL-13/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Dactylopius coccus - (DACLCC) | Opuntia ficus – indica (Nopal). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Dactylopius coccus |
Chile | CHL-14/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Diabrotica viridula - (DIABVR) | Zea mays. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Diabrotica viridula |
Chile | CHL-15/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Dysmicoccus brevipes - (DYSMBR) | Ananas comosus(piña). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Dysmicoccus brevipes. |
Chile | CHL-16/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Eutetranychus banksi - (EUTEBA) | Ficus spp., Prunus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Eutetranychus banksi. |
Chile | CHL-17/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Homalodisca vitripennis - (HOMLTR) | PolÃfaga (Citrus spp.,Prunus spp.,Vitis vinÃfera y otros). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Homalodisca vitripennis. |
Chile | CHL-18/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Phyllocnistis citrella - (PHYNCI) | Citrus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Phyllocnistis citrella. |
Chile | CHL-19/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Pseudococcus elisae - (PSECEL) | Psidium guajava(Guayaba). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualizacion de la vigilancia de Pseudococcus elisae. |
Chile | CHL-20/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 22 Sep 2010 | Sternochetus mangiferae - (CRYPMA) | Mangifera indica. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Sternochetus mangiferae. |
Chile | CHL-22/2 | 23 Sep 2010 | 17 Oct 2010 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) | Prunus salicina; P. domestica; P. armeniaca; P. persica; P. persica var. nucipersica. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la vigilancia de Plum pox virus (ppv) |
Chile | CHL-23/2 | 18 Oct 2010 | 17 Oct 2010 | Thaumastocoris peregrinus - (THMCPE) | Eucalyptus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detección de Thaumastocoris peregrinus en Región Metropolitana. |
Brazil | BRA-01/2 | 11 Ene 2010 | 10 Ene 2010 | Puccinia kuehnii - (PUCCKU) | Sugar cane |
Present: transient |
Pest Notification - Sugar Cane Orange Rust - January 5th 2010 |
Barbados | BRB-01/3 | 29 Jun 2010 | 28 Jun 2010 | Gibberella indica - (FUSAUD) | Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) | First report of Fusarium udum | |
Barbados | BRB-02/3 | 18 Oct 2010 | 20 Oct 2010 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) and ornamental palms. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First Report of the presence of Red Palm Mite |
Barbados | BRB-03/3 | 17 Mar 2011 | 17 Mar 2011 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) | Citrus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurence of Oriental Citrus Psylla |
Barbados | BRB-04/3 | 18 Ago 2011 | 17 Ago 2011 | Phalacrococcus howertoni - (PXCCHO) | Croton (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume | First Report of Croton Scale (Phalacrococcus howertoni Hodges & Hodgson sp. nov.) | |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG-01/1 | 21 Abr 2008 | 20 Abr 2008 | Achatina fulica - (ACHAFU) | Not yet determined. |
Present: transient |
Giant African Land Snail |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-01/2 | 16 Jul 2007 | 15 Jul 2007 | Ralstonia solanacearum - (RALSSO) | Potatoes (for consumption) and tomatoes (fresh) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Potato brown rot and Bacterial wilt of tomato |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-02/2 | 16 Jul 2007 | 15 Jul 2007 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) | Solanum tuberosum- ware potato (for consumption) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Potato wart disease |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-03/2 | 16 Jul 2007 | 15 Jul 2007 | Rhynchophorus ferrugineus - (RHYCFE) | Palm plants ; mainly Phoenix canariensis, P. dactilifera and Washingtonia sp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Red Palm Weevil |
Slovenia | SVN-01/3 | 16 Mar 2006 | 15 Mar 2006 | Eggplant mottled dwarf virus - (EMDV00) | potato, tomato | First report of Eggplant mottled dwarf virus, potato, tomato - Slovenia | |
Slovenia | SVN-02/3 | 15 Sep 2006 | 14 Sep 2006 | Phytophthora hedraiandra - (PHYTHD) | Rhododendron |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phytophthora hedraiandra occurs on rhododendron in Slovenia |
Slovenia | SVN-03/3 | 02 Ago 2007 | 01 Ago 2007 | Rhagoletis cingulata - (RHAGCI) | Prunus cerasus L. |
Present: at low prevalence |
First outbreak of Rhagoletis cingulata in Slovenia |
Slovenia | SVN-04/3 | 02 Ago 2007 | 01 Ago 2007 | Potato spindle tuber viroid - (PSTVD0) | Solanum jasminoides, Solanum rantonnettii, Brugmansia cordata |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First outbreak of Potato spindle tuber pospoviroid (PSTVd) in Slovenia |
Slovenia | SVN-05/3 | 18 Mar 2009 | 17 Mar 2009 | Chalara fraxinea - (CHAAFR) | Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Chalara fraxinea |
Latvia | LVA-01/2 | 30 Jul 2008 | 29 Jul 2008 | Erwinia amylovora - (ERWIAM) | Malus, Pyrus, Sorbus, Crataegus, Cotoneaster. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The results of surveillance for Erwinia amylovora in Latvia in 2007. |
Latvia | LVA-02/2 | 14 Oct 2009 | 13 Oct 2009 | Mycosphaerella pini - (SCIRPI) | Pinus spp., Pseudotsuga menziesii, Larix decidua |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First finding of the Scirrhia pini Funk & A.K.Parker in 2009 |
Latvia | LVA-03/2 | 14 Oct 2009 | 13 Oct 2009 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) | Prunus |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First finding of the Plum Pox virus in 2008 |
Latvia | LVA-04/2 | 14 Oct 2009 | 13 Oct 2009 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) | Prunus |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Surveillance of the Plum Pox virus in 2009 |
Latvia | LVA-05/2 | 22 Ago 2012 | 26 Ago 2012 | Mycosphaerella dearnessii - (SCIRAC) | Pinus pumila |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First finding of the Mycosphaerella dearnessii M.E.Barr in 2012 |
Estonia | EST-01/2 | 26 Oct 2009 | 25 Oct 2009 | Xanthomonas fragariae - (XANTFR) | Strawberry plants (variety Polka) for commercial production of strawberries. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First finding of Xanthomonas fragariae in Estonia |
Denmark | DNK-01/2 | 24 Jun 2011 | 23 Jun 2011 | Anoplophora chinensis - (ANOLCN) | Acer palmatum 2 trees |
Present: transient |
Transcience of Anoplophora chinensis in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-02/2 | 24 Jun 2011 | 23 Jun 2011 | cachi - (DOSKA) | Wood packing material |
Present: transient |
Absence of Anoplophora glabripennis in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-03/2 | 24 Jun 2011 | 23 Jun 2011 | Monochamus sp. - (MONCSP) | Conifers (plants and wood) | Absence of Monochamus spp. in Denmark (Continued freedom) | |
Denmark | DNK-04/2 | 24 Jun 2011 | 23 Jun 2011 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) | Prunus domestica and Prunus persica |
Present: transient |
Plum pox virus finding in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-05/2 | 24 Jun 2011 | 23 Jun 2011 | Spodoptera litura - (PRODLI) | Crassula spp. and Pilea spp. |
Present: transient |
Eradicated outbreak of Spodoptera litura in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-06/2 | 27 Ago 2012 | 26 Ago 2012 | Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis - (CORBMI) | Solanum tuberosum |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus eradicated in Denmark |
Czechia | CZE-01/2 | 06 Mar 2008 | 05 Mar 2008 | Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid - (TCDVD0) | Petunia sp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First findings of Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd) in the Czech Republic |
Czechia | CZE-02/2 | 06 Mar 2008 | 05 Mar 2008 | Pseudaulacaspis pentagona - (PSEAPE) | Catalpa bignonioides |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Outbreaks of Pseudaulacaspis pentagona in the Czech Republic |
Czechia | CZE-03/3 | 06 Mar 2008 | 05 Mar 2008 | Cinara curvipes - (TODOCU) | Abies spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of Cinara curvipes in the Czech Republic |
Czechia | CZE-04/2 | 15 Ago 2008 | 14 Ago 2008 | Pepino mosaic virus - (PEPMV0) | tomato plants |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First outbreak of Pepino mosaic virus in the Czech Republic |
Czechia | CZE-05/2 | 18 Ago 2008 | 17 Ago 2008 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. poinsettiicola - (XANTPN) | poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) | First outbreak of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. poinsettiicola in the Czech Republic | |
Czechia | CZE-06/2 | 18 Ago 2008 | 17 Ago 2008 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli - (XANTPH) | seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris |
Absent: pest eradicated |
First outbreak of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli in the Czech Republic |
Czechia | CZE-07/2 | 15 Jun 2012 | 14 Jun 2012 | Dryocosmus kuriphilus - (DRYCKU) | Castanea sativa |
Present: transient |
First findings of Dryocosmus kuriphilus in the Czech Republic |
Belgium | BEL-01/2 | 05 Mar 2008 | 04 Mar 2008 | Mycosphaerella pini - (SCIRPI) | Pinus nigra subsp. laricio | Situation of Scirrhia pini in Belgium | |
Belgium | BEL-02/3 | 29 Abr 2009 | 15 Jul 2015 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Situation of Anoplophora glabripennis in Belgium | |
Belgium | BEL-03/2 | 30 Abr 2010 | 29 Abr 2010 | Diabrotica virgifera virgifera - (DIABVI) | Plants of Zea Mays |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Situation of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Belgium |
Singapore | SGP-01/4 | 02 Sep 2012 | 05 Ene 2021 | Microcyclus ulei - (MICCUL) | Hevea brasiliensis |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status - South American Leaf Blight in Singapore |
Singapore | SGP-02/4 | 02 Sep 2012 | 05 Ene 2021 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) | Fruits |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Ceratitis capitata and Bactrocera tryoni in Singapore |
Nepal | NPL-01/2 | 06 May 2005 | 05 Jul 2011 | Phytophthora meadii - (PHYTMD) | Tomato, potato and other Solanaceous crops | Disease of Crops | |
Nepal | NPL-02/2 | 06 Jul 2011 | 05 Jul 2011 | Deanolis sublimbalis - (NOORAL) | Man |
Present: transient |
Japan | JPN-01/2 | 05 Jul 2011 | 05 Jul 2011 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of plum pox virus in Japan | |
Indonesia | IDN-01/2 | 09 Jul 2009 | 08 Jul 2009 | Trogoderma granarium - (TROGGA) | Grains : rice, corns, other cereals feed meals |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Declaration of khapra beeetle free |
Indonesia | IDN-02/2 | 09 Jul 2009 | 08 Jul 2009 | Paracoccus marginatus - (PACOMA) | Papaya,and other crops also affected such as avocado, egg plant, tomato, cassava, aglaonema, palmae, adenium, hibiscus. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Introduction of papaya mealy bug |
Indonesia | IDN-03/2 | 09 Jul 2011 | 08 Jul 2011 | Oryza sp. - (ORYSS) | Oryza ssativa |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Outbreak of Wild Rice on Rice farming areas |
India | IND-01/6 | 15 Jul 2011 | 11 Jul 2024 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
--- | |
China | CHN-01/2 | 08 Jul 2008 | 05 Jul 2011 | Sirex noctilio - (SIRXNO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Solenopsis invicta Buren | |
China | CHN-02/2 | 09 Jul 2008 | 05 Jul 2011 | Viteus vitifoliae - (VITEVI) | Vitis spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The grape Root Louse or Grape Phylloxera. ,Viteus vitifoliae(Fitch). |
South Africa | ZAF-01/2 | 26 Ene 2007 | 25 Ene 2007 | Scirtothrips dorsalis - (SCITDO) |
Absent: pest no longer present |
SA no longer has Scirtothrips dorsalis | |
South Africa | ZAF-02/2 | 14 Dic 2007 | 13 Dic 2007 | Pepper mild mottle virus - (PMMOV0) | Pepperdew (Capsicum spp) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pepper mild mottle tobamovirus |
South Africa | ZAF-03/2 | 20 May 2008 | 13 Jul 2008 | Phytoplasma asteris - (PHYPAS) | Grapevine |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Aster yellows phytoplasma on Grapevine |
South Africa | ZAF-04/2 | 04 Ene 2010 | 03 Ene 2010 | Aleurothrixus floccosus - (ALTHFL) | Citrus spp.,Coffea arabica, Mangifera indica, Psidium guajava and Solanum melongena, |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-05/2 | 24 May 2010 | 23 May 2010 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits |
Present: transient |
First detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-06/2 | 14 Sep 2010 | 13 Sep 2010 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits |
Present: transient |
Second detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-07/2 | 24 Nov 2010 | 23 Nov 2010 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in the Northern Limpopo area in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-08/2 | 05 May 2011 | 04 May 2011 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in the Groblersbrug borderpost of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-09/2 | 28 Jun 2011 | 28 Jun 2011 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Third detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-10/2 | 27 Jul 2011 | 03 Oct 2011 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits |
Present: transient |
Fourth detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-11/2 | 08 Ago 2011 | 03 Oct 2011 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits |
Present: transient |
Fifth detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-13/2 | 28 Oct 2011 | 27 Oct 2011 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Sixth detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-14/2 | 02 Dic 2011 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and Cucurbit spp are under immediate potential production threat although not exported. Crops present in this area in South Africa include maize and cabbage. Several wild African fruits also occur in the area which may be hosts for this pest. |
Present: transient |
Seventh detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-15/2 | 06 Dic 2011 | 27 Nov 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in Groblersbrug, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-16/2 | 07 Dic 2011 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Present: transient |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in Tshipise area, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-17/2 | 03 Ene 2012 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Present: transient |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in the Weipe area, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-18/2 | 06 Mar 2012 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Present: transient |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in Nwanedi area, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-19/2 | 06 Mar 2012 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Present: transient |
Eradication of Bactrocera invadens in Levubu area, Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-20/2 | 27 Mar 2012 | 18 Abr 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Eighth detection of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-20/2 | 18 May 2012 | 05 Jul 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. are under threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in the areas notified in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp), cucurbits and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Pest status of Bactrocera invadens in Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-21/2 | 15 Jun 2012 | 06 Nov 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. and Persea spp. are under threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in the areas notified in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp), cucurbits and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Pest status of Bactrocera invadens in Limpopo Province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-22/2 | 22 Ago 2012 | 06 Nov 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in these areas notified in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.), cucurbits and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera invadens in the Vhembe, Mopani and Waterberg Districts of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-23/2 | 17 Sep 2012 | 06 Nov 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in these areas notified in South Africa include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.), cucurbits and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera invadens in the Ehlanzeni district municipality of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-24/2 | 28 Nov 2012 | 27 Nov 2012 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Man spp. are under immediate threat but other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in these areas notified in South Africa include citrus, guava, tomato, bell pepper, cucurbits and several wild African fruits. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera invadens in the Vhembe district, Limpopo Province of South Africa |
Senegal | SEN-01/2 | 19 Ene 2006 | 23 Jun 2008 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Diptere/Tephridae ( la mouche ) sur cultures horticoles |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Signalement: Mouche des fruits (Bactrocera invadens) en Novembre 2004. Cochenille du manguier (Rastococus invadens) en 1995. |
Senegal | SEN-02/2 | 19 Ene 2006 | 30 Ene 2006 | Aleurodicus dispersus - (ALEDDI) | Sur cultures horticoles et notammentsur plantes hornementales |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Signalisation: Mouche blanche (Aleurodicus dispercus) identifiee en 1995 |
Mozambique | MOZ-01/2 | 14 Nov 2008 | 13 Nov 2008 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Horticultural products namely man citrus, banana, melon, watermelon, pineapple, apples, tomatoes, guava and others fruits and vegetables |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
ocurence of fruit fly, Bactrocera invadens in Mozambique |
Mozambique | MOZ-02/2 | 06 Feb 2012 | 08 Feb 2012 | Leptocybe invasa - (LPCYIN) | Suitable host species include more than 10 Eucalyptus species namely: Eucalyptus saligna, E. camaldulensis, E. grandis, E. globulus, E. robusta, E. botryoides, E. bridgesiana, E. cinerea, E. nicholli, E. rudis, E. viminalis, E. gunii, E. tereticornis. But the preliminary studies conducted in South of Mozambique the pest attaks E. saligna and E. camaldulensis and in the Centre attack clone and hybrid of E. grandis and E. camaldulensis | Occurence of Eucalyptus gall wasp Leptocybe invasa in Mozambique | |
Gabon | GAB-01/3 | 02 Nov 2012 | 01 Nov 2012 | Paracoccus marginatus - (PACOMA) | Papayer | Apparition d'une nouvelle cochenille sur le papayer à Libreville Gabon | |
Gabon | GAB-02/3 | 02 Nov 2012 | 01 Nov 2012 | Paracoccus marginatus - (PACOMA) | Papayer |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
apparition de la cochenille du papayer à Libreville |
Congo | COG-01/4 | 19 Ene 2006 | 31 Ene 2006 | Viruses - (1VIRUD) | Culture du manioc |
Present: widely distributed |
Virus de la mosaique africaine du manioc |
Cameroon | CMR-01/3 | 07 Sep 2010 | 06 Sep 2010 | Banana bunchy top virus - (BBTV00) | Banana and Plantain |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of Banana Bunchy Top Disease on banana and plantain in Cameroon |
Cameroon | CMR-02/3 | 23 Ago 2011 | 22 Ago 2011 | East African cassava mosaic virus - (EACMV0) | Cassava (Manihot esculenta). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of the East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) infecting cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Cameroon. |
Botswana | BWA-01/2 | 30 Sep 2010 | 29 Sep 2010 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat plus tomato, pepper, man and several wild fruits which are grown or present in this area in Botswana |
Present: transient |
First Detection of Bactocera invadens In Botswana |
Algeria | DZA-01/2 | 16 Jun 2011 | 15 Jun 2011 | Erwinia amylovora - (ERWIAM) | Poirier, pommier, néflier |
Present: widely distributed |
Signalement du feu bactérien |
French Polynesia | PYF-01/3 | 19 Jul 2005 | 12 Jul 2017 | Homalodisca vitripennis - (HOMLTR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Homalodisca coagulata, la cicadelle pisseuse, en Polynésie française | |
French Polynesia | PYF-02/3 | 19 Jul 2005 | 29 Ago 2017 | Homalodisca vitripennis - (HOMLTR) |
Present: at low prevalence |
The glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata, in French Polynesia : report and biocontrol | |
French Polynesia | PYF-03/3 | 19 Jul 2005 | 29 Ago 2017 | Wasmannia auropunctata - (WASMAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The little fireant, Wasmannia auropunctata, in French Polynesia : report and official control | |
French Polynesia | PYF-04/3 | 19 Jul 2005 | 29 Ago 2017 | Wasmannia auropunctata - (WASMAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
La petite fourmi de feu, Wasmannia auropunctata en Polynésie française et campagne de lutte | |
French Polynesia | PYF-05/3 | 20 Jul 2005 | 29 Ago 2017 | Papaya ringspot virus - (PRSV00) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Le virus du ringspot du papayer en Polynésie française | |
French Polynesia | PYF-06/3 | 20 Jul 2005 | 29 Ago 2017 | Papaya ringspot virus - (PRSV00) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Papaya ringspot virus in French Polynesia | |
French Polynesia | PYF-07/3 | 21 May 2010 | 29 Ago 2017 | Quadrastichus erythrinae - (QUSTER) | Erythrina variegata |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Quadrastichus erythrinae on Erythrina variegata |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-01/2 | 05 Ene 2006 | 04 Ene 2006 | Insecta - (1INSEC) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Mealy bug control in St. Kitts and Nevis | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-02/2 | 05 Ene 2006 | 04 Ene 2006 | Insecta - (1INSEC) | Mealybug in St. Kitts and Nevis | ||
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-03/2 | 05 Ene 2006 | 04 Ene 2006 | Insecta - (1INSEC) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pink Hibiscus Mealybug | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-04/2 | 05 Ene 2006 | 04 Ene 2006 | Insecta - (1INSEC) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
List of Major pest in St. kitts and Nevis | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-05/2 | 11 May 2012 | 10 May 2012 | Coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma - (PHYP56) | Susceptible Palms (e.g. Coconut palms) | Detection of Lethal Yellowing in St. Kitts and Nevis | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-09/3 | 11 May 2012 | 10 May 2012 | Phytophthora richardiae - (PHYTRI) | Susceptible Palms | Presence of Bud Rot in St. Kitts and Nevis | |
Australia | AUS-55/4 | 21 Dic 2012 | 23 Jun 2023 | Wheat high plains virus - (WHPV00) | Triticum aestivum |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of High plains virus in Western Australia |
Canada | CAN-27/2 | 19 Feb 2013 | 18 Feb 2013 | Tetropium fuscum - (TETOFU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Update on the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle, Tetropium fuscum (Fabricius), in Nova Scotia, Canada | |
United States of America | USA-16/2 | 18 Dic 2012 | 17 Dic 2012 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, eradicated in Texas | |
Barbados | BRB-05/3 | 13 Dic 2012 | 12 Dic 2012 | Quadrastichus erythrinae - (QUSTER) | Erythrina variegata(Immortel)and other Erythrina spp. | First Report of Erythrina Gall Wasp in Barbados | |
Hungary | HUN-01/2 | 01 Mar 2013 | 28 Feb 2013 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | in a trap |
Present: transient |
First report of Drosophila suzukii |
Hungary | HUN-02/2 | 01 Mar 2013 | 28 Feb 2013 | Rhagoletis completa - (RHAGCO) | Juglans regia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Rhagoletis completa |
Denmark | DNK-07/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Chalara fraxinea - (CHAAFR) | Fraxinus spp. |
Present: widely distributed |
Chalara fraxinea is present in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-08/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Ralstonia solanacearum - (RALSSO) | Solanum tuberosum and ornamental Musa sp. |
Present: transient |
Ralstonia solanacearum absent in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-09/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Spodoptera littoralis - (SPODLI) | Ornamental plants |
Present: transient |
