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2017 IPPC Regional Workshops

2017 IPPC Regional Workshops

Spanish versions available below (Translations for the Latin America Regional Workshop were kindly provided by Comunidad Andina (CAN) RPPO).

This web page was last updated on 2017-09-30. For further information please contact Sarah.Brunel @fao.org.

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
CEECA Success stories of implementation of pests control or management from CPs T.absoluta - Republic of Belarus Ru 17 Oct 2017
CEECA Success stories of implementation of pests control or management from CPs Halyomorpha halys - Georgia En 17 Oct 2017
CEECA Updates on FAO Activities on Plant Health in Central Asia En 17 Oct 2017
CEECA The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation Update on Its Activities En 17 Oct 2017
CEECA EPPO Tools for Surveillance En 17 Oct 2017
LA List of paricipants_LA Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National surveillance information frameworks and pest data-collection systems AR_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems Ru 17 Oct 2017
LA 1.2.b. CPM-12_Report Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems AZE_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-Collection Systems Ru 17 Oct 2017
LA 1.4.a. Report of CAN Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems BLR_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems Ru 17 Oct 2017
LA 1.4.b. Report of COSAVE Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems CZ_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems En 17 Oct 2017
LA 1.4.c. Report of OIRSA Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems TUR_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems En 17 Oct 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems UKR_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems Ru 17 Oct 2017
LA 3.5.b. Actividades capacitacion OIRSA Es 14 Sep 2017
CEECA National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems UZ_National Surveillance Information Frameworks and Pest Data-collection Systems Ru 17 Oct 2017
LA 4.1.a. PCE. Transcripci+¦n video Es 14 Sep 2017
2017-RW-ASIA 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in Asia En 24 Nov 2017
LA 5.1.b. ePhyto. Comit+® Directivo internacional WAlessandrini Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.1.a. Langosta en Bolivia Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.1.b. Langosta en Argentina Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.1.c. Langosta en Paraguay Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.1.d. Langosta OIRSA Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.2.a. Foc_R4T. Ecuador Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.2.b. FOC OIRSA Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.2.3. Intercepciones Kapra Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.3.2.a. Facilitacion de comercio Es 14 Sep 2017
LA 5.3.3. Proyecto STDF 502-COSAVE Es 14 Sep 2017
Survey of 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop En Es Fr Ru Ar 14 Sep 2017
LA Agenda of 2017 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Latin America Es 14 Sep 2017
Caribbean Agenda of 2017 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Caribbean En 20 Sep 2017
Caribbean 1. Capacity building activities_CAHFSA En 20 Sep 2017
Caribbean 2. Update: FAO capacity development Activities 2017-18_SLC En 20 Sep 2017
Caribbean 3. Update on activities_IICA En 20 Sep 2017
Caribbean 4. Biological Control of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug (PHM) Maconellicoccus hirsutus (green)_St Kitts En 20 Sep 2017
Caribbean 5. Plant protection and quarantine _Trinida and Tobago En 20 Sep 2017
01 The IPPC standard setting process En Es 12 Jul 2017
1. Objective of the IPPC Regional Workshop En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
02 Beyond compliance global project En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
2. Update from the CPM-12 and on Secretariat activities En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
3. Briefing on important financial initiatives of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
03 Verification exercise of the IPPC Contact Points details correctness En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
4. The IPPC Online Comment System (OCS) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
5. Overview of the IPPC Standard Setting Process En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
6. 2017 Draft Amendments to ISPM 5: GLOSSARY OF PHYTOSANITARY TERMS (1994-001) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
7. Requirements for the use of fumigation as a phytosanitary measure (2014-004) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
8. DRAFT ISPM: International movement of cut flowers (2008-005) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
9. The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management (ISPM14) and the Beyond compliance tool En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
10. Emerging Issues in Plant Health En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
11. Call for phytosanitary treatments En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
12. Understanding what is the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) En 12 Jul 2017
13. The International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
14. The International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
15. IPPC Implementation Pilot Programme on Surveillance: toward Concrete Actions En Es Ru 12 Jul 2017
2017-RW-LA 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in Latin America Es 31 Oct 2017
2017-RW-Africa 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in Africa En 31 Oct 2017
LA Report of 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Latin America Es 29 Sep 2017
2017-RW-Pacific 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in Pacific En 31 Oct 2017
2017-RW-Caribbean 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in Caribbean En 31 Oct 2017
2017-RW-CEECA 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in CEECA En Ru 31 Oct 2017
2017-RW-NENA 2017 Report of Regional Workshop in NENA En 03 Nov 2017
NENA Presentation Kenya IPPC Tunis Fr 04 Oct 2017
NENA Presentation ONSSA Ar 04 Oct 2017
NENA Presentation Algerie Fr 04 Oct 2017
NENA Fall armyworm En 04 Oct 2017
Agenda of 2017 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Overall En 24 Jul 2017
CEECA unofficial translation Draft ISPM: International movement of cut flowers (2008-005) Ru 01 Ago 2017
CEECA unofficial translation Draft ISPM: Requirements for the use of fumigation as a phytosanitary measure (2014-004) Ru 01 Ago 2017
CEECA unofficial translation Draft 2017 amendments to ISPM 15: Glossary of phytosanitary terms (1994-001) Ru 01 Ago 2017
1. bis 1. bis IPPC social media En 16 Ago 2017
CEECA Overview of FAO’s Strategy on South-South Cooperation (SSC) and FAO-China SSC Programme En Ru 25 Ago 2017
CEECA One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative and plant health En Ru 25 Ago 2017
CEECA IPPC Secretary Introductory Remarks on FAO-IPPC China SSC Project En Ru 25 Ago 2017
CEECA Agenda of 2017 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) En Ru 28 Ago 2017

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