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International Pest Risk Research Group


International Organizations Group

   Mr. Alan MacLeod

   Contact point
  Department for environment food and rural affairs
  Defra Sand Hutton York United Kingdom YO41 1LZ
  Phone: (+44)02080262503
  Email: [email protected]
  Preferred languages: English
   Brief Biography Click to display

The International Pest Risk Research Group first convened in 2007 as the International Pest Risk Mapping Workgroup. In 2019, it merged with the International Advisory Group on Pest Risk Analysis, adopting the name International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG). Since its inception, over 300 scientists and pest risk practitioners have attended IPRRG events. Today, IPRRG includes pest risk assessors, pest risk managers, research scientists, and professionals from related fields. The group collaborates on projects, conducts innovative research, and develops advanced pest risk modelling and mapping methods. It also performs studies to address key challenges within the phytosanitary community. IPRRG holds annual meetings to present, discuss, and test new developments. The group shares its findings with members and a wide international audience, including scientists, policymakers, and other end users, through publications and webinars. Although most IPRRG members work for government agencies or institutions, the group does not represent them. IPRRG is an unincorporated association and is registered as a not-for-profit organization in Australia."