Spodoptera littoralis absent in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-10/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Frankliniella occidentalis - (FRANOC) | Ornamental plants |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Frankliniella occidentialis is under official control with respect to plants exported from Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-11/3 | 12 Mar 2013 | 14 Mar 2017 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) | Solanum tuberosum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Findings of Globodera pallida in potato fields in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-12/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Phytophthora fragariae - (PHYTFR) | Fragaria spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae of limited distribution in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-13/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) | Solanum tuberosum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis subject to official control in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-14/2 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Meloidogyne chitwoodi - (MELGCH) | Solanum tuberosum, Solanum lycopersicum and other hosts. |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Meloidogyne chitwoodii never found in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-15/3 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) | Solanum tuberosum |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Synchytrium endobioticum absent in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-16/3 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Phthorimaea operculella - (PHTOOP) | Solanum tuberosum |
Present: transient |
Phthorimaea operculella absent in Denmark |
Denmark | DNK-17/3 | 12 Mar 2013 | 11 Mar 2013 | Liriomyza trifolii - (LIRITR) | Ornamental plants |
Present: transient |
Liriomyza trifolii |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-08/3 | 27 Mar 2013 | 28 Ago 2020 | Elsinoe brasiliensis - (SPHAMA) | Cassava (Manihot esculenta) |
Present: widely distributed |
South Africa | ZAF-25/2 | 25 Mar 2013 | 01 Dic 2021 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.) and several wild African fruits produced or present in these areas in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
Canada | CAN-28/2 | 23 Abr 2013 | 23 Abr 2013 | cachi - (DOSKA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Asian Long-horned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) – Eradication from the cities of Toronto and Vaughan, Ontario | |
United States of America | USA-17/2 | 24 Abr 2013 | 24 Abr 2013 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) | Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) eradicated from the Rancho Cucamonga area of San Bernardino County, California | ||
Canada | CAN-29/2 | 06 May 2013 | 06 May 2013 | cachi - (DOSKA) | Longicorne asiatique (Anoplophora glabripennis) – Éradication dans les villes de Toronto et de Vaughan en Ontario | ||
United States of America | USA-18/2 | 14 May 2013 | 14 May 2013 | cachi - (DOSKA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) eradicated from Manhattan and Staten Island, New York | |
New Caledonia | NCL-01/2 | 31 May 2013 | 02 Jun 2013 | Puccinia psidii - (PUCCPS) | Myrtaceae species including Syzygium jambos, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Cloezia spp, Carpolepis laurifolia… |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Puccinia psidii in New Caledonia |
Eswatini | SWZ-01/2 | 07 Jun 2013 | 06 Jun 2013 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp are under immediate threat. Other products under threat include man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp) and several wild fruits | Notification on the detection of Bactrocera invadens in Swaziland | |
Australia | AUS-56/4 | 22 Jul 2013 | 06 Jul 2023 | Striga asiatica - (STRLU) | Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Striga asiatica near Mackay, mid east coast, Queensland |
Canada | CAN-30/3 | 24 Jun 2013 | 25 Jul 2013 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) | Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Three New Ontario Counties: Renfrew County, Northumberland County, and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | ||
Malta | MLT-01/4 | 07 Ago 2012 | 11 Oct 2017 | Spongospora subterranea - (SPONSU) | Solanum tubersum (ware potato) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presence of Spongospora subterranea specimens in the Maltese Islands |
Malta | MLT-02/7 | 15 Oct 2012 | 09 Oct 2017 | Schizotetranychus baltazari - (SCZTBA) | Phoenix canariensis |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presence of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) in Gozo |
Malta | MLT-03/3 | 07 Ago 2012 | 09 Oct 2017 | Potato spindle tuber viroid - (PSTVD0) | Burgmansia spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presence of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid |
Malta | MLT-04/3 | 13 Sep 2011 | 09 Oct 2017 | Aphis illinoisensis - (APHIIL) | Grapevines |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presence of Aphis illinoisenis Shimer 1866 |
United States of America | USA-19/4 | 07 Jun 2013 | 06 Ago 2013 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Mexican Fruit Fly (Anastrepha ludens): Regulated area established in Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-20/2 | 01 Jul 2013 | 06 Ago 2013 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) in Louisiana | |
United States of America | USA-21/2 | 18 Jul 2013 | 06 Ago 2013 | Achatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Giant African Snail (Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica): Two additional regulated areas in Florida established | |
United States of America | USA-22/2 | 01 Ago 2013 | 06 Ago 2013 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis): Counties in Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee added to the regulated area | |
Australia | AUS-57/2 | 13 Ago 2013 | 30 Jun 2015 | Parlatoria ziziphi - (PARLZI) | citrus |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of black parlatoria scale from Australia |
Australia | AUS-58/3 | 21 Ago 2013 | 30 Jun 2015 | Tomato ringspot virus - (TORSV0) | Cucurbita spp.; Cymbidium spp.; Fragaria spp.; Fraxinus spp.; Gladiolus spp.; Hydrangea spp.; Narcissus spp.; Pelarnium spp.; Prunus spp.; Ribes spp.; Rubus spp.; Solanum spp.; Vaccinium spp.; Vitis spp. |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of Tomato ringspot virus from Australia |
Thailand | THA-01/6 | 03 Sep 2013 | 29 Mar 2019 | Pantoea stewartii - (ERWIST) | sweet corn seed |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii from Thailand |
Austria | AUT-03/13 | 17 Sep 2013 | 18 Ene 2021 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Absence of Anoplophora glabripennis in Austria | |
United States of America | USA-23/3 | 17 Sep 2013 | 16 Sep 2013 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) – New regulated areas in California | |
Australia | AUS-59/2 | 04 Oct 2013 | 30 Jun 2015 | Phyllosticta cavendishii - (PHYSCA) | Musa: Banana—Cavendish cultivar |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Phyllosticta cavendishii in Northern Territory |
Singapore | SGP-03/7 | 08 Nov 2013 | 02 Sep 2019 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) | Imported potatoes for consumption. |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Status Report of Potato Wart Disease in imported potatoes into Singapore from 2008 - 2012 |
Mozambique | MOZ-03/2 | 01 Sep 2013 | 22 Dic 2016 | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense - (FUSACB) | The Tropical Race 4 of this fungus has banana as the specific host |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New banana disease found in Mozambique ( Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense Tropical Race 4) |
Canada | CAN-31/2 | 04 Dic 2013 | 05 Dic 2013 | cachi - (DOSKA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Regulated Area for the Asian Long-horned Beetle now in effect in Mississauga and Toronto, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-32/2 | 04 Dic 2013 | 05 Dic 2013 | cachi - (DOSKA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Zone réglementée en vigueur à Mississauga et Toronto, Ontario, en raison de la présence du longicorne asiatique. | |
South Africa | ZAF-26/6 | 10 Dic 2013 | 01 Dic 2021 | Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN) | Citrus spp. and other commodities including man, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.) and several wild African fruits produced or present in these areas in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Bactrocera invadens in South Africa |
Canada | CAN-33/2 | 13 Dic 2013 | 12 Dic 2013 | Rhagoletis pomonella - (RHAGPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Apple Maggot Found in Prince George, British Columbia | |
Canada | CAN-34/2 | 13 Dic 2013 | 12 Dic 2013 | Rhagoletis pomonella - (RHAGPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Découverte de la mouche de la pomme à Prince George, Colombie-Britannique | |
New Zealand | NZL-03/3 | 21 Ene 2014 | 21 Ene 2014 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in a surveillance trap | Detection of a single male Queensland fruit fly (in a New Zealand surveillance trap) | |
Barbados | BRB-06/4 | 03 Feb 2014 | 06 Mar 2017 | Liberibacter - (1LIBEG) | Species of the Rutaceae family particularly Citrus spp. | Occurrence of Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) in Barbados | |
Uganda | UGA-01/2 | 05 Abr 2013 | 19 Jun 2013 | Sugarcane mosaic virus - (SCMV00) | Zea mays |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control Present: transient |
New pest of Maize: Maize lethal necrosis in Uganda |
United States of America | USA-24/3 | 06 Feb 2014 | 05 Feb 2014 | Oryctes rhinoceros - (ORYCRH) |
Present: transient |
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros, Scarabaeidae) detected in Hawaii | |
New Zealand | NZL-04/2 | 10 Feb 2014 | 09 Feb 2014 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in surveillance trap. | After 14 days of intensive surveillance and fruit monitoring, no further Queensland fruit flies have been detected. The absence of Bactrocera tryoni in New Zealand is confirmed. | |
Australia | AUS-60/5 | 29 May 2014 | 23 Jun 2023 | Little cherry virus 2 - (LCHV20) | Prunus avium, sweet cherry |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Little Cherry Virus 2 in Australia |
United States of America | USA-25/3 | 14 Feb 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Xanthomonas - (1XANTG) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.) quarantine established in Louisiana | |
United States of America | USA-26/3 | 21 Mar 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Oxycarenus hyalinipennis - (OXYAHY) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Cotton Seed Bug (Oxycarenus hyalinipennis) eradicated from Florida | |
New Zealand | NZL-05/3 | 03 Abr 2014 | 03 Abr 2014 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in a surveillance trap | Detection of a single male Queensland fruit fly (in a New Zealand surveillance trap) | |
Australia | AUS-61/5 | 11 Abr 2014 | 06 Jul 2023 | Bactrocera sp. - (BCTRSP) | Potential fruit fly hosts on inhabited Torres Strait islands include: banana (Musa spp.), man (Mangifera indica), papaya (Carica papaya), citrus (Citrus spp.), pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), guava (Psidium guajava), custard apple (Annona reticulata), soursop (Annona muricata) and Indian almond (Terminalia catappa). On some islands, small numbers of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), capsicum (Capsicum annuum), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), passionfruit (Passiflora edulis) and other tropical fruits also grown |
Present: transient |
Transient incursions of exotic Bactrocera species in Torres Strait |
Australia | AUS-62/2 | 11 Abr 2014 | 30 Jun 2015 | Phytophthora meadii - (PHYTMD) | - |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Phytophthora meadii from Australia |
Australia | AUS-63/2 | 11 Abr 2014 | 25 Jun 2015 | Phytophthora richardiae - (PHYTRI) | - |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of Phytophthora richardiae |
New Zealand | NZL-06/2 | 23 Abr 2014 | 23 Abr 2014 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in surveillance trap. | After 14 days of intensive surveillance and fruit monitoring, no further fruit flies have been detected. The absence of Bactrocera tryoni in New Zealand is confirmed. | |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG-02/1 | 14 May 2014 | 13 May 2014 | Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma - (PHYP56) | This disease affects coconut and a range of ornamental palm species. Ornamental species affected were inclusive of bismark, royal and foxtail palms, the latter having no prior history of susceptibility to this disease. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lethal Yellowing Disease of Palms in Antigua |
Costa Rica | CRI-06/3 | 12 May 2014 | 25 Oct 2018 | Maconellicoccus hirsutus - (PHENHI) | Hibiscus spp, |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Maconellicoccus hirsutus |
Costa Rica | CRI-07/4 | 13 May 2014 | 25 Oct 2018 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Solanum lycopersicum |
Present: widely distributed |
Tuta absoluta |
Japan | JPN-02/1 | 28 May 2014 | 27 May 2014 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Elsinoe australis in Japan | |
United States of America | USA-27/1 | 19 May 2014 | 27 May 2014 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) eradicated in California | |
United States of America | USA-28/2 | 19 May 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly) - Regulated area established in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-29/2 | 14 Abr 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Updated regulated areas for the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) in the United States | |
United States of America | USA-30/2 | 14 Abr 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | cachi - (DOSKA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle) - Portions of Long Island, New York added to the regulated area | |
United States of America | USA-31/2 | 12 May 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | cachi - (DOSKA) | Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle) – Eradicated from Suffolk and Norfolk Counties, Massachusetts | ||
United States of America | USA-32/2 | 21 May 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Diaphorina citri (Asian Citrus Psyllid) – Regulated area established in San Luis Obispo County in California | |
United States of America | USA-33/2 | 21 May 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Greening (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) – Quarantine area expanded in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-34/2 | 21 May 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) – New quarantine area established in Los Angeles County, California | |
Kenya | KEN-01/3 | 09 Jun 2014 | 11 Sep 2017 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Tomato is the main host plant, but T. absoluta also attacks other crop plants of the nightshade family, including potato, eggplant, pepino and tobacco. It attacks many solanaceous weeds, including Datura stramonium, Lycium chilense, and Solanum nigrum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New pest in Kenya: Preliminary surveillance report on Tuta absoluta- preliminary report by Kenya |
Kenya | KEN-02/2 | 27 Jun 2014 | 05 Nov 2017 | Maize chlorotic mottle virus - (MCMV00) | Restricted to the Poaceae of which maize is the main a natural host (rdon et al., 1984). Other species that have been infected by mechanical inoculation include: Bromus spp., Digitaria sanguinalis, Eragrostis trichodes, Hordeum spp., Panicum spp., Setaria spp., Sorghum spp. and Triticum aestivum (Castillo and Hebert, 1974; Niblett and Claflin, 1978; Bockelman et al., 1982) and Zea mays subsp. mays and mexicana (Castillo and Hebert, 1974; Nault et al., 1982). The Kansas serotype 1 also infected Zea mays subsp. parviglumis and Zea luxurians (Nault et al., 1982). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Status of Maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND)in kenya |
United States of America | USA-35/3 | 17 Jul 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Orobanche aegyptiaca - (ORAAE) |
Present: transient |
Detection of Egyptian Broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) in California | |
United States of America | USA-36/3 | 27 Ago 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) - Eradicated from Multiple Areas in California | |
United States of America | USA-37/3 | 17 Sep 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) |
Present: at low prevalence Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode) - Removal of Regulated Areas in New York | |
Chile | CHL-21/5 | 02 Oct 2014 | 10 Mar 2020 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) | Vitis vinifera |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Estrategia 2019-2020 del Programa Nacional Lobesia botrana, aprobada por la Resolución Exenta N° 6.338 de 2019 |
Chile | CHL-24/4 | 02 Oct 2014 | 03 Abr 2020 | Monilinia fructicola - (MONIFC) | Stone Fruits |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
2017, June - Current status of official control of Monilinia fructicola |
Chile | CHL-25/3 | 03 Oct 2014 | 16 Mar 2020 | Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae - (PSDMAK) | Actinidia spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
2017, june - Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (PSA) |
Denmark | DNK-18/6 | 08 Oct 2014 | 14 Mar 2017 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) | Warepotatoes for industrial processing into starch |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Isolated ourbreak of Synchytrium endobioticum is being officially controlled, cf. DNK-15/3 |
Australia | AUS-64/1 | 17 Oct 2014 | 16 Oct 2014 | Cucumber green mottle mosaic tobamovirus - (CGMMV0) | Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) |
Present: transient |
Detection of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in the Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-65/2 | 28 Oct 2014 | 06 Jul 2023 | Liriomyza sativae - (LIRISA) | Confirmed hosts include: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), castor oil (Ricinus communis), Chinese lantern/oseberry (Physalis angulata), squash (Cucurbita maxima), Sesbania grandiflora and siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum). | Liriomyza sativae in Torres Strait | |
Ukraine | UKR-01/2 | 18 Nov 2014 | 15 Dic 2017 | None | Eradication of Bemisia tabaci Gen. outbreaks in Ukraine | ||
Singapore | SGP-04/1 | 06 Feb 2014 | 18 Nov 2014 | Coleosporium plumeriae - (COLSPL) | C. plumeriae had been recorded only in hosts from the genus Plumeria (Main) and in other host – Catharanthus roseus. [Source: CABI CPC 2014] | Status of Coleosporium plumeriae in Plumeria trees in Singapore | |
Singapore | SGP-05/2 | 06 Feb 2014 | 18 Nov 2014 | Erwinia ananatis - (ERWIAN) | Plants reported to be hosts of Pantoea ananatis currently include Allium cepa (onion), Ananas comosus (pineapple), Cucumis melo (melon) Eucalyptus spp., Oryza sativa (rice), Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) and Zea mays (maize). [Source: CABI CPC 2014] |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Pantoea ananatis in ornamentals in Singapore |
Singapore | SGP-06/2 | 06 Feb 2014 | 18 Nov 2014 | Puccinia psidii - (PUCCPS) | Myrtaceae family (specifically for Syzygium spp., which has many ornamental species present in Singapore). |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Puccinia psidii in ornamentals in Singapore |
Singapore | SGP-07/2 | 02 Feb 2014 | 05 Ene 2021 | Trogoderma granarium - (TROGGA) | Store products |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Trogoderma granarium in Singapore |
Singapore | SGP-08/1 | 02 Ene 2014 | 18 Nov 2014 | Meloidogyne enterolobii - (MELGMY) | Ornamental plants |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Meloidogyne enterobolii in Singapore |
Singapore | SGP-09/1 | 09 Ene 2015 | 09 Ene 2015 | Microcyclus ulei - (MICCUL) | Hevea species with Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree) as the main host. |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest Free Status of Microcyclus ulei in Singapore |
Cameroon | CMR-03/4 | 05 Feb 2015 | 05 Feb 2015 | Paracoccus marginatus - (PACOMA) | Beside the papaya plant, its preferred host, the papaya mealy bug attacks more than 80 plant species including crops, weeds and ornamentals (cassava, cocoyam, egg-plant, jatropha and frangipani. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The papaya mealy bug (Paracoccus marginatus) in Cameroon |
South Africa | ZAF-27/1 | 13 Feb 2015 | 13 Feb 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. and other commodities including mango, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.) and several wild African fruits produced or present in these areas in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Bactrocera dorsalis (previously known as Bactrocera invadens) in South Africa |
United States of America | USA-38/2 | 09 Oct 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Helicoverpa armigera - (HELIAR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Old World Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) in Puerto Rico | |
United States of America | USA-39/2 | 28 Oct 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) – Removal of Quarantine Area in the Los Angeles area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-40/2 | 28 Oct 2014 | 19 Sep 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Mexican Fruit Fly (Anastrepha ludens) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-41/2 | 23 Ene 2015 | 19 Sep 2016 | Rhynchophorus ferrugineus - (RHYCFE) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Red Palm Weevil) - Eradicated from California | |
United States of America | USA-42/2 | 13 Feb 2015 | 19 Sep 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – Updated regulated areas in the United States | |
New Zealand | NZL-07/2 | 24 Feb 2015 | 24 Feb 2015 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Fruit fly traps, Citrus and Prunus fruit |
Present: transient |
Isolated population of Bactrocera tryoni |
United States of America | USA-43/1 | 27 Feb 2015 | 27 Feb 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) – Establishment of a new quarantine area in the Inglewood area of Los Angeles, California | |
United States of America | USA-44/2 | 27 Feb 2015 | 27 Feb 2015 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Diaphorina citri (Asian Citrus Psyllid) – Quarantined Area Expanded in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-45/1 | 27 Feb 2015 | 27 Feb 2015 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Citrus Greening) - Quarantined Area Expanded in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-46/1 | 27 Feb 2015 | 27 Feb 2015 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) – Establishment of a quarantine area in Perris, Riverside County, California. | |
United States of America | USA-47/1 | 01 Abr 2015 | 01 Abr 2015 | Agrilus plannipenis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – Updated regulated areas in the United States | |
United States of America | USA-48/1 | 02 Abr 2015 | 02 Abr 2015 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – Regulated Area Expanded in South Florida | |
United States of America | USA-49/1 | 09 Abr 2015 | 09 Abr 2015 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Elsinoë australis (Sweet Orange Scab) - Update in California | |
United States of America | USA-50/2 | 27 Abr 2015 | 28 Abr 2015 | Epiphyas postvittana - (TORTPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth) – Reduction of Quarantine Area | |
Australia | AUS-66/1 | 05 May 2015 | 05 May 2015 | Potato spindle tuber viroid - (PSTVD0) | Currently, PSTVd is known to occur in the hosts listed below. Greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) (single property, South Australia) and field tomatoes (Queensland) Ornamental/white potato vine (Solanum laxum Spreng, synonym S. jasminoides) (Queensland) Annual Saltbush (Western Australia) Atriplex semilunaris (Western Australia) Thorny saltbush (Rhagodia eremaea) (Western Australia) Streptoglossa sp. (Western Australia) Flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) (Western Australia) Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) (Western Australia) Thornapple (Datrua stramonium) (Western Australia) Apple-of-Peru (Nicandra physalodes) (Western Australia) Malvaceae (Western Australia) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control Present: transient |
Detection of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid in Australia |
United States of America | USA-51/2 | 14 May 2015 | 14 May 2015 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pyrenopeziza brassicae (Light leaf spot fungus) - confirmed in Oregon | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-01/1 | 29 May 2015 | 03 Jun 2015 | None | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus Pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana |
Present: transient |
First outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea |
United States of America | USA-52/1 | 15 Jun 2015 | 15 Jun 2015 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Establishment of a New Quarantine Area in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. | |
United States of America | USA-53/2 | 15 Jun 2015 | 17 Ago 2015 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) – Establishment of Quarantine Areas in the Rangerville, Cameron County and McAllen, Mission, and La Villa areas of Hidalgo County, Texas. | |
United States of America | USA-54/1 | 15 Jun 2015 | 15 Jun 2015 | Bactrocera correcta - (BCTRCO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera correcta (Guava Fruit Fly) – Establishment of a Quarantine Area in Long Beach Area of Los Angeles, California. | |
Guyana | GUY-01/2 | 16 Jun 2015 | 14 Sep 2016 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Coconuts (Cocus nucifera) and other ornamental palms, Heliconias, Bananas and Plantains (Musa sp.); Craft made of palm leaves and pointer brooms. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurence of Red Palm Mite |
United Kingdom | GBR-35/4 | 19 Jun 2015 | 06 Oct 2021 | None | Delete | ||
Australia | AUS-67/2 | 23 Jun 2015 | 25 Jun 2015 | Grapevine fanleaf virus - (GFLV00) | Grapevine propagative material, Grape seeds |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of Grapevine fanleaf virus from Australia |
Slovenia | SVN-06/7 | 29 Jun 2015 | 10 Oct 2018 | Citrus bark cracking viroid - (CBCVD0) | CBCVd is a highly aggressive viroid on new host: hops Humulus lupulus L. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) on hops (Humulus lupulus) |
French Polynesia | PYF-08/2 | 30 Jun 2015 | 29 Ago 2017 | TYLCV - (TYLCV0) | Tomato |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus on tomato plants |
United States of America | USA-55/1 | 01 Jul 2015 | 01 Jul 2015 | Rhynchophorus palmarum - (RHYCPA) |
Present: transient |
Rhynchophorus palmarum (South American Palm Weevil) – Detection in Arizona | |
Australia | AUS-68/2 | 13 Jul 2015 | 23 Jun 2023 | Peronospora somniferi - (PEROSM) | Papaver somniferum (Alkaloid poppy) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Peronospora somniferi in Tasmania and Victoria |
Australia | AUS-69/3 | 13 Jul 2015 | 06 Jun 2017 | Marchalina hellenica - (MARCHE) | The affected host species reported are restricted to the family Pinaceae with records available for the following species and genera: • Pines: Pinus brutia, Pinus halepensis, Pinus kochiana Klotzsch ex K. Koch, Pinus laricio tauricus, Pinus nigra salzmannii J.F.Arnold, Pinus pinea, Pinus sosnowskyi, Pinus sylvestris. • Firs: Abies cephalonica, Abies nordmenniana, • Spruces: Picea engelmanni , Picea orientalis, |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Marchalina hellenica in Victoria |
Rwanda | RWA-01/1 | 15 Jul 2015 | 15 Jul 2015 | Maize chlorotic mottle virus - (MCMV00) | Zea mays |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control Present: transient |
Australia | AUS-70/1 | 27 Jul 2015 | 27 Jul 2015 | Tilletia controversa - (TILLCO) | Wheat (Triticum spp.) Barley grass (Critesion spp.) Occasionally other Poaceae. |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Tilletia controversa from Australia |
United States of America | USA-56/2 | 03 Ago 2015 | 03 Ago 2015 | Helicoverpa armigera - (HELIAR) |
Present: transient |
Helicoverpa armigera (Old World Bollworm) - Detection in Florida | |
Fiji | FJI-02/1 | 03 Ago 2015 | 03 Ago 2015 | None | Asian Subtarrenean Termites ( AST ) | ||
Fiji | FJI-03/1 | 03 Ago 2015 | 03 Ago 2015 | Coptotermes gestroi - (COPTGE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Asian Subtarrenean Termites ( AST ) | |
New Caledonia | NCL-02/1 | 16 Ago 2015 | 16 Ago 2015 | None | Solanum tuberosum (imported seeds) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ralstonia solanacearum bv2, race 3 in New Caledonia |
United States of America | USA-57/1 | 17 Ago 2015 | 17 Ago 2015 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in the Perris area of Riverside County, California | |
United States of America | USA-58/3 | 19 Ago 2015 | 19 Ago 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes New Regulated Areas in California | |
United States of America | USA-59/1 | 19 Ago 2015 | 19 Ago 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in the Athens area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-60/1 | 21 Ago 2015 | 21 Ago 2015 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in the Cabo Rojo Area of Puerto Rico | |
United States of America | USA-61/2 | 25 Sep 2015 | 25 Sep 2015 | Bactericera cockerelli - (PARZCO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Florida Official Control Program of Bactericera cockerelli (Potato/Tomato Psyllid) Recognized by APHIS under the Federally Recognized State Managed Phytosanitary (FRSMP) Program | |
United States of America | USA-62/1 | 25 Sep 2015 | 25 Sep 2015 | Bagrada hilaris - (BAGRHI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Florida Official Control Program of Bagrada hilaris (bagrada bug) Recognized by APHIS Under the Federally Recognized State Managed Phytosanitary (FRSMP) Program | |
Canada | CAN-35/5 | 02 Oct 2015 | 05 Oct 2015 | Rhagoletis pomonella - (RHAGPO) |
Present: transient |
Rhagoletis pomonella (apple maggot) detected in West Kelowna, British Columbia | |
Myanmar | MMR-01/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Banana | ||
Myanmar | MMR-02/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Chilli | ||
Myanmar | MMR-03/2 | 03 Oct 2015 | 31 Jul 2019 | None | Chilli | ||
Myanmar | MMR-04/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Citrus | ||
Myanmar | MMR-05/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Corn | ||
Myanmar | MMR-06/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Crucifer | ||
Myanmar | MMR-07/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Cut Flower | ||
Myanmar | MMR-08/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Durian | ||
Myanmar | MMR-09/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Mango | ||
Myanmar | MMR-10/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Oil Seed Crops | ||
Myanmar | MMR-11/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Potato | ||
Myanmar | MMR-12/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Pulses | ||
Myanmar | MMR-13/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Rice | ||
Myanmar | MMR-14/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Rodent | ||
Myanmar | MMR-15/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Stored Pest | ||
Myanmar | MMR-16/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Tomato | ||
Myanmar | MMR-17/1 | 03 Oct 2015 | 03 Oct 2015 | None | Weed | ||
Denmark | DNK-19/2 | 07 Oct 2015 | 31 Ene 2017 | Anoplophora chinensis - (ANOLCN) | nil |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Absence of Anoplophora chinensis in Denmark |
Tuvalu | TUV-02/4 | 26 Oct 2015 | 26 Oct 2015 | Bactrocera xanthodes - (BCTRXA) | Breadfruit & papaya |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest Outbreak on Niulakita Island |
Tuvalu | TUV-03/4 | 26 Oct 2015 | 26 Oct 2015 | None | Environmental pest |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Impact of Yellow Crazy Ant (YCA) on biodiversity |
Japan | JPN-03/7 | 06 Nov 2015 | 06 Sep 2016 | None |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Detection of Bactrocera dorsalis species complex (Oriental fruit flies) in Amami Oshima Island, Japan | |
United Kingdom | GBR-36/2 | 06 Nov 2015 | 06 Oct 2021 | None |
Absent: pest not recorded |
. | |
United Kingdom | GBR-37/2 | 10 Nov 2015 | 06 Oct 2021 | None | delete | ||
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-09/8 | 16 Nov 2015 | 28 Ago 2020 | Cylas formicarius - (CYLAFO) | Plants off ipomeoa family especially Ipomeoa batatas. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of Cylas formicarius in Trinidad and Tobago |
United States of America | USA-63/1 | 16 Nov 2015 | 16 Nov 2015 | Bactrocera correcta - (BCTRCO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera correcta (Guava Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California | |
Canada | CAN-36/2 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | emerald ash borer - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
December 2013 Report: Emerald Ash Borer Found in New Locations in Ontario and Québec | |
Canada | CAN-37/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None |
Absent: pest eradicated Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
April 2014: Detection and Eradication of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand) in Niagara Glen Park, Ontario | |
Canada | CAN-38/2 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | Plum pox potyvirus - (PPV000) | May 2014: Expansion of Regulated Area for Plum Pox Virus in Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-39/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | apple ermine moth - (HYPNMA) | August 2014: Deregulation of Apple Ermine Moth, Yponomeuta malinellus, as a Quarantine Pest in Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-40/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | emerald ash borer - (AGRLPL) | October 2014: Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, Confirmed in the Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus (MRC d’Antoine-Labelle), Québec, Canada. | ||
Canada | CAN-41/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None | September 2014: New Report of Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in Prince Edward Island, Canada (2014) | ||
Canada | CAN-42/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None | January 2015: Detection of Verticillium wilt of canola (Verticillium longisporum) in Manitoba | ||
Canada | CAN-43/2 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | brown spruce longhorn beetle - (TETOFU) | April 2015: Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle - Updated Regulated Areas - Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-44/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None | May 2015: Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) is a regulated pest under the Plant Protection Act. | ||
Canada | CAN-45/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None | July 2015: Blueberry Maggot (Rhagoletis mendax Curran) - Updates to Blueberry Certification Program and Domestic Phytosanitary Requirements | ||
Canada | CAN-46/1 | 17 Nov 2015 | 17 Nov 2015 | None | July 2015: Blueberry Maggot (Rhagoletis mendax Curran) - Expansion of Regulated Areas | ||
United States of America | USA-64/1 | 23 Nov 2015 | 23 Nov 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) – New Regulated Area Established in Redland, Miami-Dade County, Florida | |
Australia | AUS-71/1 | 27 Nov 2015 | 27 Nov 2015 | Strawberry latent ringspot virus - (SLRSV0) | Grapevine, stone fruit, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, black currants, red currants, asparagus, celery, rhubarb, roses (Rosa sp.), hops; Robinia pseudoacacia, Sambucus nigra, Euonymus europaeus, Aesculus carnea, Gladiolus sp., Narcissus sp. |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Strawberry latent ringspot virus from Australia |
United States of America | USA-65/1 | 10 Dic 2015 | 10 Dic 2015 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Anastrepha ludens ( Mexican Fruit Fly ) - Removal of Quarantine Areas in Rangerville Cameron County and McAllen, Mission and La Villa, Hidalgo, County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-66/1 | 10 Dic 2015 | 10 Dic 2015 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in the La Mesa area of San Diego County, California | |
United States of America | USA-67/1 | 10 Dic 2015 | 10 Dic 2015 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis ( Oriental Fruit Fly ) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Cupertino, Santa Clara County, California | |
Chile | CHL-25/3 | 16 Dic 2015 | 29 Jun 2017 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) | Vitis vinifera |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
2017, June. National Program Lobesia botrana. Strategy for the years 2016-2017. |
Panama | PAN-02/6 | 17 Dic 2015 | 13 Mar 2024 | Brachyplatys sp. - (BRAPSP) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presencia de Brachyplatys sp en ciertas áreas de Panamá/Presence of Brachyplatys sp. in some areas of Panamá | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-02/2 | 24 Dic 2015 | 07 Sep 2016 | None | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus Pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana |
Present: transient |
Update on "First report of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea" |
United States of America | USA-68/1 | 15 Ene 2016 | 15 Ene 2016 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Covina, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-69/1 | 15 Ene 2016 | 15 Ene 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) – Establishment of Regulated Area in the Harlingen area, Cameron County, Texas | |
France | FRA-01/4 | 10 Feb 2016 | 10 Feb 2016 | None | Signalements d'organismes nuisibles (pest reports) | ||
United States of America | USA-70/1 | 25 Feb 2016 | 25 Feb 2016 | Bactrocera latifrons - (DACULA) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera latifrons (Malaysian Fruit Fly) - Establishment of Regulated Area in in Westchester, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-71/2 | 08 Mar 2016 | 08 Mar 2016 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Redland, Miami-Dade County, Florida | |
South Africa | ZAF-28/2 | 23 Mar 2016 | 23 Mar 2016 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. and other commodities including mango, guava, tomato, pepper (Capsicum spp.) and several wild African fruits produced or present in these areas in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Country status report of Bactrocera dorsalis in South Africa |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-04/6 | 07 Abr 2016 | 16 May 2016 | Anoplophora sp. - (ANOLSP) | anoplophora spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Situation of Anoplophora spp. |
Lithuania | LTU-01/7 | 19 Abr 2016 | 08 Jun 2021 | None | Information on Pest Status in the Republic of Lithuania in 2020 | ||
United States of America | USA-72/3 | 22 Abr 2016 | 13 Jun 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) | Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine Areas in Texas | ||
Australia | AUS-72/1 | 05 May 2016 | 05 May 2016 | Cherry rasp leaf virus - (CRLV00) | Cherries; Peaches, Apples, and Raspberries. Prunus mahaleb is also susceptible. Weeds have been found naturally infected, but are symptomless (such as species of Taraxacum, Plantago and Balsamorhiza) |
Absent: pest no longer present Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Cherry rasp leaf virus from Australia |
South Africa | ZAF-29/3 | 05 May 2016 | 03 Jun 2016 | None | Blue berry plants Vaccinium virgatum. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First detection of Acalitus vaccinii in South Africa |
Republic of Korea | KOR-03/1 | 16 May 2016 | 16 May 2016 | None | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus Pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder, Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana |
Present: transient |
Report of outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2016 |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-05/1 | 16 May 2016 | 16 May 2016 | Xylella fastidiosa - (XYLEFA) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Decleration of Turkey on Xylella fastidiosa | |
United States of America | USA-73/1 | 23 May 2016 | 23 May 2016 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail) - APHIS Establishes Additional Regulated Area in Florida | |
Australia | AUS-73/1 | 24 May 2016 | 24 May 2016 | Ophiognomonia leptostyla - (GNOMLE) | English Walnut (Juglans regia) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Ophiognomonia leptostyla from Australia |
South Africa | ZAF-30/2 | 03 Jun 2016 | 01 Dic 2021 | None | This leafminer is newly described as Holocasista capensis where it was previously known to be an Antispila sp. It is occasionally found on table grape leaves where it causes some damage. It was redescribed after occurrences of damage were reported in the Western Cape. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
A new leafminer pest on table grapes in South Africa |
Australia | AUS-74/2 | 27 Jun 2016 | 06 Jul 2023 | Diuraphis noxia - (BRAYNO) | The Russian wheat aphid is restricted to grasses and it reproduces best and does most damage on cool-season grasses. The hosts that are most severely affected are: • barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Other primary hosts include durum wheat (Triticum durum), field broom grass (Bromus arvensis), Elymus sp. and jointed goatgrass (Triticum cylindricum). The Secondary hosts include: • cereal rye (Secale cereale), triticale (Triticum aestivum x Secale cereale) and various grasses in the Poaceae family, such as oats (Avena satvia), tall wheat grass (Agropyron elongatum) and Indian rice grass (Oryzopsis hymenoides). • Diuraphis noxia requires host plants year round to persist in an area. This aphid is able to develop on cool-season grass species as well as warm-season grass species. 140 grass species have been listed with varying degrees of suitability for D. noxia reproduction. • The reproduction of the Russian wheat aphid on warm-season grasses is low but they can serve as potential host. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) in South Australia and Victoria |
Canada | CAN-47/2 | 11 Jul 2016 | 31 Mar 2020 | None | Rhagoletis cerasi, European Cherry Fruit Fly, Detected in Ontario / La présence de Rhagoletis cerasi, la mouche de la cerise, est confirmée en Ontario | ||
United States of America | USA-74/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.) - APHIS adds St. Bernard Parish and Portions of Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Charles, and Lafourche Parishes in Louisiana to the domestic citrus canker quarantine | |
United States of America | USA-75/2 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.) - APHIS establishes a quarantine in portions of Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-76/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | Helicoverpa armigera - (HELIAR) |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Helicoverpa armigera (Old World Bollworm) in Florida Deemed an Isolated Regulatory Incident | |
United States of America | USA-77/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | Dickeya dianthicola - (ERWICD) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Classifies the Potato Blackleg Pathogen, Dickeya dianthicola | |
United States of America | USA-78/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – Updated regulated areas in the United States | |
United States of America | USA-79/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-80/1 | 05 Ago 2016 | 05 Ago 2016 | Epiphyas postvittana - (TORTPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth) - APHIS Adds Ventura County to the Regulated Area in California | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-04/4 | 10 Ago 2016 | 06 Sep 2016 | None | Plants for planting except seeds (nursery stocks, scion, cuttings etc.) of Prunus spp. |
Present: transient |
First outbreak of Plum pox virus (PPV) |
Japan | JPN-04/5 | 17 Ago 2016 | 17 Ago 2016 | None |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis species complex (Oriental fruit flies) in Amami Oshima Island, Japan | |
United States of America | USA-81/1 | 19 Ago 2016 | 19 Ago 2016 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine in the Inglewood Area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-82/1 | 19 Ago 2016 | 19 Ago 2016 | Bactrocera latifrons - (DACULA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera latifrons (Malaysian Fruit Fly) - Removal of the Quarantine in the Westchester Area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-83/1 | 19 Ago 2016 | 19 Ago 2016 | Lobesia botrana - (POLYBO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
APHIS Declares Eradication of European Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana) and Eliminates All Quarantine Areas in California | |
South Africa | ZAF-31/1 | 01 Sep 2016 | 01 Dic 2021 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Host plants such as Solanum lycopersicum (Tomatoes), Solanum melongena (Eggplant) and Solanum tuberosum (Potato), may be affected if Tuta absoluta should establish in the areas where it was detected. | First detection of Tuta absoluta in South Africa | |
South Africa | ZAF-32/2 | 01 Sep 2016 | 01 Dic 2021 | Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN) | Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) | First detection of Raoiella indica in South Africa | |
Nepal | NPL-03/2 | 06 Sep 2016 | 28 Nov 2017 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | tomato |
Present: except in specified pest free areas |
South American tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) was recorded for the first time in Nepal from a commercial tomato farm of Kathmandu during May 2016. |
Malaysia | MYS-01/2 | 06 Sep 2016 | 06 Sep 2016 | Ralstonia solanacearum - (RALSSO) | Banana (Musa sp.) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of Blood Disease of Banana (Ralstonia solanacearum species complex) in Malaysia |
Philippines | PHL-01/4 | 07 Sep 2016 | 07 Sep 2016 | None | Mango |
Present: at low prevalence |
Declaring Mango Pulp Weevil (Sternochetus frigidus Fabr.) a Dangerous Pest and injurious to Mangoes and Placing the Palawan Island Group under Quarantine to Prevent its spread. |
Pakistan | PAK-01/1 | 07 Sep 2016 | 07 Sep 2016 | None | Pest Surveillance and Reporting | ||
Sao Tome and Principe | STP-01/1 | 08 Sep 2016 | 08 Sep 2016 | None | report of spodoptera frugiperda in São Tomé et Principe |
Present: widely distributed |
Les dégâts causés par spodoptera frugiperda |
Nicaragua | NIC-03/4 | 08 Sep 2016 | 28 Nov 2016 | Aclerda sp. - (ACLDSP) | Caña de Azúcar (Saccharum officinarum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte de presencia de Aclerda sp. en Caña de Azúcar |
Nicaragua | NIC-04/1 | 08 Sep 2016 | 08 Sep 2016 | None | Pino | Primer reporte oficial de Lasconotus bitomoides | |
Timor-Leste | TLS-01/1 | 15 Sep 2016 | 15 Sep 2016 | Xylosandrus compactus - (XYLSCO) | Coffea arabica |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xylosandrus compactus (Coleoptera:Scolytidae) detected in Timor-Leste |
Timor-Leste | TLS-02/1 | 15 Sep 2016 | 15 Sep 2016 | Xylosandrus morigerus - (XYLSMO) | coffea arabica |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xylosandrus morigerus (Blandford) detected in Timor-Leste |
Nicaragua | NIC-05/3 | 19 Sep 2016 | 19 Sep 2016 | Hysteroneura setariae - (HYSTSE) | Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Hysteroneura setariae |
United States of America | USA-84/1 | 28 Sep 2016 | 28 Sep 2016 | Thaumatotibia leucotreta - (ARGPLE) |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Corrected Status of 2008 Thaumatotibia leucotreta (False Codling Moth) detection in the United States | |
Jamaica | JAM-08/2 | 29 Sep 2016 | 29 Sep 2016 | Moniliophthora roreri - (MONPRO) | Major host: Theobroma cacao (cocoa) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Frosty Pod Rot in Jamaica |
United States of America | USA-85/1 | 29 Sep 2016 | 29 Sep 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds Delaware to the regulated area in the United States | |
Cyprus | CYP-01/10 | 03 Oct 2016 | 30 Nov 2016 | Dactylopius opuntiae - (DACLTO) | Opuntia ficus-indica. Other Opuntia sp. |
Present: transient |
First finding of Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) on Opuntia ficus-indica in Cyprus. |
Australia | AUS-75/2 | 03 Oct 2016 | 04 Oct 2016 | Melon necrotic spot virus - (MNSV00) | MNSV has been found in Australia in Citrullus lanatus (New South Wales, 2012) and in Cucumis melo cv. Jaipur (Victoria, 2016) The natural cucurbit hosts of MNSV include: • Citrullus lanatus (Sela et al. 2013; Ruiz et al. 2016); • Cucumis melo (Choi et al. 2003); • Cucumis sativus (Tomlinson & Thomas 1986); • Lagenaria siceraria (Ayo-John et al. 2014); and • Telfairia occidentalis (Ayo-John et al. 2014). The seed-borne hosts of MNSV include: • Cucumis melo (Lecoq & Katis 2014); and • Citrullus lanatus (Kwak et al. 2015) |
Present: transient |
Detection of Melon necrotic spot virus in Victoria |
Republic of Türkiye | TUR-06/2 | 06 Oct 2016 | 06 Oct 2016 | Xylella fastidiosa - (XYLEFA) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Decleration of Turkey - Xylella fastidiosa | |
Czechia | CZE-08/7 | 14 Oct 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Nematus lipovskyi - (NEMALI) | Rhododendron spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Nematus lipovskyi in the Czech Republic (2013) |
United States of America | USA-86/1 | 14 Oct 2016 | 14 Oct 2016 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Elsinoë australis (Sweet Orange Scab) - APHIS Establishes Quarantined Areas in California for Sweet Orange Scab and Revises the Conditions for Movement of Regulated Fruit and Nursery Stock under the SOS Quarantine | |
