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2014 OEWG Implementation

OEWG Implementation - August 4-7, 2014

Open ended working group (OEWG) - Implementation

Over the period of implementation of the Implementation Review and Support system (IRSS) (2011-2014) and, through other IPPC activities, it has been repeatedly noted that CPs face continuing implementation challenges in achieving IPPC objectives. At CPM-8, New Zealand presented a proposal for focusing more on broadening work on implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs and establishing a CPM-directed implementation programme.

Since CPM-8 (2013) discussions have been held in the Bureau and SPG meetings to consider this new focus of work. The CPM-9 agreed to strengthen the focus on implementation, recognizing that this will require strong commitment from each CPM member and the Secretariat, as well as additional financial resources.

Based on CP feedback a terms of reference (ToR) for an Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Implementation has been prepared. The objective is to establish the required mechanisms to focus on implementation, and ensure the work of the Secretariat staff and CPM bodies are able to be coordinated and work together to deliver a coherent programme of work.

The OEWG is also tasked to develop and define the scope of a pilot work plan to implement ISPM 6:1997(Guidelines for surveillance) (2009-004) and to submit a strategic work plan to CPM-10 (2015) for approval.

The outcome of the OEWG will be shared with the SPG, subsidiary bodies and the CDC as necessary, and a report back to CPM-10 (2015) will be made.

Document 1 "OEWG Implementation meeting preparation form" is provided for participants to prepare for the meeting.

Doc # Agenda # Title Files Publications date
Report: Open ended working group on Implementation (2014)
11 Sep 2014
1. OEWG Implementation meeting preparation form
OEWG Implementation meeting preparation form
26 Jul 2014
Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs A Discussion Paper for the Strategic Planning Group October 2013
Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs A Discussion Paper for the Strategic Planning Group October 2013
25 Jul 2014
Essential Reading List
Essential reading list - revised (En)
28 Jul 2014
Provisional Agenda - OEWG_Implementation
Provisional Agenda-revised (En)
28 Jul 2014
CPM 2014/CRP/09 - Strengthening Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs - Revised Recommendations (Revision of the CPM 2014/20).
CPM 09 2014,CRP/09: Strengthening Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs - Revised Recommendations (En)
24 Jul 2014
CPM 2014/20 Rev.1 - Strengthening Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs
CPM09: Doc CPM 2014/20 Rev.1 - Strengthening Implementation of the IPPC and ISPMs (En)
24 Jul 2014
Terms of reference for the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Implementation
ToR for the OEWG on Implementation (En)
18 Jul 2014
Participants list
07 Aug 2014

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