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Update on the STDF project 401 on PCE facilitators: the trainers were trained in Rome

Posted on Tue, 23 Feb 2016, 16:06

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Rome, FAO Headquarters, 17-27 January 2016

The STDF project 401 aims at training PCE facilitators. Sixty six (66) candidates from all over the world have been selected against stringent criteria to enroll in the first part of the project consisting in an intensive phytosanitary training. Eight trainers with varied competencies have received an update on the Logical Framework Approach as well as on facilitation techniques in order to transfer high standard knowledge and skills to candidates to be trained as PCE facilitators. This 2 weeks intensive encounter held the second half of January was also an opportunity to make the final adjustments to the content of the training for PCE facilitators, and to design an engaging and rich curricula, adapted to adults learning.

The 66 participants will receive an intensive 2 weeks training on phytosanitary issues, the logical framework approach and facilitation techniques. This training will involve group work, and participants will complete pre-training exercises and e-learning. Four to five of these training will be organized all over the world in English, French and Spanish. The first training should be organized in the second half of June, and further trainings will follow until November 2016. Comprehensive and innovative training curriculum and material are being developed in the framework of this project.

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Main Photo The team of trainers for the STDF project 401 for PCE facilitators. © Philip N. Dearden

Text Photo Trainers planning and developing the project/programme tools in a hands-on practical manner. © Philip N. Dearden

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