United States of America | USA-87/1 | 14 Oct 2016 | 14 Oct 2016 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail) - APHIS establishes additional regulated area in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-88/1 | 14 Oct 2016 | 14 Oct 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS removes quarantines for some areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-89/1 | 14 Oct 2016 | 14 Oct 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – Updated regulated areas in the United States | |
Nicaragua | NIC-06/1 | 21 Oct 2016 | 21 Oct 2016 | Melanaphis sacchari - (APHISH) | Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Pulgón Amarillo del Sorgo (Melanaphis sacchari) |
Japan | JPN-05/4 | 27 Oct 2016 | 27 Oct 2016 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Outbreak of Globodera pallida | |
Australia | AUS-76/3 | 31 Oct 2016 | 09 May 2022 | Phyllosticta fragariicola - (PHYSFR) | Fragaria sp.(strawberries) (Sharma & Bhardwaj, 1999; Grand & Vernia, 2004) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Phyllosticta fragariicola from Australia |
Australia | AUS-77/1 | 04 Nov 2016 | 04 Nov 2016 | Septoria fragariae - (MYCOFR) | Strawberries (Maas, 1986) |
Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Septoria fragariae from Australia |
Nicaragua | NIC-07/1 | 04 Nov 2016 | 04 Nov 2016 | Temnochila sp. - (TEMNSP) | Pino (Pinus spp.) | Primer reporte oficial de Temnochila sp. | |
Nicaragua | NIC-08/1 | 04 Nov 2016 | 04 Nov 2016 | None | Madera de Pino | Primer reporte oficial de Tomolips sp. | |
Nicaragua | NIC-09/1 | 07 Nov 2016 | 07 Nov 2016 | Dendroctonus parallelocollis - (DENCPA) | Pino (Pinus spp.) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Dendroctonus parallelocollis |
Nicaragua | NIC-10/1 | 07 Nov 2016 | 07 Nov 2016 | Aulonium sp. - (AULOSP) | Pinus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Aulonium sp. |
Nicaragua | NIC-11/1 | 07 Nov 2016 | 07 Nov 2016 | Pityophthorus sp. - (PITOSP) | Pino (Pinus spp.) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Pityophthorus sp. |
Myanmar | MMR-18/4 | 30 Nov 2016 | 15 Ago 2017 | None | Onion | ||
United States of America | USA-90/1 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Amends Karnal Bunt (Tilletia indica (Mitra) Mundkur) Regulated Areas in Maricopa and Pinal Counties, Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-91/2 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes a Plum Pox Virus Quarantine in the Hudson Valley Area in Portions of Orange and Ulster Counties, New York | |
United States of America | USA-92/1 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds County in Tennessee to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-93/1 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS removes a quarantine in the San Ygnacio Area of Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-94/1 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-95/1 | 05 Dic 2016 | 05 Dic 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds Parish in Louisiana, and Counties in Alabama, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin to the regulated area in the United States. | |
Nicaragua | NIC-12/1 | 19 Dic 2016 | 19 Dic 2016 | Lecanoideus giganteus - (ALEDGI) | Polyalthia longifolia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Lecanoideus giganteus |
Mozambique | MOZ-04/2 | 21 Dic 2016 | 22 Dic 2016 | Banana bunchy top virus - (BBTV00) | The BBTV virus is a specific pathogen and only infects bananas, plantains, and banana-like plants such as Strelitzia and Helliconia (Robinson, 2015) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of Banana Bunch Top Disease (BBTV) in Mozambique |
United States of America | USA-96/1 | 27 Dic 2016 | 27 Dic 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds Counties in Arkansas to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-97/1 | 27 Dic 2016 | 27 Dic 2016 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) – APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Arleta Area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-98/1 | 27 Dic 2016 | 27 Dic 2016 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds Counties in Georgia to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-99/1 | 27 Dic 2016 | 27 Dic 2016 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle) - Portions of Long Island, New York, added to the Regulated Area in the United States. | |
Czechia | CZE-09/3 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Solanum lycopersicum |
Present: transient |
First report of Tuta absoluta in the Czech Republic (2013) |
Czechia | CZE-10/2 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Fusarium foetens - (FUSAFO) | Begonia x hiemalis |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Fusarium foetens in the Czech Republic (2013) |
Czechia | CZE-11/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Aproceros leucopoda - (APRCLE) | Ulmus minor and U. glabra |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Aproceros leucopoda in the Czech Republic (2013) |
Czechia | CZE-12/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Rhagoletis cingulata - (RHAGCI) | Prunus avium and P. cerasus |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Rhagoletis cingulata in the Czech Republic (2014) |
Czechia | CZE-13/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Phytophthora rubi - (PHYTFU) | Rubus idaeus |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Phytophthora rubi in the Czech Republic (2014) |
Czechia | CZE-14/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Grapevine Pinot gris virus - (GPGV00) | Vitis vinifera | First reports of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in the Czech Republic (2014) | |
Czechia | CZE-15/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Drosophila suzukii in the Czech Republic (2014) | |
Czechia | CZE-16/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Meloidogyne naasi - (MELGNA) | lawns (mixture of Agrostis stolonifera and Festuca rubra) | First report of Meloidogyne naasi in the Czech Republic (2015) | |
Czechia | CZE-17/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Phytoplasma ulmi - (PHYPUL) | Ulmus minor | First confirmed report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi’ in the Czech Republic (2015) | |
Czechia | CZE-18/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Eutypella parasitica - (ETPLPA) | Acer pseudoplatanus | First report of Eutypella parasitica in the Czech Republic (2015) | |
Czechia | CZE-19/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Phytophthora ramorum - (PHYTRA) | Rhododendron spp. |
Present: transient |
Phytophthora ramorum in the Czech Republic in 2015 |
Czechia | CZE-20/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Illinoia liriodendri - (MACSLR) | Liriodendron tulipifera | First report of Illinoia liriodendri in the Czech Republic (2016) | |
Czechia | CZE-21/2 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Scaphoideus titanus - (SCAPLI) | First report of Scaphoideus titanus in the Czech Republic (2016) | ||
Czechia | CZE-22/1 | 30 Dic 2016 | 30 Dic 2016 | Dasineura oxycoccana - (DASYVA) | Vaccinium corymbosum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of Dasineura oxycoccana in the Czech Republic (2016) |
Germany | DEU-01/3 | 06 Ene 2017 | 15 Jul 2022 | None | Pest reports | ||
Mozambique | MOZ-05/1 | 13 Ene 2017 | 13 Ene 2017 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | In Mozambique Tuta absoluta was only reported in tomatoes plantation |
Present: widely distributed |
Occurrence of tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) in Mozambique |
Slovenia | SVN-07/6 | 30 Ene 2017 | 22 Ago 2018 | Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi - (GNMPCA) | Sweet chestnut: Castanea sativa and C. crenata x C. sativa hybrids |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First finding of Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi |
Ghana | GHA-01/12 | 03 Feb 2017 | 25 Sep 2024 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Soya Bean, Chilli, Cowpea, Cotton and Sugar cane |
Present: widely distributed |
Report on Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) |
Thailand | THA-02/1 | 09 Feb 2017 | 09 Feb 2017 | None | Coconut |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
coconut black headed caterpillar |
French Polynesia | PYF-09/2 | 09 Feb 2017 | 10 Ago 2017 | Banana bunchy top virus - (BBTV00) | Alpinia spp |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) detected on Alpinia |
South Africa | ZAF-33/1 | 10 Feb 2017 | 01 Dic 2021 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize (Zea mays) | First detection of Fall Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) | |
South Africa | ZAF-34/1 | 15 Feb 2017 | 01 Dic 2021 | Banana bunchy top virus - (BBTV00) | Banana (Musa spp.) | First detection of Banana Bunchy Top Virus in South Africa | |
Australia | AUS-78/2 | 16 Feb 2017 | 06 Jul 2023 | Bactericera cockerelli - (PARZCO) | Wide host range in Solanaceae including commercial species such as: Capsicum annuum (capsicum), Capsicum frutescens (chilli), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), Solanum lycopersicon (tomato), Solanum melongena (eggplant), Solanum tuberosum (potato). Additional hosts also exist in the Convolvulaceae family such as: Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato). |
Present: except in specified pest free areas Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Bactericera cockerelli (Tomato-potato psyllid) in Western Australia |
Zambia | ZMB-02/3 | 16 Feb 2017 | 21 Ene 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize, soya beans, beans, sorghum |
Present: widely distributed |
Preliminary Report on Fall Armyworm in Zambia |
Zambia | ZMB-03/2 | 16 Feb 2017 | 03 Abr 2018 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Tomato |
Present: widely distributed |
Tuta absoluta report |
Moldova- Republic of | MDA-01/1 | 23 Feb 2017 | 23 Feb 2017 | None | НОКЗР Молдова | ||
Belarus | BLR-01/1 | 23 Feb 2017 | 23 Feb 2017 | None | информация о выявлении | ||
Eswatini | SWZ-02/1 | 28 Feb 2017 | 28 Feb 2017 | None | Maize - Zea mays Sorghum - Sorghum bicolor |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Fall Army Worm Spodoptera frugiperda in Swaziland |
Denmark | DNK-20/1 | 14 Mar 2017 | 14 Mar 2017 | Monochamus galloprovincialis - (MONCGA) | Found in kairomon traps |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Establishment of Monochamus galloprovincialis in one conservatory pine plantation in Denmark |
Chile | CHL-26/1 | 20 Mar 2017 | 20 Mar 2017 | Bagrada hilaris - (BAGRHI) | Damage to horticultural crops such as: cauliflower, cabbage, Broccoli, arugula, radish, kale and pakchoi, as well as associated with weeds: Brassica campestris and horseradish (Brassicaceae). However, it is considered a highly polyphagous pest and may affect other hosts. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Official pest control declared to Bagrada hilaris |
New Zealand | NZL-08/1 | 22 Mar 2017 | 22 Mar 2017 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | NA |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera tryoni (Q-fly) was declared eradicated |
Singapore | SGP-10/2 | 22 Mar 2017 | 22 Mar 2017 | Microcyclus ulei - (MICCUL) | Hevea species and non-Hevea species from SALB endemic countries |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Pest free status of Microcyclus ulei in Singapore |
United States of America | USA-100/1 | 05 Abr 2017 | 05 Abr 2017 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail) - APHIS Updates Regulated Areas in Miami-Dade County in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-101/1 | 05 Abr 2017 | 05 Abr 2017 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS re-characterizes a regulated Pale Cyst Nematode (Globodera pallida) field in Idaho as Infested | |
United States of America | USA-102/1 | 05 Abr 2017 | 05 Abr 2017 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds County in Kansas to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-103/1 | 05 Abr 2017 | 05 Abr 2017 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds County in Minnesota to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-104/1 | 13 Abr 2017 | 13 Abr 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Palmview Area of Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-105/1 | 13 Abr 2017 | 13 Abr 2017 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth) - APHIS adds County in Virginia to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-106/1 | 13 Abr 2017 | 13 Abr 2017 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Amends Karnal Bunt (Tilletia indica (Mitra) Mundkur) Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties, Arizona, and Removes Silage from the List of Regulated Articles | |
United States of America | USA-107/1 | 13 Abr 2017 | 13 Abr 2017 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.) - APHIS Adds portions of Harris, Fort Bend, and Cameron Counties in Texas to the domestic citrus canker quarantine. | |
Mozambique | MOZ-06/1 | 17 Abr 2017 | 17 Abr 2017 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Spodoptera frugiperda was confirmed its occurrence on maize |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Occurrence of Fall Arm Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Mozambique |
United States of America | USA-108/2 | 19 Abr 2017 | 19 Abr 2017 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Citrus Greening) - Quarantined Area Expanded in Louisiana | |
Australia | AUS-79/2 | 23 Abr 2017 | 23 Jun 2023 | Xylosandrus crassiusculus - (XYLBCR) | Hardwoods are the preferred host, however, any broad leaved tree or sapling can be attacked. 46 plant families are known hosts including the following species: Eucalyptus spp, Acacia spp., Ficus spp. Grevillea robusta (silky oak), Toona ciliata (red cedar), Casuarina (she-oak), Macadamia ternifolia (macadamia), Mangifera indica (mango), Persea americana (avocado), Carya illinoinensis (pecan), Coffea (coffee) and Litchi sinensis (litchi). Articles of concern include hardwood timber, in particular nursery stock and stored timber. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Xylosandrus crassiculus (Granulate ambrosia beetle) in Queensland |
Australia | AUS-80/1 | 23 Abr 2017 | 23 Abr 2017 | Liriomyza sativae - (LIRISA) | Confirmed hosts include: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), castor oil (Ricinus communis), Chinese lantern/gooseberry (Physalis angulata), squash (Cucurbita maxima), Sesbania grandiflora and siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Liriomyza sativae in Far North Queensland |
Australia | AUS-81/2 | 03 May 2017 | 23 Jun 2023 | Tetranycopsis horridus - (TTNYHO) | Tetranycopsis horridus has a broad host range that includes plants from several families. Known hosts include: Betulaceae: Alnus sp.; Carpinus betulus; Corylus avellana; Corylus colurna; Corylus maxima; Corylus sp. Compositae: Achillea sp. Cupressaceae: Thuja sp. Fagaceae: Quercus sp. Juglandaceae: Juglans regia. Leguminosae: Phaseolus vulgaris Pinaceae: Picea glauca; Pinus sp. Salicaceae: Salix aegyptiaca. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Tetranychus horridus (Hazelnut mite) in Victoria and New South Wales |
Australia | AUS-82/1 | 03 May 2017 | 03 May 2017 | Protopulvinaria pyriformis - (PROPPY) | Protopulvinaria pyriformis has a wide host range of more than 100 species across 34 plant families including: Anacardiaceae: Anacardium, Mangifera Apocynaceae: Neurium Araliaceae: Hedera Caesalpiniaceae: Bauhinia Cannaceae: Canna Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea Lauraceae: Cinnamomum, Laurus, Persea Malvaceae: Hibiscus Moraceae: Ficus Musaceae: Musa Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus, Myrtus, Psidium, Syzigium Orchidaceae: Cymbidium, Vanilla Passifloraceae: Passiflora Rubiaceae: Coffea, Gardenia Rutaceae: Choysia, Citrus Theaceae: Camellia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Pyriform scale) in Western Australia |
United States of America | USA-109/1 | 16 May 2017 | 16 May 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Ygnacio Area of Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-110/1 | 16 May 2017 | 16 May 2017 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth) - APHIS adds Counties in Illinois to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-111/1 | 16 May 2017 | 16 May 2017 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Diaphorina citri (Asian Citrus Psyllid) – APHIS Expands the Quarantined Area in Arizona | |
Australia | AUS-83/2 | 18 May 2017 | 23 Jun 2023 | Cowpea mild mottle carlavirus - (CPMMV0) | Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), chia (Salvia hispanica), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and soybean (Glycine max). |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Cowpea mild mottle virus (Carlavirus) in Queensland |
United States of America | USA-112/1 | 19 May 2017 | 19 May 2017 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle) -APHIS Removes a Portion of Queens, New York, from the Regulated Area in the United States. | |
Cameroon | CMR-04/6 | 02 Jun 2017 | 02 Jun 2017 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | - Taxonomy notes : The genus Spodoptera comprises 31 species with seven species previously recorded from the Afrotropical region while six species are known to occur inWest and Central Africa. Sopodoptera exempta or African armyworm is the most common and well known amongst them in Africa - Host(s) concerned : The fall army worm (FAW) is a polyphagous pest reported feeding on at least 100 plant species belonging to 27 families. However Poaceae plants like maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, sugar cane etc. are preferred hosts. - Status of the pest : All developmental stages of maize plant are attacked but severe damages occurred on young plants. The pest status in Cameroon needs to be assessed. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First report of the fall army worm Spodoptera frugiperda in Cameroon |
United States of America | USA-113/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) – APHIS adds County in Kansas to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-114/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Donna Area of Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-115/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the El Ranchito Area of Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-116/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.) - APHIS Adds Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Charles, St. James, and St. John Parishes in Louisiana to the domestic citrus canker quarantine | |
United States of America | USA-117/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot) – APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-118/1 | 09 Jun 2017 | 09 Jun 2017 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Expansion of Quarantine Areas for the Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren, S. richteri Forel, and hybrids of these species) | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-10/4 | 18 Jun 2017 | 28 Ago 2020 | None | Rutaceae Family; Citrus spp. Plants in the genus produce citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, grapefruit and limes |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Huanglongbing or Citrus Greening (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) in Trinidad |
United States of America | USA-119/1 | 22 Jun 2017 | 22 Jun 2017 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Removal of Quarantine Area in Arleta, Los Angeles County, California. | |
Chile | CHL-27/1 | 29 Jun 2017 | 29 Jun 2017 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) | Frutas | 2017- Áreas cuarentenadas por brotes mosca del Mediterráneo | |
Australia | AUS-84/2 | 12 Jul 2017 | 09 May 2022 | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense - (FUSACB) | The affected agricultural hosts are restricted to the family Musaceae. The following taxa are known to be susceptible: • Musaceae: Musa spp. (bananas), including Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana and Musa textilis, as well as hybrid taxa. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 has also been isolated from a range of weed and grass roots. These plants are asymptomatic and their role in the disease infection cycle of banana plants is unknown. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Panama disease tropical race 4, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 |
French Polynesia | PYF-10/2 | 12 Jul 2017 | 10 Ago 2017 | None |
Present: at low prevalence |
Drosophila suzukii present à Tahiti & Moorea | |
Ghana | GHA-02/9 | 27 Jul 2017 | 25 Sep 2024 | tomato leaf miner - (LIRIBO) | Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report on Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta absoluta) |
Burkina Faso | BFA-01/1 | 09 Ago 2017 | 09 Ago 2017 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Céréales et surtout le maïs |
Present: widely distributed |
Rapport d'étape sur la chenille légionnaire d'automne |
Palau | PLW-01/1 | 10 Ago 2017 | 10 Ago 2017 | None | Pest Report | ||
United States of America | USA-120/1 | 11 Ago 2017 | 11 Ago 2017 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle) - APHIS Adds an Additional Portion of the East Fork Wildlife Area in Clermont County, Ohio, to the Regulated Area in the United States. | |
Panama | PAN-03/9 | 21 Ago 2017 | 13 Mar 2024 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presencia de HLB de los citricos / Presence of Citrus HLB | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-05/2 | 24 Ago 2017 | 24 Ago 2017 | None | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta (Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder, Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp., Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana |
Present: transient |
Report of Outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2017 |
United States of America | USA-121/1 | 28 Ago 2017 | 28 Ago 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the Palmview Area of Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-122/1 | 28 Ago 2017 | 28 Ago 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the San Ygnacio of Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-123/1 | 28 Ago 2017 | 28 Ago 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the Granjeno, Mission, and Harlingen areas of Hidalgo and Cameron Counties, Texas | |
Togo | TGO-01/1 | 30 Ago 2017 | 30 Ago 2017 | None | Direction de la protection des végétaux | ||
Nicaragua | NIC-13/1 | 31 Ago 2017 | 31 Ago 2017 | Mycetaspis personata - (CHRYPR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte Mycetaspis personata (Comstock) | |
United States of America | USA-124/1 | 12 Sep 2017 | 12 Sep 2017 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes New Regulated Area in Los Angeles, California | |
United States of America | USA-125/1 | 20 Sep 2017 | 20 Sep 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the Brownsville Area of Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-126/1 | 20 Sep 2017 | 20 Sep 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the Donna Area of Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-127/1 | 20 Sep 2017 | 20 Sep 2017 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine in the Sun Valley Area of Los Angeles County, California | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-06/1 | 29 Sep 2017 | 29 Sep 2017 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) | plants, plant products, containers, wood packaging materials, ship or passengers etc. |
Present: transient |
Report of outbreak of Solenopsis invicta in Rep. of Korea in 2017 |
South Africa | ZAF-35/1 | 29 Sep 2017 | 29 Sep 2017 | Brevipalpus lewisi - (BRVPLE) | B. lewisi has a broad host range, but was only detected on Vitis spp. in the notified areas. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First detection of Brevipalpus lewisi in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-36/1 | 29 Sep 2017 | 29 Sep 2017 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) | Detections in the above provinces were mainly from Tomatoes while minor detections were from Potatoes. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Tuta absoluta in South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-37/1 | 06 Oct 2017 | 06 Oct 2017 | Eriococcus ironsidei - (ERIOIR) | E. ironsidei was only detected on Macadamia spp. (Macadamia integrifolia: Proteaceae), from different varieties, 816 and A16, in the notified area. There is no other host known to be associated with the pest. |
Present: transient |
Detection of Eriococcus ironsidei in South Africa |
Australia | AUS-85/2 | 16 Oct 2017 | 23 Jun 2023 | None | Phyllotreta chotanica is known to feed on the following plants from the Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae families (CABI 2017). · Brassica · Brassica juncea var. juncea (Indian mustard) · Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage) · Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (Chinese cabbage) · Phaseolus (beans) · Raphanus sativus (radish) · Triticum (wheat) In addition, it has also been found on Brassica rapa var. nipposinica (mizuna) in Western Australia |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Phyllotreta chotanica (radish flea beetle) in Western Australia |
