Implementation Strategy
Global coordination is essential to put into effect the global action for FAW control from different perspectives. The IPPC Secretariat will work closely together with a wide range of actors and stakeholders, as well as relevant FAO divisions, Regional Plant Protection Organizations, IPPC contracting parties, research institutions and the private sector to coordinate this global effort and prevent FAW introduction into countries where it was not found before. A FAO FAW Secretariat, FAO/IPPC Technical Working Group, and IPPC/Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) Task Force will be responsible for coordinating the IPPC implementation activities on FAW prevention at global, regional, and national levels.
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Global Steering Committee
The Global Action connects national ground work directly to the global political level through the establishment of a Steering Committee, which brings together high-level decision-makers and strategic leaders to provide programmatic orientation and oversight of the implementation of the Global Action. It endorses the action plan for 2020–2022 and guides further investment. The Steering Committee is chaired by the FAO Director-General, Mr Qu Dongyu.
For further information on the Global Steering Committee, please read the Terms of References.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee of the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control provides technical advice to the Steering Committee and make recommendations about priorities and gaps at level of sustainable management, global and national level. It consists of world experts in all key thematic areas of FAW sustainable management and control. The Committee is chaired by Mr Robert Bertram, Chief Scientist, USAID.
For further information on the Technical Committee, please read the Terms of References.
Fall Armyworm Secretariat
The FAO FAW Secretariat operates under the supervision of the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) Director, Mr Jingyuan Xia, and reports directly to the FAO Global Steering Committee. The FAW Secretariat is responsible for the overall implementation of the Global Action during the period 2020-2022. Its main functions and responsibilities include coordination, technical integration and extension, project management and resources mobilization, communication and advocacy.
Technical Working Group on Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures
The FAO/IPPC Technical Working Group (TWG) on Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures is responsible for the coordination of all the technical activities related to the prevention of FAW spread to new areas. These activities include developing project plans, conducting scoping studies and reports on FAW prevention, as well as providing technical support to the FAO’s FAW Global Action Technical Committee. The TWG is chaired by Mr Chris Dale, IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development and Australian National Plant Protection Organization representative.
For further information on the TWG, please read theTerms of References.
IPPC/Regional Plant Protections Organizations (RPPOs) Task Force
The IPPC/RPPOs Task Force is responsible for the coordination and oversight of the implementation of the Global Action in the area of FAW prevention and preparedness. It is composed of representatives from the IPPC Secretariat and Regional Pant Protection Organizations of Europe, Near East and North Africa, and South-West Pacific. The Task Force is chaired by Mr Arop Deng, Integration and Support Team Lead, IPPC Secretariat.
IPPC Working Group
The IPPC Working Group provides support to the IPPC/RPPOs Task Force and the TWG on Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures in implementing the FAO Global Action in the areas at highest risk of contamination. It is composed of members of the IPPC Secretariat and chaired by Mr Arop Deng, Integration and Support Team Lead, IPPC Secretariat. Ms Sarah Brunel, Vice-chair of the FAO/IPPC Technical Working Group, represents the IPPC Secretariat in the Fall Armyworm Secretariat.
Technical Support
Preventive measures will be put in place in target countries situated in regions that are not yet affected and new areas where FAW has limited distribution. This outcome will be achieved by implementing key phytosanitary activities, such as the development of guidance on prevention; the implementation of IPPC International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) for inspection and surveillance; the organization of regional and national training workshops and collaboration on prevention of FAW. In particular, key NPPOs’ functions need to be strengthened through capacity development with trainings on surveillance, inspection and response of pest outbreaks.
Resource Mobilization
To scale-up the global efforts and tame FAW threat worldwide, the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control aims to mobilize USD 500 million, most of which will be needed at the national level. The global resource mobilization action envisages a financial mechanism composed of contribution of beneficiary and of additional donor-funded projects that will be called upon to contribute to the Global Action. Funds will be mobilized from all relevant sources, national budgets, private sector, development partners, development banks and FAO contributions.
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An estimated budget of over USD 10 million should be mobilized to reduce the risk of further introduction and spread of FAW to new areas. The activities that will be covered by the funds include policy coordination, capacity development for risk assessment, surveillance, and inspection. The IPPC’s resource mobilization action will focus on two main strategies:
- Coordinating with FAO Global resource mobilization action to maximize efforts, avoid duplication and ensure sustainability of the global action;
- Coordinating with the IPPC Community to assist Regional Plant Protection Organization (RPPOs) and National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) in raising funds for regional and national initiatives.
Additional information on the global resource mobilization action can be found in the
Action Framework 2020-2022.
Knowledge materials and information for different stakeholders, including RPPOs, NPPOs and the general public, will be developed by the IPPC Secretariat and disseminated through traditional and new media. Regular updates will be provided on the status of FAW in the world and actions being taken on prevention by the IPPC community. Publications and advocacy materials, newsletters and social media contents will be produced and distributed to increase the visibility of the Global Action and raise awareness of the importance of prevention to reduce the spread of FAW worldwide. All FAW Global Action documents that relate to the IPPC mandate will be uploaded on this page and be publicly available.