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Thank you, IPPC Secretariat and IPPC Community!

Posted on Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 15:17

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After one year on the road to cycle around the world, disaster struck on May 12 in Canada. While standing on the bike lane of a country road, a car smashed into me with a speed in excess of a 100 km/h, and broke 10 ribs, my right shoulder blade, my right collarbone, and caused a pneumothorax on both sides besides multiple flesh and muscle wounds. I was closer to death than to life.

Now after almost five weeks, I am up and moving again, my spirits are back and in a positive setting, and I am ready to fly back to Finland to recuperate completely before I return to Canada in May 2024 to continue my journey around the world. My astonishing speedy recovery was, to a large degree, triggered by the generous support of my Canadian plant health friends who visited me on a daily basis in the hospital and cared for me when I left it.

The countless messages I received from friends and former IPPC colleagues around the world raised my spirits and my resolve to overcome my injuries. Without the shadow of a doubt, the sympathy and wishes I received from the IPPC community aided me in my healing process and recovery. For that I am eternally grateful to the IPPC Secretariat and the IPPC community. Thank You!

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