Republic of Korea | KOR-07/2 | 27 Oct 2017 | 27 Oct 2017 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) | Plants, Plant products, containers, wood packaging materials, ship or passengers etc. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Update of detection of Solenopsis invicta in Rep. of Korea in 2017 |
Australia | AUS-86/3 | 08 Nov 2017 | 23 Jun 2023 | Dickeya dianthicola - (ERWICD) | Dickeya dianthicola has been recorded in the following hosts: • dianthus, sweet william, carnation (Dianthus spp.) (Toth et al. 2011) • calla lilly (Zantedeschia) ( Toth et al. 2011) • chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.) (Elphinstone 2008) • common chicory (Cichorium intybus) (Lan et al 2013) • globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus) (Toth et al 2011, Samson 2005) • garden dahlia (Dahlia variabilis and Dahlia pinnata) (Elphinstone 2008) • yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius) (Suharjo 2013) • begonia (begonia) (Parkinson 2015) • flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) (Elphinstone 2008) • showy stonecrop (Sedum spectabile) (Parkinson 2015) • freesia (freesia) (Toth et al. 2011) • hyacinth (Hyacinthus) (Parkinson 2015) • iris (iris) (Toth et al. 2011) • potato (Solanum tuberosum) (Toth et al. 2011) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Dickeya dianthicola in Western Australia |
Australia | AUS-87/1 | 23 Nov 2017 | 23 Nov 2017 | Tetranychus evansi - (TETREV) | Tetranychus evansi has a broad host range that includes plants from more than 30 families, containing a large number of crop species in Solanaceae, such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and capsicum (Capsicum annuum). Other commercial hosts include beans (Phaseolus spp.), citrus (Citrus sp.), cotton (Gossypium spp.), maize (Zea mays) and ornamentals such as roses (Rosa spp.). The preferred weed host for T. evansi is the nightshades (Solanum spp.), with other weed hosts in Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Convolvulaceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae and Solanaceae (Migeon & Dorkeld 2017) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Tetranychus evansi in New South Wales and Queensland |
United States of America | USA-128/1 | 29 Nov 2017 | 29 Nov 2017 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) - APHIS adds South Carolina to the regulated area in the United States | |
United States of America | USA-129/1 | 29 Nov 2017 | 29 Nov 2017 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine in the Fairfield Area of Solano County, California | |
United States of America | USA-130/1 | 29 Nov 2017 | 29 Nov 2017 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes Quarantine in the Zapata Area of Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-131/1 | 29 Nov 2017 | 29 Nov 2017 | Liberibacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Citrus Greening) – APHIS Expands Quarantined Area in California | |
Nicaragua | NIC-14/1 | 10 Ene 2018 | 10 Ene 2018 | Elsinoe brasiliensis - (SPHAMA) | yuca (Manihot esculenta) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte de superalargamiento de la yuca (Elsinoë brasiliensis Bitanc. & Jenkins) |
Nicaragua | NIC-15/1 | 10 Ene 2018 | 10 Ene 2018 | Khuskia oryzae - (KHUSOR) | Arroz (Oryza sativa) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Khuskia oryzae Huds. |
United States of America | USA-132/1 | 06 Feb 2018 | 06 Feb 2018 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine in the Half Moon Bay Area of San Mateo County, California | |
United States of America | USA-133/1 | 06 Feb 2018 | 06 Feb 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Establishes Quarantine in the Encinitas Area of San Diego County, California | |
United States of America | USA-134/1 | 06 Feb 2018 | 06 Feb 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Laredo, Webb County, Texas | |
Tanzania- United Republic of | TZA-01/2 | 09 Feb 2018 | 13 Feb 2018 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First record of Tomato leaf miner - Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) in Tanzania | |
Tanzania- United Republic of | TZA-02/3 | 13 Feb 2018 | 07 Mar 2024 | None | The disease can affect wide range of hosts in the graminacea family. MCMV does not infect dicotyledons, but has a broad experimental host range that includes at least 19 grass species (Bockelman et al. 1989). Some of the hosts of MCMV apart from maize include finger millet, sorghum, sugarcane, Napier grass, kikuyu grass (P. clandestinium) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Maize Lethal Necrosis in TANZANIA |
South Africa | ZAF-38/2 | 27 Feb 2018 | 27 Feb 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Mango, other subtropical fruits and other host commodities including several wild African fruits produced or present in these areas in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Bactrocera dorsalis |
United States of America | USA-135/1 | 27 Feb 2018 | 27 Feb 2018 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) |
Present: at low prevalence Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode) - APHIS Removes Portions of Five Counties in New York from the Regulated Area. | |
United States of America | USA-136/1 | 27 Feb 2018 | 27 Feb 2018 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer) - APHIS Adds Parishes in Louisiana, Counties in Minnesota; and New Hampshire; and the entire State of Georgia to the Regulated Area in the United States. | |
Lesotho | LSO-01/1 | 28 Feb 2018 | 28 Feb 2018 | None | tomato |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control Present: transient |
Occurrence of Tuta absoluta |
Australia | AUS-88/2 | 02 Mar 2018 | 23 Jun 2023 | Grapevine Pinot gris virus - (GPGV00) | GPGV host species: Vitis vinifera (CABI) Silene latifolia (Gualandri et al. 2016) Chenopodium album (Gualandri et al. 2016) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Grapevine Pinot gris virus in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia |
Ecuador | ECU-01/1 | 05 Mar 2018 | 05 Mar 2018 | None |
Absent: pest not recorded |
Resolución sobre HLB - 1 | |
Ecuador | ECU-02/1 | 05 Mar 2018 | 05 Mar 2018 | None | Resolución sobre HLB - 2 | ||
Ecuador | ECU-03/1 | 05 Mar 2018 | 05 Mar 2018 | None | Resolución sobre HLB - 2 | ||
Ecuador | ECU-04/1 | 05 Mar 2018 | 05 Mar 2018 | None | Resolución sobre HLB - 2 | ||
South Africa | ZAF-39/1 | 16 Mar 2018 | 16 Mar 2018 | Euwallacea fornicatus - (XYLBFO) | Several tree species with a wide host range that include Avocados, Macadamia, Peach, Orange, Grapevine, Pecan and Macadamia. Forest tree including: Cussonia spicata (Cabbage tree), Calpurnia aurea (Common Calpurnia), Diospyros lycioides (Monkey plum), Erythrina humeana ( Dwarf coral tree), Erythrina lysistemon (Common coral tree), Schotia brachypetala (Huilboerboom), Melianthus major (Honey flower), and several commercial trees such as Persea americana (Avocado), Macadamia integrifolia (Macadamia nut),Carya illinoinensis (Pecan), Prunus persica (Peach) Citrus sinensis (Orange) and Vitis vinifera(grapes). | Detection of Euwallacea fornicatus (Shot hole borer) in South Africa | |
United States of America | USA-137/1 | 30 Mar 2018 | 30 Mar 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) - APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California. | |
United States of America | USA-138/1 | 02 Abr 2018 | 02 Abr 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the San Perlita Area of Willacy County, Texas | |
Australia | AUS-89/3 | 19 Abr 2018 | 26 Jun 2023 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) | Wide host range, primarily Citrus spp., Fortunella spp. and Poncirus spp. Examples include: Citrus aurantiifolia (lime; Mexican lime), Citrus aurantium (sour orange), Citrus hystrix (kaffir lime; mauritius bitter orange), Citrus latifolia (tahitian lime), Citrus limetta (sweet lemon tree), Citrus limon (lemon), Citrus maxima (pummelo), Citrus reshni (Cleopatra mandarin), Citrus reticulata (mandarin), Citrus sinensis (navel orange), Citrus sunki (sour mandarin), Citrus tankan (tankan mandarin) and Citrus x paradisi (grapefruit). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas citri subsp citri (Citrus canker) in Northern Territory |
United States of America | USA-139/2 | 23 Abr 2018 | 23 Abr 2018 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Mitra) Mundkur (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in Maricopa and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-140/1 | 23 Abr 2018 | 23 Abr 2018 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Citrus Canker (Xanthomonas spp.): APHIS Adds Portions of Fort Bend and Harris Counties in Texas to the Domestic Quarantine Area. | |
United States of America | USA-141/1 | 23 Abr 2018 | 23 Abr 2018 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren, S. richteri Forel, and hybrids of these species): Expansion of Quarantine Areas in North Carolina and Tennessee. | |
United States of America | USA-142/1 | 07 May 2018 | 07 May 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Brownsville Area of Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-143/2 | 07 May 2018 | 07 May 2018 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Citrus Greening): APHIS Expands Quarantined Area in Texas. | |
United States of America | USA-144/1 | 07 May 2018 | 07 May 2018 | Epiphyas postvittana - (TORTPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth): APHIS Adds Seed and Underground Crops to the Exempted Host List in California. | |
South Africa | ZAF-40/1 | 10 May 2018 | 10 May 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Malus domestica, Pyrus communis and other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis in the Grabouw area, Western Cape province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-41/1 | 22 May 2018 | 22 May 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. and other hosts of this pest that are produced or present in this area are affected. |
Present: transient |
Detection of Bactrocera dorsalis near the Stellenbosch area, Western Cape province, South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-42/2 | 22 May 2018 | 22 May 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. and Grape (including Table-, Wine-, and Dried grape varieties) fruits produced or present in this area in South Africa are affected. |
Present: transient |
Detection of Bactrocera dorsalis along the Orange river, Northern Cape province, South Africa |
United States of America | USA-145/2 | 04 Jun 2018 | 04 Jun 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the San Ygnacio Area of Zapata County, Texas. | |
United States of America | USA-146/3 | 04 Jun 2018 | 05 Jun 2018 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Updates Regulated Areas in Miami-Dade County. | |
United States of America | USA-147/2 | 11 Jun 2018 | 11 Jun 2018 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS Adds Vermont to the Regulated Area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-148/1 | 11 Jun 2018 | 11 Jun 2018 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) | Rhagoletis cerasi (European Cherry Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in the Niagara Area of Niagara County, New York. | ||
United States of America | USA-149/1 | 15 Jun 2018 | 15 Jun 2018 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Removes Portions of the Townships of Batavia and Stonelick, Clermont County, Ohio, from the Quarantine Area. | |
United States of America | USA-150/1 | 22 Jun 2018 | 22 Jun 2018 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS Adds All of Arkansas and Shawnee County, Kansas, to the Regulated Area in the United States | |
Japan | JPN-07/5 | 26 Jun 2018 | 26 Jun 2018 | Heterodera schachtii - (HETDSC) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Heterodera schachitii | |
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of | VEN-01/1 | 27 Jun 2018 | 27 Jun 2018 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Reporte de Plagas | |
United States of America | USA-151/1 | 05 Jul 2018 | 05 Jul 2018 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Sun Valley, Los Angeles County, California | |
Belize | BLZ-01/2 | 19 Jul 2018 | 19 Jul 2018 | None | Citrus Papaya Mango |
Present: transient |
Medfly detections |
Australia | AUS-90/3 | 25 Jul 2018 | 23 Jun 2023 | Heterobostrychus aequalis - (HETBAE) | Heterobostrychus aequalis is primarily a pest of seasoned hardwood timber and can infest green and felled trees. It has a wide host range (~35 species) and can damage logs, sawn timber, packing cases, pallets, plywood, furniture and other manufactured wooden articles. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Detection of Heterobostrychus aequalis (lesser auger beetle) in Cairns, Far North Queensland |
Croatia | HRV-01/4 | 30 Jul 2018 | 17 Ago 2018 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophoa chinensis (Forster) in 2007 | |
Australia | AUS-91/1 | 02 Ago 2018 | 02 Ago 2018 | Fusarium mangiferae - (FUSAMG) | Mangifera indica L. |
Present: at low prevalence |
Fusarium mangiferae (Mango Malformation Disease) in the Northern Territory |
United States of America | USA-152/1 | 06 Ago 2018 | 06 Ago 2018 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS adds Wisconsin and areas in South Dakota to the regulated area in the United States. | |
United States of America | USA-153/1 | 13 Ago 2018 | 13 Ago 2018 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Updates Regulated Areas in Miami-Dade County. | |
United States of America | USA-154/2 | 13 Ago 2018 | 13 Ago 2018 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot): APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida. | |
United States of America | USA-155/1 | 13 Ago 2018 | 13 Ago 2018 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Fairfield Area of Solano County, California. | |
Slovenia | SVN-08/5 | 22 Ago 2018 | 10 Oct 2018 | Phytophthora ramorum - (PHYTRA) | Rhododendron sp. |
Present: transient |
First report of Phytophtora ramorum in Slovenia |
Samoa | WSM-01/4 | 28 Ago 2018 | 28 Ago 2018 | Taro vein chlorosis virus - (TAVCV0) | Taro (Colocasia esculenta) | Taro vein chlorosis virus Infecting Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Samoa | |
Montenegro | MNE-01/3 | 30 Ago 2018 | 07 Sep 2018 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) | Salix sp. |
Present: transient |
First finding of Anoplophora glabripennis |
Australia | AUS-92/3 | 03 Sep 2018 | 07 Dic 2022 | Impatiens necrotic spot virus - (INSV00) | Lactuca sativa (lettuce) in Australia |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) in New South Wales (NSW) |
Hungary | HUN-05/1 | 08 Sep 2018 | 08 Sep 2018 | Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma - (PHYP64) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Flavescence doree phytoplasma | |
Belarus | BLR-02/2 | 08 Sep 2018 | 08 Sep 2018 | Tuta absoluta - (GNORAB) |
Present: transient |
Canada | CAN-48/2 | 12 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018 | None | Update to the detection of Verticillium stripe of canola (Verticillium longisporum) in Canada | ||
Canada | CAN-49/4 | 12 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018 | None | Le point sur la détection de la rayure verticillienne du canola (Verticillium longisporum) au Canada | ||
South Africa | ZAF-43/1 | 18 Sep 2018 | 18 Sep 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Host fruit types produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis in the Devon Valley, Stellenbosch area, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
United States of America | USA-156/1 | 20 Sep 2018 | 20 Sep 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Quarantine Areas in Texas and California | |
United States of America | USA-157/1 | 20 Sep 2018 | 20 Sep 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: transient |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Sacramento and Yolo County, California. | |
United States of America | USA-158/1 | 21 Sep 2018 | 21 Sep 2018 | Phytomyza gymnostoma - (NAPOGY) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves California FRSMP Petition for Phytomyza gymnostoma (Allium Leafminer) | |
United States of America | USA-159/1 | 21 Sep 2018 | 21 Sep 2018 | None | Lycorma delicatula (White) (Spotted Lanternfly): APHIS Provides an Update on Activities | ||
United States of America | USA-160/1 | 07 Nov 2018 | 07 Nov 2018 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Half Moon Bay Area of San Mateo County, California | |
United States of America | USA-161/1 | 07 Nov 2018 | 07 Nov 2018 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Infested Field in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-162/1 | 07 Nov 2018 | 07 Nov 2018 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Removes a Portion of the Township of Monroe, Clermont County, Ohio, from the Regulated Area. | |
Panama | PAN-04/3 | 09 Nov 2018 | 13 Mar 2024 | Anastrepha grandis - (ANSTGR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presencia de Anastrepha grandis en Panamá /Presence of the Anastrepha grandis in Panamá | |
Nicaragua | NIC-16/1 | 16 Nov 2018 | 16 Nov 2018 | Maconellicoccus hirsutus - (PHENHI) | Hibiscus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) |
United States of America | USA-163/1 | 19 Nov 2018 | 19 Nov 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California | |
Nicaragua | NIC-17/1 | 27 Nov 2018 | 27 Nov 2018 | Pseudococcus longispinus - (PSECAD) | Hibiscus spp. |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de escama harinosa (Pseudococcus longispinus Targioni Tozzetti) |
Nicaragua | NIC-18/1 | 27 Nov 2018 | 27 Nov 2018 | Phenacoccus solenopsis - (PHENSO) | Hibiscus spp. |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Phenacoccus solenopsis |
United States of America | USA-164/2 | 13 Dic 2018 | 13 Dic 2018 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Laredo, Webb County, Texas | |
South Africa | ZAF-44/1 | 14 Dic 2018 | 14 Dic 2018 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp, Grape (Vitis spp) fruits (including Table-, Wine-, and Dried fruit varieties), produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest no longer present |
Absence of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in areas along the Orange River in the Northern Cape province of South Africa |
Thailand | THA-03/1 | 19 Dic 2018 | 19 Dic 2018 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First detection of Fall Army Worm on the border of Thailand |
Nicaragua | NIC-19/1 | 20 Dic 2018 | 20 Dic 2018 | Nipaecoccus nipae - (NIPANI) | Citrus sinensis |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Nipaecoccus nipae |
United States of America | USA-165/1 | 02 Ene 2019 | 02 Ene 2019 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS updates regulated area in the United States | |
Myanmar | MMR-19/6 | 11 Ene 2019 | 14 Ene 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First Detection Report of the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptra: Noctuidae) on Maize in Myanmar |
Chile | CHL-28/6 | 25 Ene 2019 | 03 Abr 2020 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | fruits of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Zealand | NZL-09/3 | 18 Feb 2019 | 27 Feb 2019 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) | Single male detected in a surveillance trap |
Present: transient |
A Queensland Fruit Fly Bactrocera tryoni has been detected in a fruit fly surveillance trap at a residential property in Devonport, Auckland City |
Nicaragua | NIC-20/2 | 26 Feb 2019 | 26 Feb 2019 | Maruca testulalis - (MARUTE) | Phaseolus vulgaris |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Maruca testulalis |
United States of America | USA-166/1 | 28 Feb 2019 | 28 Feb 2019 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Infested Field and Removes Other Fields from Regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-167/1 | 28 Feb 2019 | 28 Feb 2019 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formerly Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Updates Regulated Areas in Miami-Dade County | |
Ecuador | ECU-05/1 | 25 Mar 2019 | 25 Mar 2019 | Bactericera cockerelli - (PARZCO) | papa (Solanum tuberosum) tomate de árbol (Solanum betaceum) pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum) uvilla (Physalis peruviana) tomate riñón (Solanum lycopersicum) pimiento (Capsycum annum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Presencia de Bactericera cockerelli en Ecuador |
Lithuania | LTU-02/3 | 28 Mar 2019 | 27 Feb 2020 | None | Information on Pest Status in the Republic of Lithuania in 2019 | ||
Thailand | THA-04/1 | 29 Mar 2019 | 29 Mar 2019 | Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus - (SLCMV0) | Cassava |
Absent: pest eradicated |
The current status of SLCMV in Thailand |
United States of America | USA-168/1 | 22 Abr 2019 | 22 Abr 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Edinburg, Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-169/1 | 22 Abr 2019 | 22 Abr 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Zapata, Zapata County, Texas | |
Argentina | ARG-01/17 | 24 Abr 2019 | 20 Sep 2024 | None |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Fruit Fly Pest Free Areas of the Argentine Republic | |
United States of America | USA-170/1 | 23 May 2019 | 23 May 2019 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-171/1 | 23 May 2019 | 23 May 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-172/2 | 23 May 2019 | 23 May 2019 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) | Rhagoletis cerasi (European Cherry Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine in Niagara, Erie, and Orleans Counties, New York | ||
United States of America | USA-173/1 | 23 May 2019 | 23 May 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly ): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Arroyo City, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-174/1 | 23 May 2019 | 23 May 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Quarantines in Sullivan City, Hidalgo County and Salineño, Starr County, Texas | |
Australia | AUS-93/1 | 11 Jun 2019 | 11 Jun 2019 | Urocystis cepulae - (UROCCE) | Smut most commonly affects onions, shallots, chives, and leeks. |
Absent: pest eradicated Absent: pest no longer present |
Pest Freedom from Urocystis cepulae, onion smut |
United States of America | USA-175/2 | 17 Jun 2019 | 17 Jun 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in La Feria, Cameron County, Texas. | |
United States of America | USA-176/2 | 17 Jun 2019 | 17 Jun 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Sacramento Area of Sacramento and Yolo Counties, California | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-08/2 | 21 Jun 2019 | 21 Jun 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize, rice, sorghum, etc. |
Present: transient |
Report of first detection of Fall Armyworm(FAW) in Republic of Korea |
Egypt | EGY-01/1 | 23 Jun 2019 | 23 Jun 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize (Corn ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda - Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Egypt |
South Africa | ZAF-45/1 | 28 Jun 2019 | 28 Jun 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Prunus spp., Pyrus and Malus spp. produced or present in this area in South Africa are affected. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Grabouw, in the Southern Part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-46/1 | 28 Jun 2019 | 28 Jun 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp., Grape (including Table-, Wine-, and Dry grape varieties); Plum, Pomegranate fruits produced or present in this area in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in several District Municipalities in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa |
Republic of Korea | KOR-09/1 | 02 Jul 2019 | 02 Jul 2019 | None | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana and etc. |
Present: transient |
Report of outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2019 |
Japan | JPN-08/6 | 03 Jul 2019 | 04 Jul 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize |
Present: transient |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugipedera – Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Japan |
South Africa | ZAF-47/1 | 05 Jul 2019 | 05 Jul 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus are produced or present in one of the areas where the OFF was detected. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in three separate areas in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-48/1 | 11 Jul 2019 | 11 Jul 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Malus spp. produced or present in this area in South Africa are affected. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Bethlehem, in the Eastern Part of the Free State Province of South Africa |
