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Welcome to the Republic of the Gambia as the 183rd Contracting Party to the IPPC

Posted on Thu, 09 Feb 2017, 13:15

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The IPPC Secretariat is pleased to officially announce that the Republic of the Gambia became the 183rd Contracting Party to the IPPC adhering to the Convention on 17 November 2016. On behalf of the entire IPPC Community, we warmly welcome the Republic of the Gambia as the 183rd Contracting Party. We are looking forward to working with the Republic of the Gambia in implementing the IPPC at a national level. We are also expecting their active involvement and positive contribution to the IPPC work programme in their new role.

The IPPC Secretariat staff and FAO Gambia had already worked closely with national counterparts to provide assistance and support to enact the necessary national requirements to adhere to the Convention, under the project MTF/GAM/030/STF - Comprehensive Assessment and Development of a Project Proposal for the Strengthening of the National Plant Protection System in The Gambia. The project was funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility. As a result the Republic of the Gambia successfully became the IPPC Contracting Party.

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