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Petición de noticias breves para publicar en la página principal del Portal fitosanitario internacional (PFI) revisado

Posted on Vie, 10 Jun 2016, 11:47
Deadline on Jue, 29 Dic 2016, 23:00

La Secretaría de la CIPF ha estado preparando una nueva página principal para el sitio web del Portal fitosanitario internacional (PFI). Una sección importante de este sitio se llama "Noticias breves"; son noticias de importancia fitosanitaria nacionales, regionales o internacionales, …

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Convocatoria para manifestar interés en participar en la reunión del Grupo de trabajo oficioso sobre el proyecto piloto de aplicación de la CIPF relativo a la vigilancia, los días 11 y 12 de junio de 2016, Tailandia

Posted on Mié, 11 May 2016, 15:22
Deadline on Mar, 24 May 2016, 15:00

La convocatoria está abierta a las partes contratantes, las organizaciones regionales de protección fitosanitaria (ORPF) y otras organizaciones científicas que deseen participar en el proyecto piloto de aplicación de la CIPF relativo a la vigilancia, para trabajos específicos sobre tres …

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Convocatoria de abril de 2016 para reunir documentos de debate para el grupo de reflexión sobre la formación de un nuevo órgano auxiliar de la CIPF sobre la aplicación

Posted on Mar, 26 Abr 2016, 12:23
Deadline on Jue, 09 Jun 2016, 22:00

La Comisión de Medidas Fitosanitarias (CMF) en su 11ª reunión apoyó la creación del nuevo órgano de supervisión sobre la aplicación, pero convino en que era prematuro crear el nuevo órgano con las atribuciones y el reglamento propuestos, preparados por …

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Convocatoria para presentar recursos técnicos en apoyo al proyecto piloto de aplicación de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria (CIPF) relativo a la vigilancia

Posted on Vie, 22 Abr 2016, 07:22
Deadline on Sáb, 30 Dic 2017, 23:00

La Secretaría de la CIPF convoca a presentar recursos técnicos fitosanitarios para avanzar en el proyecto piloto de aplicación de la CIPF relativo a la vigilancia, para los trabajos específicos sobre tres ejemplos de plagas de interés: • Xylella fastidiosa …

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2016 April –Call for members of the International National Year of Plant Health Steering Committee

Posted on Jue, 21 Abr 2016, 10:19
Deadline on Sáb, 14 May 2016, 22:00

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to be members of the International National Year of Plant Health Steering Committee.

Nominations from the national official IPPC contact point should be submitted to the …

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2016 April call for discussion papers on sea containers

Posted on Mié, 20 Abr 2016, 15:03
Deadline on Sáb, 14 May 2016, 22:00

As agreed by the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures in its eleventh session in April 2016 (CPM-11 (2016)), the CPM Bureau will discuss the issue of sea containers at their 21-23 June 2016 meeting. The Bureau was requested by the CPM …

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Grupo especializado sobre la aplicación: Convocatoria de expertos

Posted on Lun, 18 Abr 2016, 11:47

La Secretaría de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria (CIPF) está solicitando designaciones de expertos debidamente cualificados para participar en un grupo especializado con el fin e elaborar las atribuciones y el reglamento del nuevo órgano auxiliar de la CIPF …

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Workshop Announcement Pre-registration Call for Abstracts: International Training Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa and the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS)

Posted on Vie, 05 Feb 2016, 16:02

19-22 April 2016, Bari, Italy

As the workshop has already received registrations exceeding the number of participants that can be accommodated, the pre-registrations closure will be anticipated to Friday 18th of March.

The selection of participants will be shortly undertaken. …

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2016 IPPC Photo Contest: “The Shocking Impacts of Pests” Call for submissions

Posted on Vie, 15 Ene 2016, 08:10

The International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat is launching the second edition of this photo contest entitled “The Shocking Impacts of Pests” which will be open from now until the 29th of February 2016 to anyone willing to contribute …

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Call for presentations on the successes and challenges of implementation the IPPC at the CPM-11 Session (April 2016)

Posted on Vie, 18 Dic 2015, 07:36

The International Plant Protection Convention Secretariat requests IPPC contracting parties and RPPOs to propose cases of successful experiences or to highlight challenges faced while implementing the IPPC, its ISPMs and Commission for Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Recommendations for presentation at CPM-11. …

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Call for Experts (TPFQ)

Posted on Mar, 15 Dic 2015, 09:57

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part as members in the Technical Panel for Forest Quarantine (TPFQ) and an invited expert to aid TPFQ in developing a Forest Tree Seed …

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Call for Case Studies

Posted on Vie, 06 Nov 2015, 08:22

The Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) has launched a desk study for clarifying and validating the extent to which diversion from the intended use occurs in international trade in plants and plant products. Diversion from intended use is of …

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Call for pictures on Soils and Plant Health

Posted on Mar, 20 Oct 2015, 16:28

enter image description here enter image description here

In the framework of the International Year of Soils, the IPPC is preparing a publication on Soils and Plant Health. Pictures are therefore solicited for use in this publication. In particular, we request images with: - soil and soil adherent …

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Call for Phytosanitary Technical Resources

Posted on Mié, 22 Jul 2015, 14:34

Following key decisions of the 10th session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measure (CPM) in March 2015 and the Capacity Development Committee (CDC) 6th meeting in June 2015 the IPPC Secretariat is issuing a call for the collection of following …

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