Indonesia | IDN-04/1 | 11 Jul 2019 | 11 Jul 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Corn |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The Occurence of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Indonesia |
United States of America | USA-177/1 | 05 Ago 2019 | 05 Ago 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in San Ygnacio, Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-178/1 | 05 Ago 2019 | 05 Ago 2019 | Guignardia citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot): APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-179/1 | 05 Ago 2019 | 05 Ago 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in the Long Beach Area of Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-180/2 | 05 Ago 2019 | 25 Oct 2019 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Agrilus planipennis (Emerald Ash Borer): APHIS adds portions of Alabama, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Maine to the Regulated Area | |
Colombia | COL-01/1 | 09 Ago 2019 | 09 Ago 2019 | None | PRIMERA DETECCIÓN DE MARCHITEZ POR Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Raza 4 Tropical – FOC R4T (recientemente clasificado como Fusarium odoratissimum Maryani, Lombard, Kema & Crous, 2019) | ||
Nepal | NPL-04/3 | 12 Ago 2019 | 13 Ago 2019 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Spodoptera frugiperda( Fall Armyworm) | |
Gabon | GAB-03/2 | 22 Ago 2019 | 28 Ago 2019 | None | de maïs , de canne à sucre , de riz et cultures maraichères |
Present: widely distributed |
Signalement de la chenille légionnaire d'automne (CLA) au Gabon |
NRO_training | NRO-03/1 | 06 Sep 2019 | 06 Sep 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Maize Sorghum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Reporting Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)in Yemen |
South Africa | ZAF-49/1 | 09 Sep 2019 | 09 Sep 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Prunus spp., Pyrus and Malus spp. that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Grabouw, in the Southern Part of the Western Cape Province of South Africa |
New Caledonia | NCL-03/6 | 09 Oct 2019 | 19 Abr 2022 | Oryctes rhinoceros - (ORYCRH) | Cocos nucifer, Elaeis spp, Acanthophoenix rubra, Agave spp, Aiphanes horrida, Ananas spp, Areca spp, Arecastrum plumosa, Arenga spp, Borassus spp, Caryota urens, Casuarina equisetifolia, Clinostigma samoense, Colocasia spp, Corypha spp, Cyathea spp, Dictyosperma album, Dypsis pinnatifrons, Heterospathe elata, Hydriastele palauensis, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis, Latania spp, Livistona spp, Livistona chinensis, Metroxylon spp, Metroxylon amicarum, Metroxylon sagu, Normanbya spp, Nypa spp, , Oncosperma spp, Pandanus spp, Phoenix spp, Pinanga spp, Pritchardia pacifica, Raphia farinifera, Roystonea regia , Saccharum spp , Stevensonia spp, Thrinax spp, Verschaffeltia splendida, Wodyetia bifurcate, carica papaya,Aloe spp, Theobroma cacao … |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB) |
Australia | AUS-94/1 | 25 Oct 2019 | 25 Oct 2019 | Urocystis cepulae - (UROCCE) | Smut most commonly affects onions, shallots, chives, and leeks. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Official control - Urocystis cepulae, onion smut |
United States of America | USA-181/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Lycorma delicatula - (LYCMDE) | Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly): APHIS Provides an Update on Activities | ||
United States of America | USA-182/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’(Citrus Greening): APHIS Expands the Quarantined Area in California, Texas, and Louisiana. | |
United States of America | USA-183/4 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth): APHIS Adds the Entire State of Maine to the Regulated Area. | |
United States of America | USA-184/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Removes the Remaining Regulated Area in Brooklyn and Queens, New York. | |
United States of America | USA-185/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas spp. (Citrus Canker): APHIS Adds Portions of Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Harris Counties in Texas to the Domestic Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-186/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Edinburg, Hidalgo County, Texas. | |
United States of America | USA-187/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Diaphorina citri (Asian Citrus Psyllid): APHIS Establishes a Quarantined Area in Nevada | |
United States of America | USA-188/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Plum pox virus - (PPV000) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Plum Pox Virus: APHIS Removes Regulated Areas in Orange and Ulster Counties, New York | |
United States of America | USA-189/2 | 25 Oct 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Four Quarantines in Texas (Laredo, San Ygnacio, Zapata, Arroyo City) | |
Philippines | PHL-02/1 | 28 Oct 2019 | 28 Oct 2019 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Corn/ Maize |
Present: at low prevalence |
Report of first detection of Fall Army Worm (FAW) in the Republic of the Philippines |
Rwanda | RWA-02/1 | 28 Oct 2019 | 28 Oct 2019 | None | Mango trees (Mangifera indica), ornamental trees |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
mango mealybug: Rastrococcus invadens Williams |
South Africa | ZAF-50/1 | 31 Oct 2019 | 31 Oct 2019 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp, Grape (Vitis spp) (including Table-, Wine-, and Dried fruit varieties) and Pomegranate fruits produced or present in this area, are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Pixley Ka Seme and ZF Mgcawu District Municipalities, in the Northern Cape province of South Africa |
Malaysia | MYS-02/4 | 14 Nov 2019 | 06 Dic 2019 | fall armyworm - (LAPHFR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Malaysia | |
Australia | AUS-95/4 | 22 Nov 2019 | 26 Jun 2023 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) | Wide host range, primarily Citrus spp., Fortunella spp. and Poncirus spp. Examples include: Citrus aurantiifolia (lime; Mexican lime), Citrus aurantium (sour orange), Citrus hystrix (kaffir lime; mauritius bitter orange), Citrus latifolia (tahitian lime), Citrus limetta (sweet lemon tree), Citrus limon (lemon), Citrus maxima (pummelo), Citrus reshni (Cleopatra mandarin), Citrus reticulata (mandarin), Citrus sinensis (navel orange), Citrus sunki (sour mandarin), Citrus tankan (tankan mandarin) and Citrus x paradisi (grapefruit). |
Absent: pest eradicated Absent: pest not recorded Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas citri subsp citri (citrus canker) – 2018 detection update |
Thailand | THA-05/2 | 23 Nov 2019 | 02 Nov 2022 | None | Cavendish banana |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 in Thailand |
South Africa | ZAF-51/2 | 17 Dic 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Citrus leprosis virus - (CILV00) | Citrus spp. | First detection of Citrus leprosis-N in South Africa | |
United States of America | USA-190/1 | 17 Dic 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Liberibacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Citrus greening): APHIS Expands the Quarantined Area in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-191/2 | 17 Dic 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Quarantines in Mission and Sullivan City, Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-192/1 | 17 Dic 2019 | 17 Dic 2019 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Quarantine in La Feria, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-193/1 | 18 Dic 2019 | 18 Dic 2019 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: transient |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Quarantine Area in Devore, San Bernardino County, California | |
Nicaragua | NIC-21/1 | 09 Ene 2020 | 09 Ene 2020 | Polygonum lapathifolium - (POLLA) | Oryza sativa |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer informe oficial de Polygonum lapathifolium |
New Zealand | NZL-10/2 | 31 Ene 2020 | 31 Ene 2020 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Absence of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni is confirmed in New Zealand | |
New Zealand | NZL-11/2 | 31 Ene 2020 | 31 Ene 2020 | Bactrocera facialis - (BCTRFA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Absence of Bactrocera facialis in New Zealand is confirmed | |
Barbados | BRB-07/3 | 04 Feb 2020 | 04 Feb 2020 | Thrips parvispinus - (THRIPV) | Has been found on Sweet pepper, Mandevillea, Jasmine and Dendrobium orchids. |
Present: at low prevalence Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of the presence of Thrips parvispinus in Barbados |
Australia | AUS-96/3 | 07 Feb 2020 | 06 Jul 2023 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Fall armyworm is a lepidopteran pest that feeds on more than 350 plant species, including cultivated grasses such as maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and wheat but also other horticultural crops and cotton. |
Present: transient |
First detection of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) in Torres Strait |
Tunisia | TUN-01/2 | 03 Mar 2020 | 03 Mar 2020 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Premier signalement de Phyllosticta citricarpa en Tunisie | |
Chile | CHL-29/1 | 16 Mar 2020 | 16 Mar 2020 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
SAG Resolution No. 1943/2019, which declares a present pest Drosophila suzukii, in Chile |
Barbados | BRB-08/2 | 24 Mar 2020 | 26 Mar 2020 | None | Ixora - Ixora coccinea Sea grape - Coccoloba uvifera Mango - Mangifera indica Ornamental sages - Lantana camara |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First Report of Sea Grape Flatid in Barbados |
Australia | AUS-97/3 | 30 Mar 2020 | 23 Jun 2023 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Fall armyworm is a lepidopteran pest that feeds on more than 350 plant species. It preferentially feeds on cultivated grasses such as maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and wheat, but also attacks legumes, horticultural crops, cotton and other plants. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detections of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) on mainland Australia |
South Africa | ZAF-52/1 | 30 Mar 2020 | 30 Mar 2020 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in three separate areas in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa |
Canada | CAN-50/1 | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2020 | None | Detection of Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) in Ontario | ||
Canada | CAN-51/1 | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2020 | None | Detection of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) at the Harold Mitchell Nature Reserve in Wainfleet, Ontario | ||
Canada | CAN-52/1 | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2020 | None | Title: Preliminary report: Detection of cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia | ||
Canada | CAN-53/1 | 31 Mar 2020 | 31 Mar 2020 | None | Update on the status of Rhagoletis pomonella (apple maggot) in the pest free area in British Columbia | ||
Australia | AUS-98/3 | 07 May 2020 | 23 Jun 2023 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Lepidopteran pest with a wide host range feeding on more than 350 plant species including commercial species such as; Zea mays(maize), Oryza sativa (rice), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum), Poaceae saccharum (sugarcane), Triticum aestivum (wheat), horticultural crops, Gossypium hirsutum L (cotton) and other plants. The majority of Australian detections have occurred in monitoring traps, to date. The extent of host range in Australia is not yet known. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Further detections of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) on mainland Australia |
United Arab Emirates | ARE-01/1 | 10 May 2020 | 10 May 2020 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Corn (Maize) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
The first detection of Fall armyworm(FAM), Spodoptera frugiperda, in United Arab Emirates |
Canada | CAN-54/2 | 11 May 2020 | 11 May 2020 | None |
Present: transient |
Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2: Detection in a Canada Greenhouse / Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2: Détection dans une serre canadienne | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-10/4 | 25 May 2020 | 25 May 2020 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | - Maize, rice, sorghum, etc. |
Present: transient |
Report of first detection of Fall Armyworm (FAW) in 2020 of Republic of Korea |
Canada | CAN-55/1 | 26 May 2020 | 26 May 2020 | None |
Present: transient |
International Preliminary Pest Report: Japanese Stiltgrass Detection in Canada / Rapport préliminaire sur un phytoravageur international : détection de la microstégie en osier au Canada | |
United States of America | USA-194/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Citrus greening): APHIS Expands the Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-195/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Infested Fields in the Regulated Area in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-196/2 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Huanglongbing): APHIS Expands the Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-197/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Lasara, Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-198/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-199/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-200/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Rhagoletis cerasi (European Cherry Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine to include all of Orleans County, New York | |
United States of America | USA-201/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Laredo, Webb County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-202/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 - (PSDMS3) |
Present: transient |
Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2: Detection in a United States Greenhouse | |
United States of America | USA-203/1 | 15 Jun 2020 | 15 Jun 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Zapata, Zapata County, Texas | |
Republic of Korea | KOR-11/1 | 30 Jun 2020 | 30 Jun 2020 | Erwinia amylovora - (ERWIAM) | Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana and etc. |
Present: transient |
Report of outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea in 2020 |
South Africa | ZAF-53/2 | 02 Jul 2020 | 22 Jul 2020 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. and other commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Addo area, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-54/2 | 17 Jul 2020 | 22 Jul 2020 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp., Grape (including Table-, Wine-, and Dry grape varieties) and Pomegranate fruits, produced or present in this area in South Africa are under threat. |
Present: transient |
Notification on the detection of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in several District Municipalities, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa |
Australia | AUS-99/1 | 14 Ago 2020 | 14 Ago 2020 | Phyllosticta cavendishii - (PHYSCA) | Musa: Banana—Cavendish cultivar |
Absent: pest eradicated Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Eradication of Phyllosticta cavendishii (banana freckle) from Australia (exclusive of external territories) |
Nicaragua | NIC-22/1 | 22 Sep 2020 | 22 Sep 2020 | Aleurothrixus floccosus - (ALTHFL) | Citrus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Aleurothrixus floccosus |
Nicaragua | NIC-23/3 | 22 Sep 2020 | 07 Jul 2021 | None | Tomate |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Halticus bractatus |
Barbados | BRB-09/1 | 25 Sep 2020 | 25 Sep 2020 | mealybug - (FERRSP) | Found on pasture and lawn grasses | First Report of Heliococcus summervillei | |
Jordan | JOR-01/1 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | None | Maize (Corn ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda - Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Jordan |
Jordan | JOR-02/1 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | None | Maize (Corn ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda - Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Jordan |
Jordan | JOR-03/1 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | None | Maize (Corn ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda - Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Jordan |
Jordan | JOR-04/1 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | None | Maize (Corn ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of first detection of Spodoptera frugiperda - Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Jordan |
Zambia | ZMB-04/3 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | Magnaporthe oryzae - (PYRIOR) | Range of hosts include wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare), signal grass (Urocloa brizantha) and oats (Arena sativa) |
Present: transient |
“Detection and characterization of fungus (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum) causing wheat blast disease oriticum aestivum L.) in Zambia” |
Zambia | ZMB-05/3 | 27 Sep 2020 | 27 Sep 2020 | None | The main host for the Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) is Cassava (Manihot esculenta) while the other host is Ceara rubber (Manihot glaziovii) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus Reported for the First Time in Zambia |
Nicaragua | NIC-24/1 | 23 Oct 2020 | 23 Oct 2020 | None | Hylocereus undatus |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Primer reporte oficial de Carpophilus melanopterus |
South Africa | ZAF-55/1 | 06 Nov 2020 | 06 Nov 2020 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Citrus spp. produced or present in this area in South Africa are no longer under threat. |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) in the Addo area, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa |
Canada | CAN-56/1 | 27 Nov 2020 | 27 Nov 2020 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Report of Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in Prince Edward Island, Canada (2020) Nouveau rapport sur la galle verruqueuse de la pomme de terre (Synchytrium endobioticum) à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Canada (2020) | |
Canada | CAN-57/2 | 27 Nov 2020 | 27 Nov 2020 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Report of Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in Prince Edward Island, Canada (2020) / Nouveau rapport sur la galle verruqueuse de la pomme de terre (Synchytrium endobioticum) à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Canada (2020) | |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR-01/2 | 07 Dic 2020 | 27 Dic 2020 | None | ............ |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First record of Fall Armywarm in Syria |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR-02/1 | 07 Dic 2020 | 07 Dic 2020 | None | ............ |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
First record of Army warm in Syria |
United States of America | USA-204/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 - (PSDMS3) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2: Eradicated from U.S. Greenhouses | |
United States of America | USA-205/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas spp. (Citrus Canker): APHIS adds portions of Cameron County in Texas to the Domestic Quarantine Area. | |
United States of America | USA-206/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Takes Additional Actions to Safeguard U.S. Agriculture Against Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus | |
United States of America | USA-207/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Devore, San Bernardino County, California | |
United States of America | USA-208/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Lasara, Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-209/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Removes Zone Y from the List of Regulated Areas | |
United States of America | USA-210/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-211/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Laredo, Webb County, and Zapata, Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-212/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Establishes an Quarantine Area in Charleston County, South Carolina | |
United States of America | USA-213/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: transient |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Quarantine in Lasara, Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-214/1 | 14 Dic 2020 | 14 Dic 2020 | Agrilus planipennis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Changes Approach to Fight Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) | |
New Caledonia | NCL-04/2 | 20 Ene 2021 | 20 Jul 2021 | None | Fall armyworm is a lepidopteran pest that feeds on more than 350 plant species. It preferentially feeds on cultivated grasses such as maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and wheat, but also attacks legumes, horticultural crops, cotton and other plants. Only detected on maize (Zea mays) in New Caledonia. |
Present: widely distributed |
Detection of Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) in New Caledonia |
Tunisia | TUN-02/4 | 29 Mar 2021 | 02 Abr 2021 | Citrus tristeza closterovirus - (CTV000) | Citrus spp. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Premier signalement du virus de la tristeza ou Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) en Tunisie |
Canada | CAN-58/2 | 01 Abr 2021 | 01 Abr 2021 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode) - Canadian Food Inspection Agency Removes Regulated Area in the Province of Alberta / Globodera rostochiensis (nématode doré) – L’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments retire une zone réglementée de la province de l’Alberta. | |
United States of America | USA-215/1 | 21 Abr 2021 | 21 Abr 2021 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Removes Zone G from the List of Regulated Areas | |
United States of America | USA-216/1 | 21 Abr 2021 | 21 Abr 2021 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Removes Zone AA from the List of Regulated Areas | |
United States of America | USA-217/1 | 21 Abr 2021 | 21 Abr 2021 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Associated Fields and Removes Other Fields from Regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-218/1 | 21 Abr 2021 | 21 Abr 2021 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: transient |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Removes Zone B from the List of Regulated Areas | |
Costa Rica | CRI-08/1 | 23 Abr 2021 | 23 Abr 2021 | Achatina fulica - (ACHAFU) | Residuos orgánicos, pastizales. |
Present: transient |
Detección del Caracol Gigante Africano (Achatina fulica =Lissachatina fulica) en Costa Rica. |
Australia | AUS-100/1 | 30 Abr 2021 | 30 Abr 2021 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) | Wide host range, primarily Citrus spp., Fortunella spp. and Poncirus spp. Examples include: Citrus aurantiifolia (lime; Mexican lime), Citrus aurantium (sour orange), Citrus hystrix (kaffir lime; Mauritius bitter orange), Citrus latifolia (Tahitian lime), Citrus limetta (sweet lemon tree), Citrus limon (lemon), Citrus maxima (pummelo), Citrus reshni (Cleopatra mandarin), Citrus reticulata (mandarin), Citrus sinensis (navel orange), Citrus sunki (sour mandarin), Citrus tankan (tankan mandarin) and Citrus x paradisi (grapefruit). |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Eradication of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (citrus canker) from Australia |
Peru | PER-01/1 | 30 Abr 2021 | 30 Abr 2021 | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense - (FUSACB) | banana plátano |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detección de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Raza 4 Tropical - Foc R4T |
Australia | AUS-101/1 | 05 May 2021 | 05 May 2021 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Lepidopteran pest with a wide host range feeding on more than 350 plant species including commercial species such as; Zea mays (maize), Oryza sativa (rice), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum), Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane), Triticum aestivum (wheat), horticultural crops, Gossypium hirsutum L (cotton) and other plants. The extent of host range in Australia is not yet well known. |
Present: widely distributed |
Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) detections Australia |
Australia | AUS-102/1 | 11 Jun 2021 | 11 Jun 2021 | Urocystis cepulae - (UROCCE) | Very finite host range with susceptible hosts known only from the Allium genus. Onions are most susceptible, though infection is reported to a lesser extent in other key Allium crops such as shallots, chives and leeks. In Australia, onion smut has only ever been reported on onion. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Urocystis cepulae (onion smut) in South Australia |
