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The IPPC ePhyto Industry Advisory Group (IAG) elects Co-Chairs for the next two-year term

Posted on Thu, 03 Sep 2020, 07:29

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2 September 2020: The IPPC Secretariat is pleased to announce Ms Alejandra Danielson Castillo, International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) and Ms Rose Souza Richards, International Seed Federation (ISF), have been selected to Co-Chair the ePhyto Industry Advisory Group (IAG) for the next two-year term (August 2020-July 2022). The IAG was established to provide practical guidance and advice to the IPPC Secretariat on the design, development and deployment of the IPPC ePhyto Solution.

Ms Danielson Castillo and Ms Souza Richards will lead this international group of plant product sector representatives who are continuing the work to provide expertise regarding the commercial implications of the ePhyto Solution with the collective aim of ensuring that every commodity benefits from full interoperability with the IPPC ePhyto solution. This is a pivotal time in the ePhyto project, with company-to-company “testing” of ePhyto exchange envisaged over the coming months. Industry-led exercises such as these are being organized to drive recommendations to improve the system from a commercial point of view. The IPPC ePhyto Solution is designed to significantly improve security, border efficiency, and global coverage, making the movement of goods across borders safer, faster, and cheaper. For more information click here.

Industries represented on the IPPC ePhyto Industry Advisory Group include grains, wood products, seeds, fresh produce (fruit and vegetables), cut flowers, cotton, potatoes, breeders of asexually reproduced ornamental and fruit varieties, cocoa, hay and forage and global express. For more about the IAG and the different plant product sectors represented click here.

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