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National & Regional Summary Statistics

Information exchange under the IPPC The International Plant Protection Convention (1997) outlines that it is the responsibility of contracting parties to engage in the exchange of official phytosanitary information. The Convention clearly identifies phytosanitary information which contracting parties are obliged to report, and it also lists several optional reporting areas(National Reporting Obligations - NROs). The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures has established the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) as the primary forum for information exchange by Contracting Parties, Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs)and the IPPC Secretariat.

Tables that summarize NRO met through the IPP:

  1. Status of IPPC contacts points:
  2. Summary statistics for National Reporting Obligations: NROs since 2005
  3. Summary statistics for National Reporting Obligations: NROs in a particular year
  4. Summary of NRO year of Pest reports
  5. Summary of NRO year of Phytosanitary legislation
  6. NROs: Submission trends
  7. Detailed statistics for each NRO
  8. Detailed statistics for selcted NRO, year, Region

Title Files Publications date
2016 National Reporting Summary and 10 Year Statistics En 31 Mar 2017
2015 National Reporting Summary and 10 Year Statistics En 10 Nov 2016
2013 National Reporting Summary Statistics En 10 Nov 2016
2010 National Reporting Summary Statistics En 10 Nov 2016
2009 National Reporting Summary Statistics En 10 Nov 2016
2008 National Reporting Summary Statistics En 10 Nov 2016

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