Australia | AUS-103/3 | 30 Jul 2021 | 30 Jul 2021 | Liriomyza huidobrensis - (LIRIHU) | Serpentine leafminer has a wide host range. Fifteen plant families and 40 plant species are recorded as hosts. The main hosts include beans, celery, chrysanthemums, garlic, lettuce, marrows, onions and peas (CABI, 2019). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Liriomyza huidobrensis (serpentine leafminer) in New South Wales and Queensland |
Australia | AUS-104/2 | 30 Jul 2021 | 23 Jun 2023 | Liriomyza trifolii - (LIRITR) | American serpentine leafminer has a wide host range including over 400 species from 28 families of both vegetable and ornamental crops. The main hosts include beans, capsicums, carrots, celery, cotton, chrysanthemums, cucumbers, garlic, gerberas, lettuce, melons, onions, peas, eggplants, and tomatoes (CABI, 2021). In Australia, L. trifolii has currently been detected on Carthamus tinctorius (safflower), Cannabis sativa (hemp), Gossypium sp. (cotton crops), Vigna unguiculata (black eyed peas) and on common weed species including Synedrella nodiflora (Cinderella weed), Tridax procumbens (coatbuttons or tridax daisy) and Physalis angulata (wild gooseberry). |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Liriomyza trifolii (American serpentine leafminer) in Queensland and Western Australia |
United States of America | USA-219/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Adds Portions of Charleston and Dorchester Counties, South Carolina to the Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-220/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth): APHIS Adds Eau Claire and Richland Counties, Wisconsin to the Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-221/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Phytophthora ramorum - (PHYTRA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phytophthora ramorum: APHIS Adds Del Norte County in California to the Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-222/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Rhagoletis cerasi (European Cherry Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine to include all of Monroe and Wayne Counties, New York | |
United States of America | USA-223/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Reduces the Quarantine Area in Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-224/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren, S. richteri Forel, and hybrids of these species): Expansion of Quarantine Areas for the Imported Fire Ant in Arkansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Virginia | |
United States of America | USA-225/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Removes Zones BB and W from the List of Regulated Areas. | |
United States of America | USA-226/2 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis: APHIS Confirms Box Tree Moth and Takes Action to Contain and Eradicate the Pest | |
United States of America | USA-227/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Lasara, Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-228/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine Areas in Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-229/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Removes Associated Fields from Regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-230/1 | 20 Sep 2021 | 20 Sep 2021 | Phyllosticta citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phyllosticta citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot): APHIS updates the Quarantine Area in Florida | |
Solomon Islands | SLB-01/1 | 06 Oct 2021 | 06 Oct 2021 | fall armyworm - (LAPHFR) | Hosts Lepidopteran pest with a wide host range feeding on more than 350 plant species including commercial species such as; Zea mays (maize), Oryza sativa (rice), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum), Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane), Triticum aestivum (wheat), horticultural crops, and other plants. The extent of host range in Solomon Islands is not yet known. Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 ) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) detections Solomon Islands |
United Kingdom | GBR-38/6 | 06 Oct 2021 | 02 Nov 2021 | Gonioctena fornicata - (GONCFO) | Gonioctena fornicata (Lucerne leaf beetle) | ||
United States of America | USA-231/1 | 29 Oct 2021 | 29 Oct 2021 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode): APHIS updates the Regulated Area in Suffolk and Nassau Counties in New York | |
United States of America | USA-232/1 | 29 Oct 2021 | 29 Oct 2021 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopis invicta Buren, S. richteri Forel, and hybrids of these species): Expansion of Quarantine Areas in North Carolina and Tennessee | |
United States of America | USA-233/1 | 29 Oct 2021 | 29 Oct 2021 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
Canada | CAN-59/1 | 29 Oct 2021 | 29 Oct 2021 | Synchytrium endobioticum - (SYNCEN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
New Report of Potato Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum) in Prince Edward Island, Canada (2021) / Nouveau rapport sur la présence de la gale verruqueuse (Synchytrium endobioticum) à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Canada (2021) | |
Australia | AUS-105/1 | 03 Nov 2021 | 03 Nov 2021 | Euwallacea fornicatus - (XYLBFO) | Euwallacea fornicatus belongs to the Euwallacea fornicatus species complex, which includes three other species that are almost morphologically identical (Smith et al. 2019). The species complex has been reported from more than 400 host plant species in 75 families, of which more than 100 are reported as reproductive hosts (Gomez et al. 2019). Host plants specifically identified for Euwallacea fornicatus have been separated from the species complex by Smith, Beaver & Cognato (2020). These hosts include Acacia, Acer, Ailanthus, Albizia, Alnus, Bauhinia, Callerya, Erythrina, Eucalyptus, Ficus, Fraxinus, Juglans, Morus, Persea, Platanus, Populus, Prunus, Quercus, Ricinus, Robinia, Salix, Sambucus, Schinus and Ulmus. Examples of reproductive hosts of concern include Acacia spp., Acer spp., Persea americana, Platanus × acerifolia, and Quercus spp. References: Gomez, DF, Lin, W, Gao, L & Li, Y 2019, ‘New host plant records for the Euwallacea fornicatus (Eichhoff) species complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) across its natural and introduced distribution’, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 338-40. Smith, SM, Beaver, RA & Cognato, AI 2020, ‘A monograph of the Xyleborini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) of the Indochinese peninsula (except Malaysia) and China’, ZooKeys, vol. 983, pp. 1-438. Smith, SM, Gomez, DF, Beaver, RA, Hulcr, J & Cognato, AI 2019, ‘Reassessment of the Species in the Euwallacea Fornicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Complex after the Rediscovery of the “Lost” Type Specimen’, Insects, vol. 10, no. 9, p. 261. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Euwallacea fornicatus (polyphagous shot-hole borer, PSHB) in Western Australia |
South Africa | ZAF-56/3 | 01 Dic 2021 | 09 Dic 2021 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) | Fruit commodities that are exported and considered hosts of this pest and produced or present in this area of South Africa are under threat. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification on the change of status of Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly) in Sunday’s River Valley, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa |
United Kingdom | GBR-39/1 | 02 Dic 2021 | 02 Dic 2021 | Phytophthora pluvialis - (PHYTUV) | Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phytophthora pluvialis pest report |
Australia | AUS-106/1 | 21 Dic 2021 | 21 Dic 2021 | None | Anacardium occidentale (cashew), Dimocarpus longan (longan), Litchi chinensis (lychee), Mangifera indica (mango), Nephelium lappaceum (rambutan), Pistacia vera (pistachio), Ricinus communis (castor). Detections in north Queensland have only been on lychee and mango. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Perixera illepidaria (mango shoot looper) in Queensland |
New Caledonia | NCL-05/1 | 12 Ene 2022 | 12 Ene 2022 | None | Arachis hypogaea |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detection of Puccinia arachidis in New Caledonia |
Burundi | BDI-01/1 | 16 Ene 2022 | 16 Ene 2022 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
cochenille farineuse du manguier | |
Australia | AUS-107/1 | 24 Feb 2022 | 24 Feb 2022 | None | Tomato, potato, capsicum, clove |
Absent: pest no longer present Absent: pest records invalid |
Absence of Ralstonia syzygii subsp. indonesiensis from Australia |
Nicaragua | NIC-25/1 | 26 Abr 2022 | 26 Abr 2022 | Megalurothrips usitatus - (MEGTUS) | Phaseolus vulgaris |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Megalurothrips usitatus |
Colombia | COL-02/1 | 05 May 2022 | 05 May 2022 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la condición de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Raza 4 Tropical – Foc R4T | |
Australia | AUS-108/2 | 09 May 2022 | 09 May 2022 | Fusarium mangiferae - (FUSAMG) | Mango Mangifera indica L |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Fusarium mangiferae (mango malformation disease) in the Northern Territory |
New Zealand | NZL-12/2 | 17 May 2022 | 17 May 2022 | Spodoptera frugiperda - (LAPHFR) | Multiple hosts but favoured hosts include Zea mays, sugar cane, sorghum |
Present: transient |
Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall armyworm) |
Uganda | UGA-02/3 | 07 Jun 2022 | 09 Jun 2022 | Paracoccus - (1PACOG) | P. marginatus is a polyphagous pest, that feeds on a wide range of crops, fruits, ornamentals and weed plants belonging to many plant families. Of concern in Uganda are Papaya sp, Mangifera sp, Manihot esculenta, Annona sp, Hibiscus sp, Rosa sp, Solanum spp (S. melongena), Psidium guajava, Phaseolus sp, Vigna unguiculata, Musa sp, Coffea sp, Capsicum sp (Bell peppers), all of which are very important in the country. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
First Report of Papaya Mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) in Uganda |
Uganda | UGA-03/2 | 09 Jun 2022 | 09 Jun 2022 | Rastrococcus invadens - (RASTIN) | R. invadens is a polyphagous pest that feeds on mango, banana, citrus and other ornamentals belonging to over 22 plant families. However many of the plants are not known to sustain the Mango mealybug. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
First report on Rastrococcus invadens Williams (Mango mealybug) in Uganda |
Australia | AUS-109/2 | 15 Jul 2022 | 15 Jul 2022 | Phyllosticta cavendishii - (PHYSCA) | Phyllosticta cavendishii has a narrow host range, namely species in the genus Musa (section Musa) and their hybrids, in particular hybrids of M. acuminata (A genome) and M. balbisiana (B genome) in the AA, AAA, AAB, ABB and AAAB genomic subgroups (Hwang, Chen & Wu 1984; McMaster et al. 2020; Meredith 1968; Tsai, Chen & Liu 1993). References: Hwang, SC, Chen, C & Wu, F 1984, ‘An investigation on susceptibility of banana clones to fusarial wilt, freckle and marginal scorch disease in Taiwan’ (in Chinese), Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan), vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 155-61. McMaster, CA, Tran-Nguyen, LTT, Voutsinos, MY, Cook, SE, Condé, BD, West, SJ, Nguyen, TV & Liberato, JR 2020, ‘Outbreak of freckle disease (Phyllosticta cavendishii) on Cavendish bananas in Australia and the initial biosecurity response’, Plant Pathology, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 38-49. Meredith, DS 1968, ‘Freckle disease of banana in Hawaii caused by Phyllostictina musarum (Cke) Petr.’, Annals of Applied Biology, vol. 62, pp. 329-40. Tsai, YP, Chen, HP & Liu, SH 1993, ‘Freckle disease of banana in Taiwan’, International Symposium on Recent Developments in Banana Cultivation Technology, Taiwan, China, 14-18 December 1992, NIBAP-ASPNET, Chiuju, Pingtung, pp. 298-307. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phyllosticta cavendishii (banana freckle) in the Northern Territory |
Australia | AUS-110/2 | 28 Jul 2022 | 28 Jul 2022 | Cryphonectria parasitica - (ENDOPA) | Chestnut (Castanea sativa) is considered the primary host but oaks can also be affected. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cryphonectria parasitica (chestnut blight) in Victoria |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO-11/2 | 28 Jul 2022 | 28 Jul 2022 | None | Solanaceous crops - Tomato and Pepper |
Present: at low prevalence |
Report of Tuta absoluta in Trinidad |
Chile | CHL-30/1 | 09 Ago 2022 | 09 Ago 2022 | Aphelenchoides fragariae - (APLOFR) | Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa) | SAG establishes phytosanitary measures after confirming the presence of Aphelenchoides fragariae | |
United States of America | USA-234/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas spp. (Citrus Canker): APHIS adds portions of Cameron County in Texas to the Domestic Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-235/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Epiphyas postvittana - (TORTPO) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth): APHIS Removes the Federal Domestic Quarantine and Interstate Movement Restrictions | |
United States of America | USA-236/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes an Quarantine in Santa Clara County, California | |
United States of America | USA-237/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Elsinoë australis (causal agent of Sweet Orange Scab): APHIS adds Baldwin and Mobile Counties in Alabama to the Domestic Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-238/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (causal agent of Citrus Greening or Huanglongbing): APHIS Establishes Quarantines in Alabama | |
United States of America | USA-239/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Lissachatina fulica - (ACHAFU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Lissachatina fulica, formally Achatina fulica (Giant African Snail): APHIS Declares Eradication and Removes All Quarantine Areas in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-240/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Quarantine Area in San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-241/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS removes associated fields from regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-242/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS adds an infested field in the regulated area in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-243/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas spp. (Citrus Canker): APHIS adds portions of Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris Counties in Texas to the Domestic Citrus Canker Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-244/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in Maricopa and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-245/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Modifies the Quarantine Areas in Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-246/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Modifies the Quarantine Areas in Cameron County and Establishes a New Quarantine in Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-247/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine Area in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-248/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine for in New York State | |
United States of America | USA-249/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a New Quarantine in Zapata, Zapata County, Texas and Expands the Quarantine Areas in Cameron and Hidalgo Counties | |
United States of America | USA-250/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, and Expands the Quarantine Area in Palmview, Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-251/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Quarantines in Hargill and Lyford, Willacy County, Texas, and Expands the Quarantine Area in Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy Counties, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-252/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (causal agent of Citrus Greening or Huanglongbing): APHIS Expands and Establishes Quarantine Areas in California | |
United States of America | USA-253/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-254/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes a Quarantine in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California | |
United States of America | USA-255/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Quarantine Areas in Palmview, Hidalgo County, and Zapata, Zapata County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-256/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-257/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes an Quarantine in North Hills, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-258/2 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (causal agent of Citrus Canker): APHIS Establishes a Domestic Quarantine in Baldwin County, Alabama | |
United States of America | USA-259/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Valley Center, San Diego County, California | |
United States of America | USA-260/1 | 26 Sep 2022 | 26 Sep 2022 | Phyllosticta citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phyllosticta citricarpa (causal agent of Citrus Black Spot): APHIS Updates the Quarantine Area in Florida | |
Colombia | COL-03/1 | 28 Sep 2022 | 28 Sep 2022 | None |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la condición de Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) (Pseudococcidae: Pseudococcus) en Colombia. | |
United States of America | USA-261/1 | 28 Sep 2022 | 28 Sep 2022 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine Area in Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-262/1 | 28 Sep 2022 | 28 Sep 2022 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Fountain Valley, Orange County, California | |
Botswana | BWA-02/1 | 04 Oct 2022 | 04 Oct 2022 | Phyllosticta citricarpa - (GUIGCI) | Citrus spp |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification on the first detection of Citrus black spot in Botswana |
United Kingdom | GBR-41/5 | 05 Oct 2022 | 17 Dic 2024 | Cryphonectria parasitica - (ENDOPA) | Castanea sativa. (Sweet Chestnut) |
Present: widely distributed |
Cryphonectria parasitica - Jersey |
United Kingdom | GBR-42/1 | 05 Oct 2022 | 05 Oct 2022 | None | As part of the general surveillance for quarantine pests a mature Sweet Chestnut tree was identified with characteristic bark cracking. Subsequent analysis by the Forestry Commission confirmed the presence of Cryphonectria parasitica. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cryphonectria parasitica - Guernsey |
United Kingdom | GBR-43/2 | 05 Oct 2022 | 19 Dic 2024 | oak processionary caterpillar - (THAUPR) | Quercus spp. (Oak) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Thaumetopoea processionea - Jersey |
Nepal | NPL-05/2 | 05 Oct 2022 | 05 Oct 2022 | Mimosa diplotricha - (MIMDI) | Invasively covers the roadsides and fallow lands including the forests and replaces the indigenous plants. Disturbances to the farm workers and also covers the bunds and bordering areas of cultivated lands. Disturbances to the movement of human and wildlife and poisonous to the domestic animals especially the goats. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
The Giant Sensitive Plant Invasion in Nepal |
Nepal | NPL-06/1 | 05 Oct 2022 | 05 Oct 2022 | Sphagneticola trilobata - (WEDTR) | Widely adapted to the riverbeds, irrigation canals and around the waterbodies. Grows and covers the canopy of indigenous plants and replaces them. |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
The first report of invasion of Singapore Daisy into Nepal |
Canada | CAN-60/1 | 28 Nov 2022 | 28 Nov 2022 | Cacoecimorpha pronubana - (TORTPR) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Report of carnation tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) in British Columbia, Canada (2022) / Rapport sur la présence de la tordeuse méditerranéenne de l'oeillet (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) en Colombie-Britannique, Canada (2022) | |
Japan | JPN-09/1 | 23 Ene 2023 | 23 Ene 2023 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) | Wilow (Salix sp.), Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifoli), Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) etc. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Outbreak of Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) in Japan |
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of | VEN-02/1 | 25 Ene 2023 | 25 Ene 2023 | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense - (FUSACB) | Musáceas |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phytosanitary Emergency for presence of Foc R4T |
Japan | JPN-10/1 | 16 Mar 2023 | 16 Mar 2023 | Cylas formicarius - (CYLAFO) | Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Stictocardia tiliifolia, Pharbitis, Ipomoea, Calystegia |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of Sweet potato weevil(Cylas formicarius)in Japan |
Peru | PER-02/4 | 29 Mar 2023 | 30 Mar 2023 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) | Cítricos (Citrus spp) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Detección de Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri |
New Caledonia | NCL-06/2 | 03 Abr 2023 | 03 Abr 2023 | None | Main : Citrus sp Secondary : Ficus, Prunus, Coffea spp, Allamanda spp, Camellia, Diospyros, Gardenia jasminoides, Punica granatum, Pyrus, Ricinus, Syzygium spp, Jasminium spp, etc. |
Present: widely distributed |
Detection of Dialeurodes citri in New Caledonia |
Australia | AUS-111/1 | 04 May 2023 | 04 May 2023 | Meloidogyne enterolobii - (MELGMY) | Meloidogyne enterolobii is highly polyphagous with a broad host range including many vegetables, ornamental plants, and weeds. Significant hosts include tomato, capsicum, eggplant, watermelon, sweet potato, potato, soybean, cucumber, guava, and cotton. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Meloidogyne enterolobii (Guava root knot nematode) in the NT and QLD |
Australia | AUS-112/1 | 10 May 2023 | 10 May 2023 | Xylella fastidiosa - (XYLEFA) | Xylella fastidiosa is highly polyphagous affecting over 550 different plant species including many fruit plants, ornamental plants, and weeds. Significant hosts include, but are not limited to, almond, avocado, blueberry, cherry, coffee, grape, lime, olive, orange, macadamia, mandarin, peach, pear, pecan, and tangelo. |
Absent: the entire country is pest free |
Absence of Xylella fastidiosa from Australia |
Nicaragua | NIC-26/1 | 16 May 2023 | 16 May 2023 | Lagocheirus obsoletus - (LAGOUN) | Manihot esculentus |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de barrenador de la yuca Lagocheirus obsoletus |
Nicaragua | NIC-27/1 | 16 May 2023 | 16 May 2023 | Dasiops inedulis - (DASIIN) | Passiflora edulis flavicarpa |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Dasiops inedulis |
Nicaragua | NIC-28/1 | 26 May 2023 | 26 May 2023 | Miridae - (1MIRIF) | Sechium edule |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Falconia intermedia |
Nicaragua | NIC-29/1 | 01 Jun 2023 | 01 Jun 2023 | None | Passiflora edulis |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Sibovia nielsoni |
Nicaragua | NIC-30/1 | 01 Jun 2023 | 01 Jun 2023 | Dysdercus suturellus - (DYSDSU) | Maracuyá (Passiflora edulis) |
Present: at low prevalence |
Primer reporte oficial de Dysdercus suturellus |
Canada | CAN-61/1 | 16 Jun 2023 | 16 Jun 2023 | Fungi - (1FUNGK) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of oak wilt (Bretziella fagacearum) in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (2023) / Signalement du flétrissement du chêne (Bretziella fagacearum) à Niagara Falls,, Ontario, Canada (2023) | |
United Kingdom | GBR-45/3 | 14 Jul 2023 | 14 Jul 2023 | Leptinotarsa decemlineata - (LPTNDE) | Solanum tuberosum (potato) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado beetle) |
Canada | CAN-62/1 | 14 Jul 2023 | 14 Jul 2023 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of European cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi) in Quebec, Canada (2022) / Signalement de la mouche européenne des cerises (Rhagoletis cerasi) au Québec, Canada (2022) | |
Mozambique | MOZ-07/2 | 15 Ago 2023 | 28 Feb 2024 | Zeugodacus cucurbitae - (DACUCU) | Mainly the host is the Cucurbitaceae family such as (cucumber, watermelon, melon, and pumpkin) Also can attack some species of the families of Caricaceae, Passifloraceae, Rutaceae, Solanaceae |
Present: except in specified pest free areas |
Occurrence of melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae) in Mozambique |
United States of America | USA-263/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopis invicta Buren, S. richteri Forel, and hybrids of these species): Expansion of Quarantine Areas in Arkansas and Tennessee | |
