The presentation of the "Guide to the implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry" was given during a side event at CPM-6 on 17 March 2011. A summary of the side event is given below.
Summary: At the fifth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-5 (2010)), the IPPC Secretariat informed the IPPC contracting parties that the FAO Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division (FOM) had initiated the development of a publication, a Guide to the implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry. The guide was not intended to replace, amend or cover all details contained in the ISPMs, but to provide simplified, easy-to-understand information on ISPMs and how forest management practices could play a role in implementing phytosanitary standards and facilitating safe trade. It does this by providing information on relevant concepts (e.g. phytosanitary certification, pest risk analysis, determination of pest status, surveillance, systems approaches) for use by those working outside of National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) and in support of NPPO activities.
The FAO Forestry Division published the final version of the guide in early 2011 in the six languages of FAO.
This activity is intended to deliver the Guide to the phytosanitary community, explaining the process followed for it preparation and the implementation plan in which NPPO’s should be involved.