United States of America | USA-264/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Globodera rostochiensis - (HETDRO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera rostochiensis (Golden Nematode): APHIS updates the Regulated Area in Suffolk County in New York | |
United States of America | USA-265/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Reduces the Quarantine in Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-266/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Harlingen and Reduces the Quarantine in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-267/2 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in North Hills, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-268/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Hargill, Willacy County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-269/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-270/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Phytomyza gymnostoma - (NAPOGY) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves Oregon FRSMP Petition for Phytomyza gymnostoma (Allium Leafminer) | |
United States of America | USA-271/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Phytomyza gymnostoma - (NAPOGY) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves Texas FRSMP Petition for Phytomyza gymnostoma (Allium Leafminer) | |
United States of America | USA-272/2 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in La Paz, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-273/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Removes Associated Acreage From Regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-274/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Amends Regulated Areas in Maricopa County in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-275/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Michigan | |
United States of America | USA-276/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly ): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Valley Center, San Diego County, California | |
United States of America | USA-277/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Bactrocera tau - (BCTRTA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes a Zeugodacus tau Fruit Fly Quarantine in Stevenson Ranch Area, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-278/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopis invicta, S. richteri, and hybrids of these species): APHIS Expands Quarantine Areas in Virginia | |
United States of America | USA-279/1 | 16 Ago 2023 | 16 Ago 2023 | Lymantria dispar - (LYMADI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Lymantria dispar (Spongy Moth): APHIS Adds Lake and Whitley Counties, Indiana to the Quarantine Area. | |
Nicaragua | NIC-31/1 | 01 Sep 2023 | 01 Sep 2023 | Achatina fulica - (ACHAFU) | Musa spp. |
Present: transient |
Primer reporte oficial de caracol gigante africano Achatina fulica |
United States of America | USA-280/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Santa Clara County, California | |
United States of America | USA-281/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Brentwood, Contra Costa County, California | |
United States of America | USA-282/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Fountain Valley, Orange County, California | |
United States of America | USA-283/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Sacramento County, California | |
United States of America | USA-284/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera tau - (BCTRTA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Zeugodacus tau Fruit Fly Quarantine in the Stevenson Ranch Area, Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-285/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-286/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands and Establishes Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine Areas in California | |
United States of America | USA-287/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth): APHIS Expands the Quarantine in Michigan | |
United States of America | USA-288/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera tau - (BCTRTA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Fruit Fly Quarantines in California | |
United States of America | USA-289/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Fruit Fly Quarantines in California | |
United States of America | USA-290/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes Mediterranean Fruit Fly and Queensland Fruit Fly Quarantines in California | |
United States of America | USA-291/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes Mediterranean Fruit Fly and Queensland Fruit Fly Quarantines in California | |
United States of America | USA-292/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Diaphorina citri - (DIAACI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Diaphorina citri (Asian Citrus Psyllid): APHIS Expands and Establishes Quarantine Areas in California | |
United States of America | USA-293/1 | 21 Nov 2023 | 21 Nov 2023 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine in Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-294/2 | 28 Nov 2023 | 28 Nov 2023 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-295/1 | 28 Nov 2023 | 28 Nov 2023 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Removes Acreage From Regulation in Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-296/1 | 18 Dic 2023 | 18 Dic 2023 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Three Fruit Fly Quarantines in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-297/1 | 18 Dic 2023 | 18 Dic 2023 | Bactrocera tau - (BCTRTA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Three Fruit Fly Quarantines in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-298/1 | 18 Dic 2023 | 18 Dic 2023 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Three Fruit Fly Quarantines in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-299/1 | 21 Dic 2023 | 21 Dic 2023 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine in Los Angeles County, California | |
United Kingdom | GBR-49/4 | 21 Dic 2023 | 23 Ene 2025 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report 2023 |
South Africa | ZAF-57/2 | 21 Dic 2023 | 21 Dic 2023 | Pepper ringspot virus - (PEPRSV) | PepRSV was detected in Potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum: Solanaceae), in the notified areas. |
Present: except in specified pest free areas |
Notification on the detection of Pepper ringspot virus (PepRSV) in the Republic of South Africa |
United States of America | USA-300/1 | 02 Ene 2024 | 02 Ene 2024 | Liberibacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine Area in Louisiana | |
United States of America | USA-301/1 | 03 Ene 2024 | 03 Ene 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-302/2 | 04 Ene 2024 | 04 Ene 2024 | Phytomyza gymnostoma - (NAPOGY) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves Idaho FRSMP Petition for Phytomyza gymnostoma (Allium Leafminer) | |
United States of America | USA-303/1 | 04 Ene 2024 | 04 Ene 2024 | Lilioceris lilii - (CRIELI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves California FRSMP Petition for Lilioceris lilii (Lily leaf beetle) | |
Canada | CAN-63/1 | 05 Ene 2024 | 05 Ene 2024 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) in Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, Canada (2023) / Rapport sur la présence de la pyrale du buis (Cydalima perspectalis) au Québec, Nouveau-Brunswick et Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada (2023) | |
Vanuatu | VUT-02/2 | 16 Ene 2024 | 16 Ene 2024 | Oryctes rhinoceros - (ORYCRH) | The pest feeds mainly on young coconut fronds. when leaves mature, a v-shape is visible on the coconut leaves that has been damaged by the invasive pest of coconuts. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle -Oryctes rhinoceros |
Vanuatu | VUT-03/2 | 17 Ene 2024 | 18 Ene 2024 | fall armyworm - (LAPHFR) | FAW host on more than 80 plant species. The FAW has a preference for plants in the grass family, the Poaceae, i.e., maize or corns, millets, rice, sorghum, sugarcane, but it also attacks banana, cotton, cowpeas, ginger, peanut, tobacco, some forage legumes, and vegetables, e.g., beans, cabbage, capsicum, cauliflowers, cucumber, eggplant, potato, sweet potato, tomato, some weeds and ornamentals |
Present: at low prevalence |
Fall Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) |
United States of America | USA-304/1 | 27 Feb 2024 | 27 Feb 2024 | Anoplophora glabripennis - (ANOLGL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle): APHIS Removes Portions of Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York, from the Quarantine Area | |
United States of America | USA-305/1 | 27 Feb 2024 | 27 Feb 2024 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Citrus Canker): APHIS Establishes and Expands Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-306/1 | 27 Feb 2024 | 27 Feb 2024 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Reduces Regulated Areas in Maricopa and Pinal Counties in Arizona | |
United States of America | USA-307/1 | 27 Feb 2024 | 27 Feb 2024 | Solenopsis invicta - (SOLEIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Imported Fire Ant (Solenopis invicta, S. richteri, and hybrids of these species): APHIS Expands Quarantine Area in Oklahoma and Tennessee | |
Thailand | THA-06/1 | 28 Feb 2024 | 28 Feb 2024 | Phthorimaea absoluta - (GNORAB) | Tomato, Potato and plants in the family Solanaceae. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Pest status of Phthorimaea absoluta in Thailand |
United Kingdom | GBR-50/9 | 08 Mar 2024 | 23 Ene 2025 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report 2023 |
United States of America | USA-308/2 | 18 Mar 2024 | 18 Mar 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Two Fruit Fly Quarantines in California: Bactrocera dorsalis | |
United States of America | USA-309/1 | 18 Mar 2024 | 18 Mar 2024 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands Two Fruit Fly Quarantines in California: Ceratitis capitata | |
United States of America | USA-310/1 | 18 Mar 2024 | 18 Mar 2024 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes and Expands Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine Areas in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Ventura Counties, California | |
Barbados | BRB-10/1 | 28 Mar 2024 | 28 Mar 2024 | Amrasca sp. - (AMRASP) | Currently found on Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) , Cotton (Gossypium spp.) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
First Report of Presence of Indian Cotton leafhopper (Amrasca biguttula) |
United States of America | USA-311/1 | 04 Abr 2024 | 04 Abr 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United Kingdom | GBR-51/2 | 22 Abr 2024 | 22 Abr 2024 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Solanum lycopersicum |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report 2024 |
United States of America | USA-312/1 | 29 Abr 2024 | 29 Abr 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes and Expands Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-313/1 | 29 Abr 2024 | 29 Abr 2024 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Updates the Quarantined Areas for Sweet Orange Scab in California, and Revises the Conditions for the Interstate Movement of Citrus Nursery Stock and Packing House Procedures for Citrus Fruit from Sweet Orange Scab Quarantined Areas | |
United States of America | USA-314/1 | 29 Abr 2024 | 29 Abr 2024 | Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri - (XANTCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Citrus Canker): APHIS Establishes and Expands Quarantined Areas in Texas | |
Tunisia | TUN-03/2 | 02 May 2024 | 02 May 2024 | Dactylopius opuntiae - (DACLOP) | Opuntia ficus-indica |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Premier signalement de la cochenille du cactus ou Dactylopius opuntiae en Tunisie |
United States of America | USA-315/1 | 17 May 2024 | 17 May 2024 | Phyllosticta citricarpa - (GUIGCI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Phyllosticta citricarpa (Citrus Black Spot): APHIS updates the Quarantine Areas in Florida | |
United States of America | USA-316/1 | 17 May 2024 | 17 May 2024 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine Area in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-317/1 | 22 May 2024 | 22 May 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Santa Clara County, California | |
United States of America | USA-318/1 | 23 May 2024 | 23 May 2024 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth): APHIS Establishes Quarantines for in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Ohio, Expands Quarantines in Michigan and New York, and Establishes Conditions for the Interstate Movement of Regulated Articles of Buxus species | |
South Africa | ZAF-58/2 | 24 May 2024 | 24 May 2024 | Drosophila suzukii - (DROSSU) | Drosophila suzukii (SWD) was detected in Blueberry production areas in the notified areas. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification on the detection of Drosophila suzukii, the Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) in the Republic of South Africa |
United States of America | USA-319/1 | 05 Jun 2024 | 05 Jun 2024 | Rhagoletis cerasi - (RHAGCE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Rhagoletis cerasi (Cherry Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the European Quarantine to include all of Cayuga, Genesee, and Ontario Counties, New York | |
United States of America | USA-320/1 | 10 Jun 2024 | 10 Jun 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Two Quarantines in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-321/1 | 18 Jun 2024 | 18 Jun 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Sacramento County, California | |
United States of America | USA-322/1 | 05 Jul 2024 | 05 Jul 2024 | Bactrocera tau - (BCTRTA) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Zeugodacus tau: APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Los Angeles County, California | |
United States of America | USA-323/1 | 16 Jul 2024 | 16 Jul 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine Area in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas | |
United States of America | USA-324/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes and Reduces Quarantines in Contra Costa and Riverside Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-325/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | Striga asiatica - (STRAN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Striga asiatica (Witchweed): APHIS Updates the Regulated Areas in North Carolina and South Carolina | |
United States of America | USA-326/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-327/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Three Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-328/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | None |
Absent: pest eradicated |
APHIS Removes Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis capitata) Quarantine Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-329/1 | 06 Ago 2024 | 06 Ago 2024 | Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
APHIS Removes Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni) Quarantine Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-330/1 | 20 Ago 2024 | 20 Ago 2024 | Globodera pallida - (HETDPA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Amends Regulated Area in Bingham County Idaho | |
United States of America | USA-331/1 | 20 Ago 2024 | 20 Ago 2024 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Absent: pest eradicated |
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes Quarantine in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-332/1 | 22 Ago 2024 | 22 Ago 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes, Amends, and Removes Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
Peru | PER-03/3 | 28 Ago 2024 | 29 Ago 2024 | Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri - (XANTCI) | Cítricos |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Actualización de la condición de Xanthomonas citri pv. citri en Perú |
Peru | PER-04/3 | 28 Ago 2024 | 28 Ago 2024 | Tecia solanivora - (TECASO) | Solanum tuberosum (papa) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Reporte de Tecia solanivora - Perú |
Peru | PER-05/2 | 28 Ago 2024 | 28 Ago 2024 | Thrips palmi - (THRIPL) |
Present: transient |
Reporte de Thrips palmi - Perú | |
Peru | PER-06/2 | 28 Ago 2024 | 28 Ago 2024 | Liberibacter solanacearum - (LIBEPS) | Solanum tuberosum y otras solanaceas |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control Present: transient |
Condición de Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum y su vector |
Australia | AUS-113/1 | 29 Ago 2024 | 29 Ago 2024 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Detected in tomatoes. ToBRFV is an exotic plant disease that affects tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), capsicum (Capsicum annuum) and chillies (C. frutescens and C. chinense). |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in South Australia |
United States of America | USA-333/1 | 13 Sep 2024 | 13 Sep 2024 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-334/1 | 13 Sep 2024 | 13 Sep 2024 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Sweet Orange Scab Quarantined Area in California | |
Canada | CAN-64/2 | 16 Sep 2024 | 16 Sep 2024 | Tetropium fuscum - (TETOFU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropium fuscum) in Quebec, Canada (2024) / Signalement du longicorne brun de l’épinette (Tetropium fuscum) au Québec, Canada (2024) | |
Canada | CAN-65/1 | 16 Sep 2024 | 16 Sep 2024 | Agrilus plannipenis - (AGRLPL) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Report of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) in British Columbia, Canada (2024) / Signalement de l’agrile du frêne (Agrilus planipennis) en Colombie-Britannique, Canada (2024) | |
Peru | PER-07/12 | 26 Sep 2024 | 26 Sep 2024 | Liberibacter solanacearum - (LIBEPS) | Tubérculos de papa con fines de siembra o propagación |
Present: transient |
Detección de Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum - 2024 |
United States of America | USA-335/1 | 30 Sep 2024 | 30 Sep 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes and Revises Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-336/1 | 30 Sep 2024 | 30 Sep 2024 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes a Quarantine in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-337/1 | 30 Sep 2024 | 30 Sep 2024 | Liberibacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantined Area in California | |
Peru | PER-08/2 | 30 Sep 2024 | 04 Oct 2024 | Xylella fastidiosa - (XYLEFA) | Plantas de café |
Present: transient |
Detección de Xylella fastidiosa |
United States of America | USA-338/1 | 04 Oct 2024 | 04 Oct 2024 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands and Consolidates Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-339/1 | 16 Oct 2024 | 16 Oct 2024 | Tilletia indica - (NEOVIN) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tilletia indica (Karnal Bunt): APHIS Reduces Regulated Areas in Pinal County in Arizona | |
Australia | AUS-114/1 | 22 Nov 2024 | 22 Nov 2024 | Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus - (SLCMV0) | Detected on cassava (Manihot esculenta). Cassava is the main host of SLCMV though non-cassava hosts infected experimentally include a wide range of species in the Solanaceae family (CABI 2022, Jackson 2022, Jose et al. 2008). |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (SLCMV) in the Northern Territory |
Japan | JPN-11/5 | 04 Dic 2024 | 04 Dic 2024 | Cylas formicarius - (CYLAFO) | Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Stictocardia tiliifolia, Pharbitis, Ipomoea, Calystegia |
Absent: pest eradicated Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Eradication of Sweet potato weevil(Cylas formicarius)in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan |
United Kingdom | GBR-52/3 | 12 Dic 2024 | 12 Dic 2024 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report - Jersey |
United Kingdom | GBR-53/2 | 20 Dic 2024 | 20 Dic 2024 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report |
United States of America | USA-340/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, California | |
United States of America | USA-341/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-342/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-343/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Amends Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-344/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes and Expands Fruit Fly Quarantine Areas in California: Ceratitis capitata | |
United States of America | USA-345/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Bactrocera dorsalis - (DACUDO) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes and Expands Fruit Fly Quarantine Areas in California: Bactrocera dorsalis | |
United States of America | USA-346/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands the Quarantine Area in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-347/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Cydalima perspectalis - (DPHNPE) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth): APHIS Establishes Quarantines in Delaware and Pennsylvania | |
United States of America | USA-348/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Liberobacter asiaticum - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-349/1 | 07 Ene 2025 | 07 Ene 2025 | Ceratitis capitata - (CERTCA) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine Area in California | |
South Africa | ZAF-59/3 | 14 Ene 2025 | 14 Ene 2025 | Phytophthora palmivora - (PHYTPL) | Phytophthora palmivora was detected in commercial papaya orchards in the notified areas. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification on the detection of Phytophthora palmivora, the bud rot of palms, in the Republic of South Africa |
South Africa | ZAF-60/1 | 14 Ene 2025 | 14 Ene 2025 | Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis - (CORBNE) | Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis was detected in maize farms in the notified areas. |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Notification on the detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis, Goss’ Wilt on maize, in the Republic of South Africa |
United Kingdom | GBR-56/2 | 23 Ene 2025 | 23 Ene 2025 | Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - (TOBRFV) | Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus pest report |
United Kingdom | GBR-57/2 | 29 Ene 2025 | 29 Ene 2025 | Cryphonectria - (1CRYNG) | Carpinus betulus (hornbeam) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Cryphonectria carpinicola pest report |
Netherlands, Kingdom of the | NLD-61/3 | 06 Feb 2025 | 06 Feb 2025 | None | Location of Pest Reports | ||
Guatemala | GTM-01/2 | 10 Feb 2025 | 10 Feb 2025 | None | banano | Fusarium oxysporum Raza Tropical 4 Ausente en todo el pais | |
United States of America | USA-350/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Amends Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-351/2 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Bagrada hilaris - (BAGRHI) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
APHIS Supports Florida’s Request to Terminate APHIS’ Federally Recognized State Managed Phytosanitary (FRSMP) Program for Bagrada hilaris (bagrada bug) and Bactericera cockerelli (potato/tomato psyllid) | |
United States of America | USA-352/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Bactericera cockerelli - (PARZCO) |
Present: not widely distributed and not under official control |
APHIS Supports Florida’s Request to Terminate APHIS’ Federally Recognized State Managed Phytosanitary (FRSMP) Program for Bagrada hilaris (bagrada bug) and Bactericera cockerelli (potato/tomato psyllid) | |
United States of America | USA-353/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Elsinoe australis - (ELSIAU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Expands the Sweet Orange Scab Quarantined Area in California | |
United States of America | USA-354/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes and Amends Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-355/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Radopholus similis - (RADOSI) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Approves California FRSMP Petition for Radopholus similis (Burrowing nematode) | |
United States of America | USA-356/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Anastrepha ludens - (ANSTLU) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Establishes and Expands Quarantine Areas in Texas | |
United States of America | USA-357/1 | 25 Feb 2025 | 25 Feb 2025 | Liberibacter asiaticus - (LIBEAS) |
Present: not widely distributed and under official control |
APHIS Establishes a Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Quarantine in Mississippi |